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The Role of Effective Communication in an Early Year’s Setting

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1 The Role of Effective Communication in an Early Year’s Setting
In this power point I will be explaining and assessing the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health Social care context.

2 Contexts of communication
The context of communication are the following: one-to-one communication; groups, formal communication, informal communication, Formal communication refers to communication using a formal platform that complies with the rules set established professionally. Formal communication can be either vertical or horizontal, but conforming to the set standards of professionalism. Informal groups are groups that emerge unplanned in response to the current common interests that bring group members together and you can easily identify the target as a group. These groups do not have the structure that defines their relationship. They are formed to meet the needs of the member .One-to-one is direct communication between two people usually have face-to-face conversations. In this form of communication, there is an immediate feedback between the people involved in a conversion

3 One-to-one communication
The theory of Argyle suggests that messages are transmitted in a specific order, that is, the idea occurs, the encoded message, the message sent, message received, the decoded message, the message is understood theory .This shows the communication cycle. SOLER is a technique used to make listening to non-verbal communication especially effective in conversions .The acronym stands for the five basic techniques that help ensure an efficient conversion and responsive. S Just in front of the person who is talking to you .or for Open posture that makes the communicator feel comfortable with you .l for Lean forward to show that you are listening to .E Eye contact helps in reading non- verbal gestures and manner of another person .R to relax, it helps to maintain a relaxed mode.

4 Group Communication Tuckman's theory explains the four stages of group development .The theory show distinct phases that groups must go through in order to achieve maximum effectiveness. The four stages are forming, assault, Norming and execution. In the forming stage is the individual's desire to be accepted by others and avoiding any conflict that makes the members of the group are focused on the stage .Storming be busy all the members are nice to each other until the important issues of the group are addressed Norming stage .In the rules of engagement are established and clear responsibilities. Running here, all members are familiar with each other and responsibilities tend to change in a seamless Schultz Theory suggests that the three phases is the insertion phase, the phase control and phase affection must follow the development in the group. What the theory suggests is that the stages of group development can go in the opposite direction and repeat the sequence. Registration phase refers to the desire of the participants or interact and relate to each other under control .The all behaviors are controlled within the group and facilitate decision making. This creates the offer internships love with the determination of the degree of affection, the bonds and sense of identity. One-to-one communication is a type of communication that takes place between two people .A example would be the conversion between two people who have a common interest.

5 Formal Communication The formal communication we use when we talk to a person we know, or a person older than us, for example, a director or a teacher. The formal communication is used in a professional environment. The words are pronounced correctly, and then is not used the slang. The formal communication can be written, oral or graph.

6 Informal communication
The informal communication is used when we know the person, such communication is used in personal situations, for example with friends and family. In an informal environment friends and family when they are talking about may use terms such as slang or abbreviations that you intend to only to those who shall communicate. The informal communication can also be transmitted with a simple glance, the sign or with silence.

7 Communication between professional and people using services
• it is very important the communication that takes place between professionals and people who use health care services. • Some patients who are not accustomed to using medical terms may have some difficulty 'to express their ideas or preccupazione to their medical provider, also in these types of situations there is always the risk of not being understood.

8 Communication between colleagues
Among his colleagues have a effective communication can be very important in a context of health and social care: in the course of the communication with colleagues must be shown respect and trust, if this does not happen could influence the way in which you speak to others such as, for example users of the services. Usually between colleagues is uses the formal communication, while sometimes informal communication may be appropriate. In addition, the informal communication can be used for meetings or to speak to oneto-one with another.

9 Communication with professionals
For patients communicate effectively with professionals in the medical sector can be important, In as much as a wrong communication can also lead to a cure is not correct and may have adverse effects on salue of the patient. The barriers to communication are common in every phase of human life, the distance, the noise, the use of words wrong, the incorrect message, are all barriers of communication if they are used incorrectly can lead to disastrous results: let us take a look at a child who has a year and has not yet begun to speak, however it is able to tell the pain that is soffredo. In this situation, the child can express her pain by crying or placing a hand on the part of the body where you experience pain. The health personnel must analyze in depth what the that the child wants to say, moreover, it must be carried out a diagnosis before reaching final decisions. Doctors and patients must be very careful and aware during the communication between them, doctors and patients must provide more info possible, in order to avoid misunderstandings.

10 Multi-agency Working There must be effective communication between the health and social care professional in order to ensure quality health care is delivered. The interaction with different organizations makes the results of diagnosis and better treatment. There has to be either effective communication between the patient and health professionals so that there is an understanding between them .Research has shown that there is a strong relationship between the members of the health care team communication skills and the ability of the patient to follow medical recommendations, self-management of a chronic condition and take preventive health behaviors. The Communication also affects the employment relationship, job satisfaction, which translates into good health of the patient.

11 Multi-professional Working
As different sections of the health and social services grow and they need to work together, there is a need for cooperation between the professional suppliers, agencies and customers needs to be both recognized and valued. Learn from each other and teach each other (and listening) is an important step to help this occurs. For this to occur, there is a need to change the way we see our place of work. Specialized Agencies, which are focused on a surface of aid for the people and professionals (such as a medical doctor or a social worker) must be taught how to work together themselves so that they can better help the people who are in need of help. With the creation of a flexible workforce is reactive, the impact of the service offered will be for the better.

12 Contexts of communication

13 Text Messaging It means to communicate with other people through typing words and phrases via mobile phones and other such devices.

14 Written It means communicating with others through the written words and phrases.

15 Oral It means to communicate with other people through saying words and phrases. It also includes gestures and nonverbal expressions.

16 Signing It is an act or gesture to make other people think of your idea.

17 Symbols Refers to how the term communication of the marks and symbols are used to make the listener or reader to identify the true meaning of the message communicated.

18 Touch It is a non-verbal act in which a person allows his hand or any part of his body to meet the other person to communicate with him.

19 Music and Drama It also a way to convey the message to other people through entertainment, as well as through some real life events.

20 Objects of Reference It refers to the method and rationale for the use of the symbols while communicating with others, rather than their distinctiveness.

21 Arts and Crafts Arts and Crafts are the things that are used to tell the other people used to convey a message in an art or craft. For example, the artistic images tell us important messages to think about it.

22 Technology Technology can also be referred as a communication term which may let us think about certain new things to work on.

23 Speech Spiegare tutti I punti che ne fanno parte

24 First language

25 Dialect

26 Slang

27 Jargon

28 Posture

29 Facial expression

30 Touch

31 Silence

32 Proximity

33 Reflective listening

34 Individual’s preferred methods of communication

35 British sign Language

36 Makaton

37 Braille

38 The use of signs

39 Symbols

40 Pictures and writing

41 Finger spelling

42 Communication passports

43 Human and technological aids to communication

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