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Eagle View Elementary WELCOME 2026 PARENTS!. It’s not what it used to be! KINDERGARTEN 2013-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Eagle View Elementary WELCOME 2026 PARENTS!. It’s not what it used to be! KINDERGARTEN 2013-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eagle View Elementary WELCOME 2026 PARENTS!

2 It’s not what it used to be! KINDERGARTEN 2013-14

3 “I can’t believe how fast and how much my child is learning.” “It was a shock for me to find out how academically-based Kindergarten is.” “I wish I would of done more this summer.” “My child is sounding out words where ever we go.” Quotes from Parents

4 Our goals for your children come from: Minnesota State Standards Our district’s Essential Outcomes These goals are what your child should know before entering first grade.

5 Identify upper/lower case letters. Know sounds of letters. Blend letter sounds to form words and eventually read sentences. Hear & identify separate sounds in words (beginning, middle, end). Write letters and words. Reading Goals

6 Counting/writing numbers to 100 Counting backwards from 20 Skip counting (by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s) Sequencing numbers Solve word problems Identify one more / one less Begin to understand the patterns in the 100 chart Math Goals

7 NWEAs (on computer 2-3 times/year) DIBELS (reading; given one-on-one) Results are used to help identify who needs extra reinforcement and enrichment and to form small groups. Assessments

8 Can he/she... Identify most upper/lower case letters and some sounds Identify numbers 1-10 Count to 20 Recognize shapes and colors Work on an activity for 10 to 15 minutes (games, books, puzzles, drawing/coloring) Complete tasks/jobs at home (sit at the table, clean up toys) Is your child ready for Kindergarten?

9 Smith Self-Help Skills Shoes – tie or velcro Dressed (winter gear) 2- to 3-step directions Responsible for his/her belongings / schoolbag Stay seated at the dinner table until everyone is finished Bring own plate, etc. to sink or dishwasher

10 Summer Activity Calendars (offered in May)

11 Alternate Day (KA or KB) Every Day ( K Extra)  Very fast-paced learning/teaching.  2 whole group reading and 2 whole group math lessons every day.  Kids get one day off in between school days.  Fast-paced learning works well for kids who pick up things easily and with less practice.  No cost.  KA: Mon./Wed./alternating Fri. KB: Tues./Thurs./alternating Fri. (Watch the calendar!)  More time to spend on each learning concept.  1 whole group reading and 1 whole group math lesson done every day.  More time for repetition for those kids who may need more time for the learning process.  Small group time every day.  More time for extension activities.  Consistency of coming every day helps separation anxiety issues and retention.  Twice as many days at school.  More time is able to be spent on individualized instruction.  Cost is $320 per month. 5% discount if year is paid by first day of school.

12 Commonalities All classes will have the same reading and math curriculum. All students will need the same skills when moving on to first grade. All students will be assessed with the same curriculum and standardized tests. Both options will use the SMART Program. Both programs are quality programs.

13 9:10-9:40Brain Buckets, Morning Meeting 9:40-9:55Snack 9:55-10:50Math 10:55-11:55Specialists (Media, Phy. Ed., Art, Music) KINDERGARTEN SAMPLE SCHEDULE

14 11:55-12:30 Reading Intervention 12:30-1:10 Lunch/Recess 1:15-3:00Reading, Hand- writing, SMART Room, Science, Social Studies, Health 3:00Free Choice Time 3:40Dismissal

15 KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE Mon., MAY 6 Time TBD Bring Your Child!

16 K-5 OPEN HOUSE TUES., AUG. 27 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Bring Supplies Meet Teacher Meet Specialists (Art, Music, Media, Phy. Ed.)

17 ORIENTATION Tues., SEPT. 3 K Extra, KA & KB Assigned Times: 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m. or 1 p.m. Please make attendance a priority!

18 ORIENTATION Parents AND child attend child’s classroom together for approx. 90 min. - NOT A SCHOOL DAY - (No transportation)

19 JUMPSTART KINDERGARTEN M-Th: Aug. 5-15 9-11:30 a.m. $99 Fee (Community Ed.) Optional

20 JUMPSTART KINDERGARTEN Recommended if child: gets shy or scared in new situations. has separation anxiety from parents, therefore a half-day session would get him/her used to leaving you.

21 Readiness Skills Introduced Practice coming to school and being in a kindergarten room. Learn routines in a small group prior to the first day of school. Be introduced to letters, sounds, and numbers.


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