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Marketing Exam Promotion – Chapter 17.

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1 Marketing Exam Promotion – Chapter 17

2 1. Some companies build good will by advocating for community issues.
True False

3 2. The format of a company’s news release can change with every announcement released.
True False

4 3. Some supermarkets offer regular customers store checks tied to the amount of groceries they purchase per quarter. This offer is an example of loyalty marketing programs. True False

5 4. Businesses spend more money promoting to consumers than to other businesses.
True False

6 5. An advantage of publicity is that it costs less than other forms of promotion.
True False

7 6. What type of consumer promotion is an art contest run by a cereal company that is offering a trip to Disneyland for the winner? Premiums Licensing Product samples incentives

8 7. What is a special price discount that is given as an incentive to wholesalers and retailers?
Slotting allowance Product incentive Promotional allowance Rebate

9 8. The business often has the least control over which type of promotion?
Publicity Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion

10 9. Outward Bound is selling a backpack together with a pair of hiking boots at one-third off their regular combined price. What type of promotion is this? Incentives Product sample Deal Sponsorship

11 Personal selling Sales promotion Publicity Advertising
10. The Green Place is a gift store selling items that are compatible with ecological issues. Chris coordinates all of the marketing activities of The Green Place so that the store projects the right image to its customers. What is Chris directly involved in? Personal selling Sales promotion Publicity Advertising

12 11. News presentations that create awareness of an organization in the market place
publicity Push policy Social media Sponsorship

13 12. Incentives that encourage customers to buy products or services
Sponsorship Institutional promotion Sales promotion Advertising

14 13. Money a manufacturer pays a retail chain to place a product on store shelves
Advertising Premium Slotting allowance Sales promotion

15 14. A story sent to the media which is written by and about a company or organization
Advertising Direct selling Social media News release

16 15. Interactive electronic media for people with similar interests
Social media Sponsorship Publicity Sales promotion

17 16. Convince a retailer to stock products being promoted
Pull policy Push policy Sales promotion Slotting allowance

18 17. Positive communication about a business
Premium Pull policy Product promotion Institutional promotion

19 18. An item such as a coupon or factory pack that is free to consumers as a condition of purchase
Institutional promotion Premium Push policy Advertising

20 Negotiated right to use logos and names on retail products
Social media Sponsorship News release Pull policy

21 An airline and a car company might combine their promotional resources to create a campaign that increases sales for both companies. This arrangement is known as a promotional ____. Sample Kiosk Trade Tie-in

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