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Creative writing School-leaving exam.

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1 Creative writing School-leaving exam

2 General information 2 parts 60 minutes altogether
you can use a dictionary (only paper book) use blue or black pen write in a readable way (illegible text won’t be evaluated) you needn’t follow the order of the questions as given in the task but make sure your text is logical

3 General information What counts as one word? EVERYTHING
- articles (a, an, the), prepositions, conjunctions - names of sth. (Romeo and Juliet, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,…) - numbers (1,21,… = nothing/ one, twenty-one = 1 word) - abbreviations (UK, EU,… = 1 word) contractions are counted as two words (won’t, isn’t, can’t,…)

4 2nd part 1st part Letter (invitation, apology,
60-70 words Max 12 points Letter (invitation, apology, refusal,....) Description Message, notice ( ,…) Instructions 1st part words Max 24 points Letter (formal, semi-formal, informal, …) Description (people, places, events) Essay (narration, opinion based, argumentative,.…) Article (review, report) Message

5 Word order (don’t translate word after word!!!) Articles
Be careful about: Word order (don’t translate word after word!!!) Articles Subject - verb concord New words / using dictionary (e.g.: pelvis ≠ frying pan) Repeating words PTN (first, however, this one, him, ….) Paragraphs (don’t forget)

6 Linking words And also, as well, too, in addition, besides, furthermore But however, still, nevertheless, on the other hand So therefore, consequently, as a result, as a consequence

7 Linking words Time clauses
when, until, while/as, as soon as, after, before, since Conditional clauses if, unless Clauses of contrast but, although, in spite of (the fact that), despite (the fact that) Clauses of reason/result because, so Clauses of purpose to, in order to, so that

8 Linking words Rephrasing Correcting yourself Contradicting
Joe isn’t the most popular person around here. In other words, no one likes her. Correcting yourself We play basketball. I mean/ Or rather volleyball. Contradicting Sarah’s lazy. On the contrary, she works extremely hard. Picking up a topic I like Tina. I went on holiday with her. Talking of holidays, what are your plans for this year? Supporting a statement We don’t need to take a taxi do we? After all, it’s only 200 m. Giving an example Yes, I do think Harry’s rude. He shouts at waiters, for example / for instance.

9 Linking words Joining paragraphs
Firstly/To begin with/In the first place….. What’s more/also/secondly/furthermore/besides/ apart from this….. One point in favour of…/One of the advantages ….. In conclusion/To sum up/ All things considered…

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