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Testing and Stability of Rolling Stock
Need for Testing New Stock
Safety of new design Get natural frequency in various modes Level of comfort Performance of locos Statutory requirements as per Policy Circular No 6 of Rly. Bd.
Policy Circular No 6 No.92/CEDO/SR/4/0 dated 23/12/1999 issued by Member(Engg), Rly.Bd. Contains rules for certification of maximum permissible speeds for rolling stock Rly.Bd. is safety controlling authority for Indian Railways under Indian Railways Act Responsibility delegated to RDSO Determine & recommend max permissible speed for new design rolling stock
Policy Circular No 6(contd.)
Zonal Rlys to apply for sanction through CRS to Rly Bd. for running new design stock on specific track taking into account RDSO's recommendations of provisional/final speed Condition and maintenance of Track structure Fixed structures , incl bridges & OHE Rolling stock Maximum Moving Dimensions
Policy Circular No 6(contd.)
Definition of new rolling stock Different principal dimensions Different bogie design New braking system Change in axle load, track loading density, unsprung mass Minor changes in design,internal layout(with sanction of CRS) only if leading to significant change in C.G.,Weight distribution, ride behaviour
Policy Circular No 6(contd.)
Movement of newly designed rolling stock From manufacturer/dock to destination/testing point Not more than provisional speed Determined by RDSO's EDs(MP, Bridges & Structures, Track) Approved by CE,CME and CEE( for elect stock & OHE) CRS approval required for Attachment to passenger carrying vehicle Condonation for exceeding axle load Condonation by Rly Bd for exceeding max moving dimensions
Policy Circular No 6(contd.)
Provisional Speed by EDs (MP),(Bridge &Structures),(Track) of RDSO before deciding final speed < 80 for BG & < 60kmph for MG passenger stock , <65 for BG & < 45kmph for MG goods With CRS sanction < 105 for BG & < 75 kmph for MG passenger stock < 75 for BG & < 50kmph for MG goods Determined from design features and data or similar stock already in service Valid for 5 years max
Policy Circular No 6(contd.)
Final speed of new stock decided by EDs (MP), (Track),(Bridge&Structures)of RDSO Based on experience with similar stock & detailed oscillation trials Detailed oscillation trials to be carried out by ED(Testing) after consulting EDs (MP), (Track), (Bridge &Structure) & Design directorate RDSO After Jt safety certificate of zonal PHODs & CRS approval Evaluation based on Standing Criteria Committee Speed certificate includes max no of locos in multiple Unit
Policy Circular No 6(contd.)
Types of trials -new stock Detailed oscillation trials Rating & performance trials of locos EBD(speed >110 for passenger & 75 for goods) & Coupler force trials of trains Signal Interference trials for Elect locos Confirmatory oscillgraph car run on tracks above 110Kmph Route Proving run between Kmph by zonal rly using portable accelerometers Accel <.3 g or <.25 peaks/km for .3g < accel < .35g
Track and Related Issues
Indian Railway Track Classified into two categories Track parameters
Main Line (speed <110) High Speed For speed upto 140 Kmph Based on Vol-I of Civil and Mechanical Engg Report No-I (C&M-I) dated May 1969 for “Increase of Speed on DLI-HWH Route Feasibility Study” Track parameters Unevenness of left & right rail Twist over 3.6m Gauge & Alignment
Indian Railway Track (Contd.)
Categorisation of track based on TRC data Peak based Recorded every 3 months for Rajdhani routes 4 months for A& B routes (1660 sleeper/km) 6 months for C & D routes (1440 sleeper/km) Separate category (i.e A,B,C,D) for each parameter Twist – A < 1.39 < B < 2.08 < C < 2.78,D>2.78mm/m Alignment – A < 3 < B< 5,C >5mm versine /7.2m Unevenness - A < 6 < B <10 < C <15, D>15mm /3.6m Gauge -A < 3 < B < 6, C> 6mm loose/tight
Indian Railway Track (Contd.)
Categorisation of track based on TRC data(contd) 10 peaks/km > limits set for each category allowed No of peaks > B category limits is subscript e.g. Ten peaks of 3mm/m of twist => A10 Eleven peaks of 3mm/m of twist => D11 Track maintenance standards NOT SAFETY standards Peak based Standard deviation based
Indian Railway Track (Contd.)
