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DO NOW Dec 3 You have been asked by the school’s administration to build a new set of bleacher’s for the soccer field. Discuss how you would accomplish.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Dec 3 You have been asked by the school’s administration to build a new set of bleacher’s for the soccer field. Discuss how you would accomplish."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Dec 3 You have been asked by the school’s administration to build a new set of bleacher’s for the soccer field. Discuss how you would accomplish your task.

2 DO NOW ANSWERED Dec 3 A few steps you might take would be to 1. ask how big they need to be 2. ask where they will be placed on the field 3. ask when do they need to be completed 4. look up instructions on how to build them 5. get the correct tools for the job 6. draw up plans

3 DO NOW Dec 4 The recent train derailment in New York left 4 people dead and many more injured. The train entered a turn at high speed (80 mph) when the safe speed was posted to be 30 mph. Human error may be the cause of the crash (it is still under investigation). Using technology, is there any possible way to avoid this kind of disaster in the future?

4 DO NOW Answered Dec 4 Possible solutions… Rebuild the track to lessen the curve in the rails. Use a more efficient braking system. Electronically control the speed of a train based upon the rail line it is travelling on. – Will require an electronic mapping of all of the railroad routes. Are these feasible solutions…?

5 Engineering Design Process


7 1. Identify the Problem This will often be done for you. Use observations, data, and testimony of others.

8 2. Identify Criteria and Constraints Limits on materials, space, and time. What materials are best for the project? How much space is available for a solution? How quickly is a solution needed?

9 3. Brainstorm Possible Solutions Research, research, research. Share ideas. Take notes. Draw sketches. MORE Research!!!

10 4. Generate Ideas Select a few ideas to develop more. Do scale drawings. Consider materials and construction.

11 5. Explore Possibilities Discuss all developed ideas. List pros and cons for each idea.

12 6. Select an Approach As a group, select the idea that will work best. Integrate parts of multiple ideas. Refer back to Step 2… Consider your restrictions for the project.

13 7. Build a Model Prototype Refer to sketches, idea design, and notes. Design may need to be refined as you build (possibly more than once). Enables you identify faults, strengths, and weaknesses of your design.

14 8. Refine your Design Show your solution to your peers, judges, and/or the public. Test to make sure it’s within limits. Make it better. – Based on performance – Based on observations of other solutions

15 Engineering Design Quiz Engineering Design Quiz will be given on MONDAY Dec 9

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