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October 3, 2015 SILENCER 1 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 1 The Silencer Milestone Old Dominion University CS 410 Red Group.

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Presentation on theme: "October 3, 2015 SILENCER 1 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 1 The Silencer Milestone Old Dominion University CS 410 Red Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 1 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 1 The Silencer Milestone Old Dominion University CS 410 Red Group

2 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 2 Organizational Chart Project Manager Brendan Geoghegan Hardware and Finance Samuel Shelor Lead Software Developer Duc Nguyen Web Design and Software Developer Donnie Goodson Statistical Analyst Reda Elgourbi Marketing and Documentation Dylan Wheeler Wireless Dr. Stephan Olariu Wireless Dr. Michele Weigle Software Design Dr. Steven Zeil Member Consultant

3 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 3 Teen Crash Driver May Have Been Texting Teen Crash Driver May Have Been TextingProblem

4 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 4 Problem Statement Cell phone use while driving is dangerous!

5 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 5 Each year, about 42,000 people die in U.S. auto accidents. Driver distraction is the number one cause of auto accidents. Source: NHTSANHTSA Fatalities & Driver Distraction

6 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 6 Leading Cause of Death October 3, 2015 SILENCER 6 Source: StatisticsTop10StatisticsTop10 Teenagers Are Dying!!

7 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 7 50% of teenagers admit to talking or texting while driving. Deadly Habit Source: The Today showThe Today show

8 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 8 State Laws

9 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 9 Purchase the Silencer. Download software directly from our Bluetooth device into your children’s cell phone. Lock our Bluetooth device into the car. LET US PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN! Feel safe 9 Let Us Protect Your Children

10 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 10 Our Solution

11 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 11 What is in the box? October 3, 2015 SILENCER 11 Bluetooth Device Pre-loaded With Cell Phone Software Secured Case Instruction Manual What’s in the Box?

12 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 12 MFCD

13 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 13 Change to Controlled State October 3, 2015 SILENCER 13 Car Starts…

14 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 14 Go Back to Original State October 3, 2015 SILENCER 14 Car Stops…

15 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 15 Scenario 2: Driver makes an emergency call October 3, 2015 SILENCER 15 Make a Call Driver Silenced Phone Callee No 911? YesYes Record the Number Scenario 1

16 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 16 Driver exits the vehicle with out turning off car. October 3, 2015 SILENCER 16 Leave the car, Reboot Driver Cell Phone Yes In Silencer’s Range NoNo Phone Disable Phone Enable Scenario 2

17 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 17 Scenario 3: Parent in car, kids wants to use their phone October 3, 2015 SILENCER 17 Input Password Parent Silenced Phone EnableEnable Scenario 3

18 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 18 What We Don’t Do Disable 911 Block Cell Phone Reception Disable Phones Without Our Software Will Not Initially Support All Brands Eliminate Car Accidents

19 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 19 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 19 Bluetooth on the Rise (1) “Bluetooth 2005”(2) “Nokia Predicts” 1 122 Year

20 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 20 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 20 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 20 Initial Manufacturer Support October 3, 2015 SILENCER 20

21 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 21 Risk Matrix KEY 1. Workarounds Making Solution Worthless 2. Competition Solving the Problem First 3. Lack of Understanding in the Domain 4. Not Enough Customers Attracted 5. Unintentional Creation of Safety Issues 6. Security Problems with Bluetooth 7. Customers Unable to Install SW/HW 8. Dependency on Cell Phone Companies

22 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 22 Competition

23 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 23 Project Schedule

24 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 24 Phase 0 Organizational Chart

25 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 25 WBS Phase 0 (Please see page 1-5 in the WBS handout for additional information)

26 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 26 MFCD Organization Chart Competition Matrix Risk Matrix Financial Plan WBS SBIR I Grant Proposal Phase 0 Major Deliverables

27 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 27 Phase 1 Organizational Chart

28 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 28 (Please see page 5-8 in the WBS handout for additional information) WBS Phase 1

29 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 29 Phase 1 Major Deliverables Documentations –Product Description Paper –Prototype Development Environment Requirements –Prototype Product Specification –Prototype Test Plan/Procedures –Product/Prototype User's Manuals Prototype Demonstration –Prototype Presentation I –Final Prototype Demonstration SBIR II Grant Proposal

30 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 30 Prototype MFCD

31 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 31 Phase 1 Budget Total Budget of Phase 1: $79,500

32 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 32 Phase 2 Organizational Chart

33 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 33 WBS Phase 2 (Please see page 8-10 in the WBS handout for additional information)

34 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 34 Phase 2 Major Deliverables Management Plan –Personnel Plan Marketing Plan Testing & Evaluation Plan Working Product Model

35 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 35 Phase 3 Organizational Chart

36 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 36 WBS Phase 3 (Please see page 10-13 in the WBS handout for additional information)

37 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 37 Phase 3 Major Deliverables Production Plan –Retail –Online –Contract with Car Companies –Government Contract User Manual Marketing Plan Online Support

38 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 38 Employees $1,133,000 Building and Supplies $337,000 Marketing $147,000 $1,617,000Total $1,617,000 Budget Estimate Phase 3

39 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 39 Price Point $100.00 Per Silencer

40 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 40 Market Potential 12,500,000 Drivers 15-20 Years Old in the United States Assuming 5% of the US Market: 625,000 * $100 = $62,500,000 NHTSA However, the market could obviously extend into other countries.

41 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 41 When will we break even?

42 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 42 Why Are We Doing This?

43 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 43 Questions? Project Manager Brendan Geoghegan Hardware and Finance Samuel Shelor Lead Software Developer Duc Nguyen Web Development and Software Developer Donnie Goodson Statistical Analyst Reda Elgourbi Marketing and Documentation Dylan Wheeler Wireless Dr. Stephan Olariu Wireless Dr. Michele Weigle Software Design Dr. Steven Zeil Member Consultant

44 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 44 References AT&T.. Autozone.. BestBuy.. "Bluetooth 2005 Future Trends and Opportunities in the Worldwide Market". Context World. October 2004.. Circuit City.. October 3, 2015 SILENCER 44

45 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 45 References GoDaddy. Economy Plan.. Lowes.. “IDC Finds Slower Growth in the Mobile Phone Market in 2007”. IDC25 Jan. 2008.. "Nokia Predicts Increase in Sales of Bluetooth Cell Phones". Telecommunications Industry News. 5 Jan. 2006.. Office Depot.. October 3, 2015 SILENCER 45

46 October 3, 2015 SILENCER 46 References Top 10 Hosting List. 4 March 2008.. October 3, 2015 SILENCER 46

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