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“WHO IS THIS?” PALM SUNDAY 2007. A Royal Welcome!  Isaiah 9:6, 7  Psalm 110:1-7  Matthew 21:1-11.

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Presentation on theme: "“WHO IS THIS?” PALM SUNDAY 2007. A Royal Welcome!  Isaiah 9:6, 7  Psalm 110:1-7  Matthew 21:1-11."— Presentation transcript:


2 A Royal Welcome!  Isaiah 9:6, 7  Psalm 110:1-7  Matthew 21:1-11

3 Introduction  Three administrative offices established by God for His people - Israel: 1. King 2. Priest 3. Prophet

4 Note -  The King ruled over Israel for God; the Priest represented the people before God; the Prophet spoke to the people from God.  Each was anointed with oil when he assumed his office.

5 Therefore…  Each could be referred to as an “anointed one” or a “messiah”.

6 1. Moses Prophesied His Prophetic Ministry  In Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Moses informed Israel that someday God would send a prophet like no other.

7 Note -  On two occasions in Jesus’ ministry, the crowds said of him, “This is a truth that Prophet.”

8 2. Isaiah Prophesied His Kingly Ministry  In Isaiah 9:6-7 we read - –“the government will be upon His shoulder” - Vs. 6 –“His name will be called Prince of Peace” - Vs. 6 –“upon the throne of David” - Vs. 7

9 3. David Prophesied His Priestly Ministry  Psalm 110 reads - –“You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.” Vs. 4

10 Note -  He is the Eternal High Priest. Verse 4 authenticates His eternal High Priesthood, a fact that is confirmed in Hebrews 5:6, 6:20 and Chapter 7.

11 Conclusion  In Jesus, the Jew or Gentile finds all that the Scriptures describe as essential for life. Hosanna! King of Kings!

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