Separate standards for New track/relaying Planned maintenance Urgent maintenance Max speed above and below 105 kmph
Derailment Wheel climbing rail Tight gauge
Due to excessive angle of attack Sharp flange Excessive wheel gauge(loose disc) Sharp curve -too much versine Excessive lateral force- Nadal's formula Hy/Q =(tanA-mu)/(1+mu tanA)= .997, where A:flange angle wrt to horizontal=60degrees & mu=.27 Inadequate clearance between rail and check rail or space between them filled with grit Usually on level crossings
Derailment Wheel offloaded Inadequate transition Cant excessive
Uneven loading/empty between loaded wagons Bumping on sudden acceleration / retardation Excessive Twist -cause of derailments at Low speed Straight track
Derailment Wheel offloaded due to resonance /excessive spring deflection Due to inadequate ballast Unevenness of track Poor quality ballast -caked up Poor damping On multi-span bridges (more likely on steel girder type)
Derailment Wheel dropping between rails if track expands
Due to defective or inadequate fittings Excessive track gauge Track buckling due to Inadequate stress relieving Inadequate ballast Wrong shape of ballast packing Usually in hot summer during high temperatures
Derailment Rail fractures due to Shifting of sleepers
Inadequate stress relieving Improper UFD Inadequate ballast Wheel flats? Shifting of sleepers Prude Homme's Limit (wooden sleeper) Wrong shape of ballast packing
Track Measurements After Derailment
Type of Soil & Ballast Drainage Sleeper & Rails Fastenings & Joints Location of Point of mount Measurements from -90m +45m from zero station if cause of derailment is disputed else from zero station
Track Measurements After Derailment
Under load & without load Gauge Cross Level Versine on 20m cord Transition Length Rate of change of superelevation Unevenness in case of sags
Effect of Vibration on Human Body
Sperling's Ride Index Human sensation of comfort proportional to
Displacement (sinusoidal) Acceleration Rate of change of acceleration RI=.896(g(f)*b3/f)0.1, b= acceleration amp Ride comfort correction factor g(f) =kf2 k=.325 for vertical RI ( Hz) k= .8 for lateral RI ( Hz) k=1 for goods stock
Oscillation trials of Rolling Stock
3rd Report of Standing Criteria Committee dated January 2000
To evolve criteria for assessment of stability of rolling stock on IR, Composition Ed Testing, Convener EDs (MP), (Carriage),(Wagon),(Research) EDs (Track Design), (Track Machines) ED Electric loco Formulates oscillation trial procedure and Evaluation criteria
3rd Report of Standing Criteria Committee dated January 2000
Need for Oscillation trials Establish vehicle is safe at desired speed Stability of vehicle at that speed Check vehicle oscillation behaviour Check vehicle ride comfort Test track should include Straight 1 Km X 2 Station yard m Curve of about 2 degree
3rd Report of Standing Criteria Committee dated January 2000
Test track Rundown track worse than 90% of IR track On main line track Include high speed (C&M I vol I) for speed >110kmph Track geometry peak based track category Main line “B or C” Unevenness & Gauge, “C or D” Twist, “C” Alignment C&M Vol-I “A or B” Unevenness & Gauge, “B or C” Twist, “C” Alignment Long confirmatory run for 10-50kms with resonance check hard spots like L-Xing, Culverts, Bridges
3rd Report of Standing Criteria Committee dated January 2000
Test Speed (Loaded & Empty) Start with low speed (60kmph/80kmph) Increase speed in increments of 5/10Kmph Stop if any limit is exceeded Max speed 10% higher than the proposed speed Test vehicle to be last vehicle (except loco) Free end bogie (leading bogie for loco) usually instrumented Data acquisition system usually in oscillograph car
3rd Report of Standing Criteria Committee dated January 2000
Recording in both empty and loaded conditions Transducer Accelerometers kept at floor level above bogie pivot Linear Variable Differential Transformer for Spring deflections Bogie rotation Bolster Swing Load cell for lateral force measurement at axle box level (Pressure transducers for braking tests)
Data Acquisition System
Transducers Signal Conditioners Excitation to transducer (2.5 Khz, ~5V AC) Amplification Frequency filtration (.5 to 15 Hz) 5 Hz for coaches 10 Hz for Wagons Data recording Chart Recorders Computerised -using PCI/PXI DAQ card
3rd Report of Standing Criteria Committee dated January 2000
Criteria for locos Hy2m <.85(1+P/3), P= axle load (Prud Homme's limit) Hy/Q (for >1/20 sec) <1 <.3g accelerations in vertical & lateral directions (isolated peak upto .35g if no resonance) Ride index < 4, preferred 3.75 Criteria for carriage Ride index <3.5,preferred 3.25 (upto 4 for EMU/DMU)
3rd Report of Standing Criteria Committee dated January 2000
Criteria for Wagons Hy2m<.85(1+P/3),P= axle load (Prude Homme's limit) Hy/Q (for >1/20 sec) <1 In case Hy cannot be measured, Ride index < 4.5, preferred 4.25 General stable running characteristics based on Accelerations Spring deflections
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