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1 Disciplining Students in the Teen Challenge Program By Dave Batty T504.03.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Disciplining Students in the Teen Challenge Program By Dave Batty T504.03."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Disciplining Students in the Teen Challenge Program By Dave Batty T504.03

2 T504.032 Lesson 1 Discipline in your life 2/2013

3 3 Key Truth: Your present view of discipline has been greatly influenced by your past experiences. T504.03

4 4 Key Verse : Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. T504.03

5 5 Discipline in your life (Early childhood years 1-12) Were you raised and disciplined by Christian parents? YesNo T504.03

6 6 Question 2 What was your home setting during your first twelve years? I was raised by both my biological father and mother. I was raised by both my biological father and mother. I was raised in a home with a step parent. T504.03

7 7 Question 2 What was your home setting during your first twelve years? I was raised in a single parent home. I was raised by someone other than my biological parents. T504.03

8 8 Question 4 Rate how often you were disciplined. Rarely Very often T504.03

9 Question 5 How often were the persons angry at the time they were disciplining you? Rarely Very often 9 T504.03

10 10 How you handle discipline will quickly show the depth of character in your life. It will also expose your weaknesses. T504.03

11 11 What do you know about the person you are disciplining? Illustration Checkers vs. Chess How are they different? T504.03

12 12 Lesson 2 Principles of Discipline T504.03

13 Key Truth: Understanding God's view of discipline will help me live a godly lifestyle 13 T504.03

14 14 Key Verse: Hebrews 12:11 NIV No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. T504.03

15 What are some Biblical reasons for having discipline? 15 T504.03

16 16 A. The need for discipline Proverbs 22:6 Proverbs 22:6 Hebrews 12:11 Hebrews 12:11 2 Timothy 3:16 2 Timothy 3:16 Romans 2:5-8 Romans 2:5-8 Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-24 Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-24 T504.03

17 17 A. The need for discipline The simple reason why discipline is needed—people have disobeyed That’s a negative reason. The simple reason why discipline is needed—people have disobeyed That’s a negative reason. Positive reason—People need to learn to obey. This leads to the best life. Positive reason—People need to learn to obey. This leads to the best life. T504.03

18 18 B. Three levels of obedience 1. Obey because you were told to do it. 2. Obey and discover the main reason why you were told to do it. T504.03

19 19 With every rule: What are the main reasons why we have this rule? T504.03

20 20 B. Three levels of obedience 3. Obey on your own--- An expanded version is: Obey on your own---because it is the right thing to do. T504.03

21 21 It is extremely important that staff function at Level Three Do the rules you enforce reflect God’s priorities in life? T504.03

22 22 D. Three levels of discipline 1. Self-discipline --not self-punishment --a healthy, mature way of facing life --functioning at level 3 of obedience --it's self-control --willingly choosing to live within the rules 2 Corinthians 10:5 Philippians 3:12-14 T504.03

23 23 D. T hree levels of discipline 1. Self-discipline 2 Corinthians 10:5 2. Discipline by others. Romans 13:1-5 3. Discipline by God. Hebrews 12:5-11 T504.03

24 24 Lesson 3 Relationships in Discipline T504.03

25 Key Truth: Discipline carries the greatest potential for positive growth in the context of meaningful relationships. 25 T504.03

26 26 Hebrews 12:10 NIV Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. T504.03

27 THE SETTING OF DISCIPLINE 27 iteenchallenge.orgT504.03

28 28 A. Discipline in the context of meaningful relationships 1. The family 2. Society 3. God T504.03

29 29 Discipline at Teen Challenge In the Teen Challenge program, damaged relationships are a major problem T504.03

30 B. Discipline in the context of damaged relationships 1. Delusion 1. Delusion--not seeing, not understanding, or not acting in truth. 2. Denial 2. Denial--a defense mechanism to hide from the painful consequences of facing the truth 30 T504.03

31 B. Discipline in the context of damaged relationships 3. Rebellion 3. Rebellion--"I don't want to submit to your authority." 31 T504.03

32 Case Study #2 Just a little respect, please! Instructions: 1. Take Study Guide Project 4. Read the case study on the top of the page. If you are studying this as a correspondence course, continue and answer all questions at this time. 2. If you are studying this course in a classroom environment group, go ahead and answer all questions before the next session / class. Bring it with you to discuss in the next class. 32 T504.03

33 33 Lesson 4 The Main Goals of Discipline T504.03

34 Key Truth: Change within and in one’s behavior is the goal of discipline. Key Verse: 2 Peter 3:9b NIV He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 34 T504.03

