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Automotive Brake System Hydraulics. Chapters Five in Both TextsFive in Both Texts JF.

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Presentation on theme: "Automotive Brake System Hydraulics. Chapters Five in Both TextsFive in Both Texts JF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automotive Brake System Hydraulics

2 Chapters Five in Both TextsFive in Both Texts JF

3 Hydraulic pressure is distributed equally in all directions

4 Same line pressure to all wheels

5 The hydraulic pressure that results from applying piston “A” is equal to what is applied to piston “B”

6 The Hydraulic pressure is the same, but the applied force can be changed by the piston size.

7 The amount of hydraulic pressure is determined by dividing the force by the area of the piston

8 The area of the piston is determined by using the formula:

9 Radius squared x Pie (3.14) CBCAuto

10 The amount of force at the output piston can be determined by multiplying the area of the output piston by the pressure.

11 The caliper piston needs more applied force without servo action

12 The applied pressure can be raised or lowered by piston size The applied pressure can be raised or lowered by piston size

13 Brake Lines

14 Steel lines only Never Copper

15 Styles of fittings

16 Flare nuts round off very easily

17 Steel tubing will kink easily when bending

18 Tubing bender in action

19 Styles of brake hoses

20 Securing the brake hose

21 Hoses are like tires, and can seperate between the cord layers

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