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1.One sheet of Lined Paper for Cornell Notes 2.Pencil 3.Colored Pencils.

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Presentation on theme: "1.One sheet of Lined Paper for Cornell Notes 2.Pencil 3.Colored Pencils."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.One sheet of Lined Paper for Cornell Notes 2.Pencil 3.Colored Pencils

2 Topic: Hate and Harassment Behavior Name Date Period What is it? Three levels of offences. Choosing inappropriate character Level 1 Offence Student Choices Jokes – race, religion, culture, group association, disability, etc. 1.Talk about something else 2.Walk away and let someone know 3.Speak up (That joke isn’t funny!) Initially not meant to be mean or malicious Considered insensitive & inappropriate

3 Consequences Level 2 Offence Examples 1.Redirect; lunch detention 2.Counseling 3.Suspension – after 1 st time Name calling – Intending to hurt someone by creating an environment of ongoing harassment 1.Verbal Abuse 2.Blog 3.Facebook 4.Tweet 5.E-mail

4 There will always be a time in our lives when we are not “great” in a situation or we just “mess up”…..we have NO RIGHT to make fun of others for having this same problem.

5 Student Choices Consequences 1.Stand up for the victim 2.Reporting – shows good character, respect and responsible actions 1.Suspension on 1 st offence 2.Expulsion if behavior continues

6 Level 3 Offence Examples 1.Hate and Violence– Visual symbols or graffiti on symbols that have protected status 2.Most serious of all offenses 3.Any ACTIONS that cause harm, attempt to cause harm or threaten to cause harm 1.Racial Slurs or Threats are considered “hate violence”. 2.Abuse on Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, E- mail Student Choices1.Stand up for Victim 2.Report – if you do nothing you are also guilty

7 Consequences 1.Suspension on 1 st offense 2.If severe-expulsion on 1 st offense 3.Charges pressed – violation of CA Penal Code Remember If you, or someone you know is a victim of a Hate Motivated Behavior or Hate Harassment, you NEED to REPORT it immediately. Even if you are not the victim, you need to speak up. There is NO TOLERANCE for choosing this behavior.

8 1.Watch your Thoughts….they become words. 2.Watch your Words…..they become actions. 3.Watch your Actions…..they become habits. 4.Watch your Habits…..they become character. 5.Watch your Character… becomes your DESTINY. Who will you Be?

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