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Lecture 1. Particulars  Jusni Nasirun 04-9182340.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 1. Particulars  Jusni Nasirun 04-9182340."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 1

2 Particulars  Jusni Nasirun 04-9182340

3 Prior Knowledge  Basic Command of English  Basic use of computers  Know how to use the internet  Borrow books

4 References  OUM1103 Module  Other references As list at the back of the module  Suggested websites from time to time  Electronic Collection E-brary Ebsco host

5 Evaluation

6 Topic 1 Managing Your Learning

7 OUM Learning’s Environment  Self Managed Learning Ability to make effective use of new technology Quality learning Improve employability Preparation for lifelong learning  F2F Interaction (Actual Classroom)  OL Methodologies (Virtual Classroom) Email, discussion forum, chat rooms.

8 Independent learner  Able to do your own thinking  Study independently or grouping  Techniques: Planning and managing the smart way Applying smart time management Motivation yourself Developing learning strategies

9 Maximizing OUM Learning Facilities Learner service center Online discussion forum Information resources F2F

10 Coping with Learning

11 What is Stress?? forces from the outside world affecting the individual. All living creatures are in a constant interchange with their surroundings

12 Emotional/cognitive symptoms  Feeling irritable/frusrated/restless  Unable to concentrate  Easily confused  Having memory problems  Negative thinking/negative self talk  Mood swings/emotional outburst  Lack sense of humor/feeling upset  Eating too much/when not hungry

13 Physical symptoms  Muscle tension  Low back pain  Pain in chest/shoulders/neck  Pounding/racing heart  Swealty palms/ sweat although not active  Shortness of breath  Unable to sleep/excessive sleep

14 Strategies for managing stress  Take action to organize yourself  Control your environment  Give yourself positive feedback  Reward yourself/ Learn to enjoy yourself  Exercise your body  Relax/Rest  Be aware of yourself  Eat a balanced diet

15 Coping with everyday study problems  Recognize your own resources  You do not have to cope alone  Be realistic  You cannot achieve absolute control  Learn to accept failure

16 Anxiety  Anxious when you are about to face an examination  Time to hand in assignment  Might not perform well in task

17 Anticipatory ANXIETY Situational


19 Goal setting  Goals : thing that u want to achieve as your pursue a certain course action  It helps motivate to do the work.  Motivate your attend classes  Motivate to study for examination.

20 Characteristic of effective goals  Self chosen  Relevant  Challenging  Realistic/ attainable  Specific  Measurable  Time bounded  Positive  Written

21 SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant to personal mission Time Bounded (target date)

22 Motivational Strategies for Successful Learning Set Challenging but realistic goals Break down the bigger task at hand Maintain a positive attitude Aim for higher peaks Use active learning strategies Learn from mistakes Monitor your learning

23 Time Management The way how to schedule your time

24 Time management Benefit Plan ahead Evaluate your progress Spend more productive time Take control of your own activity Prioritize by listing most important thing to do first Avoid time conflict

25 How??  Analyse your use of time  Set priority  Plan schedule

26 Concentration strategies for better learning Learning time management help u prepare for now and future Develop good habit and skills You should make an effort to learn and apply techniques for effective time management

27 Causes for poor concentration Environmental distraction Noise Physical distraction Boredom dislike interest Anxiety about studies Intimidating study tasks Daydreaming Personal worries

28 Strategies for improving concentration Identify the causes of poor concentration Take steps to control these factors Make your control habitual

29 Conducive study area for improving concentration The right space to call the study place Comfortable furniture and lighting The ability to stay organised

30 Personal Learning Styles Avoid Problematic situations Target areas need Improvement Self Managed Learners

31 Active and Reflective Learners  Retain& understand best by doing something active with it (discuss/ apply/ explain to others)  Lets try it out and see how it works  Prefers to think about it quietly first.  Lets think it through first

32 Active and Reflective Learners  Suggestion: Study in group, take turns explaining different topics  Suggestion: Don’t simply read or memorize. Stop periodically to review what u ve read and to think possible questions or applications. Write short summaries of what u read with your own words.

33 Sensing and Intuitive Learners  Tend to like learning facts  Like to solve problems using well established methods  Dislike complications and surprises.  More practical and careful  Don’t like courses that have no apparent connection to real world  Prefer discovering possibilities and relationships  Like innovation  Dislike repetition  Work faster and more innovative  Don’t like courses that involve lot of memorization and routine calculations

34 Visual and verbal learners  Remember best what they see (pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, film and demonstrations  Get more on words written and spoken explanations



37 Sequential and Global Learners  Gain understanding in linear steps  Tend to follow logical stepwise paths in finding solutions  Tend to learn in large jumps, absorbing material almost randomly  Able to solve complex problems quickly but may have problem in explaining it

38 Check your Learning Styles Pg 27 OUMH1103 Module

39 ILS Scoring Sheet ?? Be honest

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