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Dagmar M. Lorey ECE 8814/05 Table of Contents Georgia Performance Standards Georgia Performance Standards Materials and Supplies Materials and Supplies.

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2 Dagmar M. Lorey ECE 8814/05

3 Table of Contents Georgia Performance Standards Georgia Performance Standards Materials and Supplies Materials and Supplies Introduction/small group activity Introduction/small group activity Sounds We Hear discussion Sounds We Hear discussion Activities/ Experiments Activities/ Experiments Discussion Discussion Review/ Conclusions Review/ Conclusions Science Centers Science Centers

4 Georgia Performance Standards Grade 1 Science Science –Habits of Mind  S1CS3 Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating objects in scientific activities –The Nature of Science  S1CS7 Students will understand important features of the process of scientific inquiry. –Physical Science  S1P1 Students will investigate light and sound. Language Arts Language Arts –Writing  ELA1W1 The student begins to demonstrate competency in the writing process.

5 Materials and Resources: Chart paper/ big marker Chart paper/ big marker Chalkboard/ chalk Chalkboard/ chalk Paper/ pencils Paper/ pencils Handouts: Handouts: –Sounds We Hear –Sound –Mysterious Magic Materials: Materials: –rubber bands –Pieces of plastic –Large cans –Wood rulers –Small cans –salt Computer with projection device Computer with projection device

6 Initial Questions Listen to this sound: Describe the sound. Record your answers on the Sound worksheet. Sound worksheetSound worksheet

7 What Sounds do You Hear? Think – Pair - Share Think Think about what sounds you hear everyday. Pair Pair up with a partner and share what you know. Record your answers on the Sounds We Hear worksheet.Sounds We Hear worksheet. Share Share with the class.

8 Sounds We Hear (Class share results) School Sounds Outside Sounds Night Sounds Street Sounds Kitchen Sounds

9 Whole Group Activity Tap your pencil lightly on your desk. What is the pencil doing when you hear the sound? What caused the sound you heard when you tapped your pencil against the desk? (the vibration of the pencil against the desk) Was the sound high or low? (The highness or lowness of a sound is the pitch.) What are some examples of sounds that are high, low; loud, quiet; harsh, pleasant; emergency?

10 High or low Pitch? Dolphin whistles: Car horn: Cow: Bell:

11 Let’s graph our results:

12 Small Group Experiment MYSTERIOUS MAGIC INTRODUCTION Let's start our investigation of sound by making some salt move without touching it. Is it a mystery? Is it magic? Or is it science? WHAT YOU NEED 1 rubber band 1 piece of plastic 1 large can 1 wood ruler 1 small can salt

13 What to do: (record results on your worksheet) your worksheetyour worksheet 1. Find a place to work that is not too close to another team. 2. Pull the plastic tightly over the open end of the large can and hold it while your partner puts the rubber band over it. 3. Sprinkle some salt on top of the plastic. 4. Hold the small can close to the salt and tap the side of the small can with the ruler. What happens to the salt? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Try tapping the small can in different spots or holding it in different directions. Find out how you must hold and tap the can to get the salt to move the most. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14 Class in action

15 Video time (Let’s learn more about sound)

16 Importance of Sound (real – life connections) Sound Use to communicate Helps us learn Can warn Us of danger Is nice to Listen to Helps us Make sense Of world

17 Science Centers This week we are going to continue our exploration into sound with the following centers. See center chart for directions. This week we are going to continue our exploration into sound with the following centers. See center chart for directions. –Great Gongs (explains all of the centers) Great GongsGreat Gongs –Perfect Pitch –Sound Experiment –Wonderful Waves –Groovy Guitars –Radical Reeds –Make your own instrument

18 Names _________________

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