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Welcome! Miss Wolf’s Kindergarten Sunny Hills Elementary 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Miss Wolf’s Kindergarten Sunny Hills Elementary 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Miss Wolf’s Kindergarten Sunny Hills Elementary 2015

2 About Me …  This is my 2 nd year at Sunny Hills!  Goal: Foster a love for learning and encourage the confidence to take risks when learning new skills, plant seeds for future learning  Value a strong home/school partnership

3 Change can be stressful, even when the change is good!  Watch for signs of stress  Stomach ache  Sleeplessness  Changes in behavior/attitude  Anxiety: biting nails, twirling hair  Remedies: Establish a night routine, get organized the night before, and get plenty of sleep. Early days…

4 Pick Up & Drop Off  Morning drop Off :  Drop off from car lane. Child will walk to courtyard to meet me. Many support staff will be guiding children.  Must have yellow ID tag on backpack. Color matches my yellow bus sign.  Afternoon pick-up:  Optimal: wait in car lane and children will be brought down to car lane. Children will be waiting with support staff.  ~or~Park and walk up to courtyard  Changes? Please send a note from home (or email) and notify the office.

5 Parent Drop Off

6 Bus/Mustang Club  Many helpers during first week.  Mustang Club- kids will be escorted to the club the first week of school.  I keep a list so notify me of any changes during the year in writing.

7 Bus Continued  If they are riding the bus they must ride the first day  Can follow in car  I walk students out everyday  Students must give me one of the 3 H’s: hug, handshake, or high five before leaving me.

8 Specialist Schedule On a different note…  PE: Monday & Thursday *athletic shoes  Music: Tuesday & Friday  Library: Friday  Computer Lab: once weekly, TBD

9 Library  Books go home once a week  Keep them in a special place  Damaged or lost books must be paid for  Books need to be returned on time or your child waits a week to check out another book. Michelle Ensey-librarian

10 Snack  Dry, quick, and not messy!  Please send in a snack each day  Something they can eat in 10-15 minutes or less  Healthy snacks only- no candy please  Place in small backpack pocket, not in lunchbox

11 Lunch  Lunch at school  2 Menu items  Yogurt  Baked potato  Student Number  Practice at home  Will be on name tag first two days  Write on hand  Menu posted on Sunny Hills Website  Discuss lunch options before leaving home OR: bring lunch from home

12 Birthdays  District Policy- No treats  Party invitations must be mailed or delivered outside of school time  Optional: Give a wrapped book to the class library  Special chair slipcover, birthday crown, birthday song, birthday bag

13 Share Day  Once a week  Begins in October  Limit toys please  Photos, books, collections etc.  Prepare and practice three facts  Calls on classmates for questions/comments Share Day

14 Star of the Week  Begins in October  Alphabetically by first name  Teacher helper  Sit in special chair during carpet time  Fill out All About Me poster & share with class  Chart prepared at home  Answer questions from classmates  Schedule will be given at curriculum night

15 Homework  Read nightly (resources and strategy focus will follow)  Go over all school work  Check the newsletter for ideas for review  Enrichment ideas will be given at Curriculum Night  Formal “homework” begins in January

16 Folders  Folders will go home every Thursday.  Bring folders back on Friday  Notes from home/to the classroom, and vice versa  Sunny Hills/district paperwork comes home every Thursday  Good organization skills

17 Weekly Newsletter  Please look for my newsletter emailed to you on Fridays.  On my connect site  Includes:  curriculum covered in class  Important dates and information

18 How we communicate… Classroom Newsletter- Please read every Friday (best way to reach me) PTA eNews Sunny Hills’ eNews Sunny Hills’ Website SH WebsiteSH Website Email Announcements Classroom Voicemail: 425-837- 7444 *8:00-8:25 After 3:00

19 Bathroom Procedures  Signal: pull on ears  Child chooses a buddy (or goes independently) and they put a rubber ducky on their desk and walk to the bathroom together.  Whole class trips to the bathroom the first week, or longer, if needed.

20 Volunteers  I will be needing parent volunteers throughout the school year. This could include a weekly commitment, attending a field trip, or assisting with material preparation.  Art Assistant  Writer’s Workshop volunteers  Math volunteers *Sign ups will be at Curriculum Night!

21 PTA Liaison & Room Parent  If you like organizing and planning, this may be just your thing!  We need one parent to manage our classroom celebrations  Harvest, Valentine, & Year End Parties  Duties include: emailing volunteers for donations, plan activities with my help, set up, & clean up.  This parent will also help link PTA and the classroom.

22 School Supplies  Thank You!!!!  Check newsletter for occasional donations and “Wish lists”  Colored copy paper?

23 Odds and Ends  Curriculum night Tuesday, September 15th at 5:30-6:30  Please join our fabulous PTA!  Spirit Wear Fridays  Complete paperwork and leave here with me  Questions???

24 Thank you! This will be a wonderful, memorable year in the life of your child! Thank you for sharing this time with me! I’ll see you at your child’s designated testing time tomorrow! (Meet in the classroom)

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