35 35 A. What is the main goal of discipline? A. Change! -- What kind of change? -- you cannot force a student to change -- biblical discipline is designed to bring change from a willing heart. T504.03

36 36 Love is the highest motive for change So what motivates a person to want to change? 1. Learning 2. Pain a. Spiritual pain b. Emotional pain c. Physical pain T504.03

37 37 What kind of change are we looking for ? Change that comes from the heart Change that comes from the heart Change to want to obey God and those in authority over us. Change to want to obey God and those in authority over us. T504.03

38 38 B. What is the purpose of discipline - punishment and correction? T504.03

39 39 C. What is redemptive discipline? To bring healing, not just punishment To bring healing, not just punishment What are we doing to prepare this to be a redemptive experience? What are we doing to prepare this to be a redemptive experience? T504.03

40 D. Discipline and the Consequences Two perspectives of the problem 1. Getting caught 2. Disobedient behavior 40 T504.03

41 E. Attitudes of the staff Firm love Firm love Tender heart Tender heart Attentive ears Attentive ears 41 T504.03

42 42 Lesson 5: The Role of Staff in Discipline T504.03

43 Key Truth: Teen Challenge staff must demonstrate God's character in the context of discipline. Key Verses: Ephesians 4:15 NIV Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 43 T504.03

44 Key areas in the life of the staff A. Understanding authority B. The self image of the staff C. Avoiding the wrong kind of help 44 T504.03

45 Key areas in the life of the staff D. Understanding cultural differences E. Communicating with Godly love 45 T504.03

46 A. Understanding authority 1. The Jesus Style of authority 2. God commands parents to discipline their children 3. Leadership by example 1 Corinthians 11:1 46 T504.03

47 A. Understanding authority 4. Walk in truth 5. Obey at levels 2 & 3 47 T504.03

48 B. The self image of the staff 1. Do you need to be needed? 2. Power & a weak self image 3. The RIGHT to be respected 48 T504.03

49 C. AVOIDING THE WRONG KIND OF HELP 49 iteenchallenge.orgT504.03

50 1. Enabling 1. Anything that stands in the way of persons experiencing the natural consequences of their own behavior. Galatians 6:7-8 2. When helping harms the one you love. 50 T504.03

51 1. Enabling 3. Rescuing people from their responsibilities and/or consequences. 4. Giving the person permission to stay sick, and continue with their inappropriate behavior. 51 T504.03

52 2. Confronting Conflict We are most useful in confronting conflict when we are not so much trying to change another person as we are trying to help them see themselves more accurately. 52 T504.03

53 D. Understanding cultural differences 53 T504.03

54 E. Communicating with Godly love 1 Peter 4:8 Colossians 4:6 Ephesians 4:15 54 T504.03

55 Case Study 4: Kitchen Crew Chief Question 2 What are the two issues that face the staff as a result of the student's actions and words? 55 T504.03

56 Lesson 6 TC Standards & Policies for Discipline 56 T504.03

57 Key Truth: Discipline in the TC program is only done within the context of approved policies and procedures. Key Verse: 2 Timothy 4:5 NIV But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship,... discharge all the duties of your ministry. 57 T504.03

58 3 Steps for Standards and Policies 1. Teen Challenge Accreditation Standards 2. Local TC Policies & Procedures 3. How staff implement these policies & procedures 58 T504.03

59 Abuse, neglect, and exploitation How could the discipline practices of a TC center relate to the issues of abuse, neglect, or exploitation? 59 T504.03

60 What constitutes abuse when disciplining a student? Physical abuse - hitting, beating, attempted strangulation. Verbal abuse - shouting, berating a student, subjecting them to racial slurs or other demeaning verbal messages. 60 T504.03

61 Student Rights The right to give informed consent to refuse treatment or medication and to be advised of the consequences of such a decision. That any third-party coverage of treatment, including any limitations on the duration of services, be made aware of if available. The right to give informed consent to refuse treatment or medication and to be advised of the consequences of such a decision. That any third-party coverage of treatment, including any limitations on the duration of services, be made aware of if available. 61 T504.03

62 Student Rights b. The right to a grievance procedure. c. The right to a humane and safe environment free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The student shall not be detained against their will. They shall be granted dignity and personal privacy. 62 T504.03

63 What issues raised in this standard directly relate to discipline?" What issues raised in this standard directly relate to discipline?" 63 T504.03

64 STUDENT GRIEVANCE POLICY Standard 77 64 T504.03

65 Records Student Records Student Records – Standards 68 & 69 65 T504.03

66 Step 2 Policies and Procedures Manual 1. Documenting discipline given to students 2. Policies on discipline 66 T504.03

