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 Objective: Through reading, writing and discussion, students will analyze how culture impacts character’s interpretations of justice in The House of.

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2  Objective: Through reading, writing and discussion, students will analyze how culture impacts character’s interpretations of justice in The House of the Spirits through analysis and close reading of short passages. ◦ Quiz-Chapters 4 and 5 ◦ Close reading and analysis of passages in small groups. ◦ Large group discussion ◦ Exit ticket

3  Reminders: April 23-ACT  ACT Prep: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday after school in the Future Center  Thursday-After school (after period 6) in 203  Lunchtime: Tuesdays and Thursdays here (222)  This Week: Monday/Tuesday: The House of the Spirits  Wednesday/Thursday: Rights of a Child/Justice in Julius Caesar  Friday: Read chapter 7 in The House of the Spirits

4  Make sure you are checking your grades and making up any missing assignments.  

5  What different cultures are presented in this part of the novel? How is class playing a role in the different cultures?

6  Choose one of the characters: How does their past define or not define who they are?  Choose one element of culture: How does that element of culture present itself in the novel so far?  What is the importance of different narrators telling the story?  How is justice presented in the novel so far?

7  We will move through these two chapters with small groups being the experts and discussion leaders on different sections.  As you think about leading the discussion: ◦ Put your insight together in a way so that you are not reading each question and answering it. ◦ Choose important quotes from your section to point out your insights. ◦ What questions came up for you as you were discussing this section? Present those in the discussion so that we can discuss them as an entire class.

8  145-147: Class: Afra, Stephanie, Dipak  151-153: Ferula and Esteban: Rayshawn, Inga, Jose  153-155: Esteban and Pedro Tercero Garcia: Chris, Amanda, Zach  160-164: Earthquake: Sam, Geoffrey, Daniel  164-166: Clara: Naomi, Malachi, Angelica  170-172: Pedro Tercero/Esteban: Jacinda, Mitchell, Zoe  176-179: Esteban and Clara: Mohamad, Isha, Keshav  181-184: The Count: Shun, Isaiah, Shea  185-188: Jaime and Nicolas: Luke, Jereme-Ashlee, Christian  188-192: Pedro Garcia’s death: Tyler, London, Jacob  199-202: Esteban and Blanca: Feruza, Angelica, Zaw  205-208: The Estebans:

9  145-147: Class: D’Naya, Alma, Chelsea  151-153: Ferula and Esteban: Akmal, Antonio I, Jesus S.  153-155: Esteban and Pedro Tercero Garcia: Brittany, Victory, Nicole  160-164: Earthquake: Sandra, Nubia, Cierra  164-166: Clara: Michael, Chris, Jesus P.  170-172: Pedro Tercero/Esteban: Azspen, Malachi, Abdul  176-179: Esteban and Clara: Tran, Simon, Haley  181-184: The Count: Kaylee, Antonio G., Selena  185-188: Jaime and Nicolas: Eduardo, Isaiah, Sadie  188-192: Pedro Garcia’s death: Lorenzo, Martha, Johnnie  199-202: Esteban and Blanca: Joe, Ammar, Anis  205-208: The Estebans:

10  How does culture impact one character’s understanding of justice?

11  Objective: Students will analyze justice applications across cultures by analyzing and evaluating the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and Mandela’s statement on International Children’s Day.  Agenda: Choice of studies  215: survey  216-17: Anticipation guide  Declaration of the Rights of the Child  Mandela’s statement

12  As you read, summarize either in your own words or in illustrations what each principle is saying.  You can do this on the margins or on your own paper.

13  Highlight or underline his arguments.  What comparisons do you notice between what Mandela is arguing for and our culture?

14  Are the programs Mandela is suggesting implemented in this country or community?  Come to a consensus…

15  What universal rights do you think a child should have regardless of culture?

16  Objective: Through reading and discussion, students will evaluate the universal themes of justice apply them to different cultures.  Mandela’s statement (221)  School’s Out for Summer (223)  Finish chapter 6 discussion  Chapter 7 discussion  Exit ticket

17  Choose one of the characters: How does their past define or not define who they are?  Choose one element of culture: How does that element of culture present itself in the novel so far?  What is the importance of different narrators telling the story?  How is justice presented in the novel so far? Chapter 8 Reading question: Why does Blanca agree to marry Jean? What is their relationship like?

18  Read Mandela’s Statement (221)  Come to a consensus on if you think these plans are successfully implement in our community or country.  Make a list of your thoughts and decision on each one.

19  As we read this essay notice the structure. Mark the hook, thesis.  Mark her solutions.

20  People getting on food stamps  Sending trucks and announcement for summer food lunch locations (tailgate lunches)  Make food stamp application easier  Pass out flyers to houses, commercials

21  What cycles do you see developing?  Why does Clara say they will have to buy some new birds? Are the birds a symbol?  Who is the poet?

22 Strongly DisagreeAgree Jaime was right in performing the abortion. DisagreeStrongly agree

23 Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Clara cares about Esteban. AgreeDisagree

24  Exit Ticket:  Jamie should have performed the abortion.  Jamie should not have preformed the abortion.  Clara cares about Esteban.  Clara does not care about Esteban. Don’t forget supporting evidence.

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