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13 January 20051. What is a gospel 21 January 20122.

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1 13 January 20051

2 What is a gospel 21 January 20122

3 What a gospel is not… and what it is It is not a modern: novel history biography or life of Jesus theological treatise Although it has things in common with all these, we must beware of reading it as if it was one of them. A gospel proclaims the good news of God’s saving activity in Christ. 21 January 20123

4 4 What do the evangelists say about their “proclamations”? Mark - to provoke belief in Jesus as Lord Luke - to enable the reader “to know the certainty of what you have been taught” John - written “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and believing, may have life”

5 The gospel genre Concern is to: Proclaim what Jesus has done Confront us with Jesus –who he is –what that means; and Provoke –belief and –action living; and spreading Content is a unique mix of: Action narrative Jesus’ sayings Theological reflection This makes gospel into a genre in its own right 21 January 20125

6 6 The core gospel message Initial concern was to share experience of Jesus died, risen and ascended through his words and actions based on personal recollection and experience and to show the consequences The evangelists are much less clear how to present his birth than his death.

7 21 January 20127 Refining, preserving and applying the message Working out what it meant –Relating words and actions to particular situations –Going over and over (accounts become standardised) –Developing insights over time Putting sayings and stories in memorisable form (if they were not already) –Parrallelism –Formulaic presentation –Structure Different streams in different centres

8 21 January 20128 Why were the gospels written? First-hand witnesses getting old To guard against abuse, distinguishing –acceptable application to specific needs from –unacceptable fictionalising (as in “gnostic gospels”) They reflect a rabbinic respect for “word” and desire to ensure careful preservation

9 21 January 20129 Content and form 4 determinants Available material Issues in community where written Structure to manage the material Evangelist’s perspective

10 21 January 201210 Available material Certain events of great importance in all gospels –John the Baptist; feeding the five thousand; triumphal entry; cleansing the temple; last supper together; trial, crucifixion and resurrection… Other events and actions are arranged for effect rather than historical sequence Sayings are often grouped for effect

11 21 January 201211 Anchor points All 4 gospels give great weight to last week Ministry always starts from baptism All show link to Israel –Mark via Isaiah –Matthew by genealogy and birth narrative: God working in Israel, in the sight of the Gentiles –Luke by showing Jesus emerging from what is best of the old Israel –John through God’s eternal plan

12 21 January 201212 The gospels have different shapes Matthew - 5 blocks of teaching linked by narrative Mark - 2 phases –up to Peter’s confession –on to the passion Luke to be seen with Acts John –signs of his glory –his glory revealed

13 Possible broad themes of the gospels Matthew: Jesus as God’s anointed one who fulfils the OT Mark: the binding of “the strong man” Luke/Acts: the work of Christ which makes possible the work of the Holy Spirit John: the glory of Christ 21 January 201213

14 13 January 200514

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