67 Step 3 Implementing discipline policies 67 T504.03

68 Case study #5: The Laundry Lie Question 1: If you were the staff who caught Jill doing her laundry, what would you do? Question 2: If you were the program director, what would you do once you found out from the other two staff what Jill had done? 68 T504.03

69 Case study #5: The Laundry Lie Discipline assigned Jill 1. She was assigned 3 hours of extra work detail--one hour for each staff involved in this case. She had to wash the van inside and out and do yard work for the rest of the time. 2. She had to memorize several verses related to lying and manipulation. 3. On her next scheduled day to do her laundry, she was not allowed to use the washer or dryer, but had to do her laundry by hand. 69 T504.03

70 Lesson 7 Interview with Teen Challenge Program Director 70 T504.03

71 Lesson 8 Methods of Discipline 71 T504.03

72 Key Truth: With the Lord's help, we need to find the most appropriate discipline for each student. 72 T504.03

73 Key Verse: Hebrews 12:11 (NIV) No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. 73 T504.03

74 74 A major concern for all staff What is the intent behind the discipline? What is the intent behind the discipline? How will this discipline help this student develop the godly attitudes and behaviors of a growing Christian? How will this discipline help this student develop the godly attitudes and behaviors of a growing Christian? T504.03

75 Methods of Discipline Discipline situation #___ How would you discipline? 75 T504.03

76 A. Methods of Discipline 1. Counseling 2. Educational Projects 3. Loss of Privileges 4. Work Detail 5. Major violations 76 T504.03

77 1. Counseling 77 T504.03

78 2. Educational Projects A. Scripture study B. Character Qualities study C. Book study projects D. Special written projects 78 T504.03

79 3. Loss of Privileges -- phone calls -- visits from family -- mail -- recreation -- -- shopping trips -- passes -- free time -- 79 T504.03

80 4. Work Detail 80 T504.03

81 5. Major violations a. Probation b. Extend time in the program c. Start the program over again 81 T504.03

82 5. Major violations d. Suspension e. Dismissal from the program f. Transfer to another program 82 T504.03

83 83 B. Prohibited Disciplinary Procedures 1. No demeaning language 2. No physical contact 3. No lock-downs T504.03

84 84 B. Prohibited Disciplinary Procedures d. Do not discipline in public e. No food deprivation f. No excessive discipline T504.03

85 C. Dismissal process 85 T504.03

86 D. How to assign appropriate discipline 86 T504.03

87 Lesson 9 Making Discipline Effective 87 T504.03

88 Key Truth Staff must respond in discipline with godly attitudes to help make the discipline effective. 88 T504.03

89 Key Verse 1 Peter 3:9 (NIV) Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 89 T504.03

90 Making Discipline Effective A. Show love & concern B. Avoid favoritism C. Stay calm during a problem 90 T504.03

91 Making Discipline Effective D. Dealing with difficult people E. Patience vs. frustration F. Confronting conflict 91 T504.03

92 A. Show love & concern How can staff show they love the students? How can staff show they love the students? How can staff show they care about the students? How can staff show they care about the students? 92 T504.03

93 A. Show love & concern How did staff show love or fail to show love? How did staff show love or fail to show love? How did that impact their relationship with that staff, especially when it came time to discipline? How did that impact their relationship with that staff, especially when it came time to discipline? 93 T504.03

94 B. Avoid favoritism How do staff show favoritism to students? How do staff show favoritism to students? How does the perception of favoritism affect the student's response to discipline? How does the perception of favoritism affect the student's response to discipline? 94 T504.03

95 C. Stay calm during a problem How easy is it for you right now in life to take disrespectful comments or unjustified criticism? How easy is it for you right now in life to take disrespectful comments or unjustified criticism? 95 T504.03

96 C. Stay calm during a problem Proverbs 15:1 (NIV) A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. 96 T504.03

97 E. Patience vs. frustration What situations related to discipline do you think would be most frustrating to you? What situations related to discipline do you think would be most frustrating to you? 97 T504.03

98 E. Patience vs. frustration What are some appropriate or inappropriate ways to express patience in the context of disciplining students in the Teen Challenge program? What are some appropriate or inappropriate ways to express patience in the context of disciplining students in the Teen Challenge program? 98 T504.03

99 Chapter 10 Special Situations in Discipline 99 T504.03

100 Special Situations in Discipline Special Situations in Discipline A. Training for new staff B. Confession vs. denial C. Evidence gathering and assessment D. Confidentiality 100 T504.03

101 Special Situations in Discipline E. When do you call the police? F. When do you discipline the whole program? G. Disciplining a student with a background of abuse 101 T504.03

102 Contact information Global Teen Challenge 102 2/2013 T504.03

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