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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Community Development Block Grant Program CDBG-R Reporting Training for & RAMPS January 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Community Development Block Grant Program CDBG-R Reporting Training for & RAMPS January 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Community Development Block Grant Program CDBG-R Reporting Training for & RAMPS January 2010 Sponsored by: Office of Community Planning and Development U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

2 Purpose Provide grantees with information about: Provide grantees with information about: –Recovery Act Quarterly Reporting in –National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Reporting in RAMPS –Frequently Asked Questions and Upcoming Issues –Support Resources 2

3 Overview of Recovery Act Reporting

4 Reporting Overview CDBG-R grantees are required to report in 3 systems: RAMPS IDIS 4

5 Recovery Reporting Deadlines 5, due 1/10/10 –Submit report January 1-15, 2010 –Review January 16 - 22, 2010 –HUD review period January 23 - 29, 2010 RAMPS due 1/10/10 –Submit report January 1-10, 2010 IDIS ongoing –Updated over the life of the activity

6 Recovery Act Reporting Quarterly Reporting in

7 Recovery Act Reporting Section 1512 of the Recovery Act requires reporting on jobs, expenditures, and activities Grantees complete reports on, operated by OMB on behalf of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (RATB) Reporting is quarterly. Next due date: January 10 th, 2010 (system will accept until January 15 th ) The collected data is available for public viewing at 7

8 Recovery Act Reporting Why is it important? –Precedent-setting level of transparency –Public responsibility Who is using this data? –HUD –White House –Congress –Media and Public 8

9 Recovery Act Reporting Over 95% of HUD’s recipients successfully submitted to in October. For January reports, HUD’s 3 top priorities: 1)Improved accuracy in job counting: Improved guidance found at 2)Correction of erroneous Award ID #’s and Award Types: Recipients who mistakenly entered an incorrect Award ID or reported as a “Contract” rather than as a “Grant” will need to correct this. 3)Achieving 100% compliance: HUD is working with grantees who were unable to successfully report in October to address any continuing barriers 9

10 – New Features FRPIN now sent to FederalReporting inbox as well as e-mail address Copy Forward Feature Function to change key fields (Award ID) Congressional District Look-up

11 – Error Correction Grantees have been provided a spreadsheet including exact answers for many fields. The Call Center also has access to this information. New automatic Error Checking in System re-opens for corrections Feb. 2.

12 Common Errors: Award Numbers 12 Error: Award numbers entered incorrectly or in incorrect format Solution: Award numbers should be both correct and in the following format (sample #): B-09-MY-01-0123 -No spaces around dashes -No lowercase letters -Zeroes, not the letter ‘O’

13 Common Errors: Award Type 13 Error: Award type selected was for contractor and not grantee Solution: For Award Type, you must select (G) for Grantee If you mis-filed as a Contractor in your first report, you must file as a Grantee from the second report onward

14 Common Errors: Amount Fields 14 Error: Incorrect values entered  “Total Federal Amount ARRA Funds Received/Invoiced”  “Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure” Solution: For questions on these fields, please contact the HUD Reporting Help Desk, at 1-800-998-9999

15 Common Errors: Final Project Report Indicator 15 Error: The Final Project Report Indicator was marked “Yes” “Yes” should only be selected once all activities are complete and all funds are both received and expended. Solution: Select “No” for this indicator

16 Common Errors: Additional Fields Missing/Wrong TINS, DUNS (e.g. using Housing Dept’s. numbers instead of those for the grantee as a whole) Missing/Wrong standard data elements – Grant #, TAS #, CFDA #, Agency Code #, Program Code # Job Counting numbers – using “regular” CDBG job methodology instead of OMB methodology

17 Common Errors: Additional Fields HUD sent out template of standard data elements for each CDBG-R grantee Revised OMB Jobs guidance issued No longer have to report jobs cumulatively

18 Counting Jobs – Key Principles Part I Recovery-funded jobs only: If the position is funded by the Recovery Act grant, it should be counted, even if the Recovery funding for that position will be drawn down at a later date. Proportional Counting: Only count positions according to their rate of Recovery funding Count Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs): The number of persons employed is not a sufficient answer 18

19 Counting Jobs – Key Principles Part II Quarterly Reporting Only: This is a change from the previous guidance: Only include hours worked in the reporting quarter. Report on jobs created by funding recipients: Prime recipients must report on FTE’s for their direct funding recipients: both sub-awardees and vendors. Enter the FTE result in the “Number of Jobs” field in For more information, check the OMB guidance at: 19

20 Counting Jobs – Key Differences Covers all activities Include construction & temporary jobs FTEs computed by hours/qtr Include only jobs where wages paid/reimbursed with CDBG-R Prorate jobs numbers by Recovery Act ‘s share of funding in activity IDIS/normal CDBG methodology Only covers activities meeting low/mod jobs national objective criteria Permanent jobs only FTEs computed by hours/yr Jobs don’t have to be paid for with CDBG to count (e.g. economic development) Count all jobs regardless of CDBG proportion of funding

21 CDBG-R JOB COUNTING EXAMPLES City uses $65,000 CDBG-R to install new energy-efficient street lighting as part of street reconstruction project Lighting project paid for solely with CDBG-R Public Works Dept. salaried employees install lighting; wages + materials paid with CDBG-R Jobs are eligible to be counted

22 CDBG-R JOB COUNTING EXAMPLES County uses $410,000 CDBG-R for water/sewer replacement project Funded 50% by CDBG-R, 50% by county funds Work performed by private contractor CDBG-R & county funds equally pay for all materials and labor Jobs are eligible to be counted x 50%

23 CDBG-R JOB COUNTING EXAMPLES City awards $22,500 CDBG-R contract to nonprofit social services provider Nonprofit uses CDBG-R funds to hire & pay for 1 additional caseworker for 6 months to provide counseling services Job is eligible to be counted

24 CDBG-R JOB COUNTING EXAMPLES State makes $600,000 CDBG-R grant to township Township uses CDBG-R + other Recovery Act funds for road & sewer improvements for new industrial plant Township hires contractor for road/sewer work; CDBG-R pays for labor, other recovery funds pay for materials XYZ Corp. builds new industrial plant using non-federal funding, creates 175 new jobs Industrial jobs not eligible to be counted – not paid with CDBG-R Infrastructure construction jobs eligible to be counted under CDBG-R but not under other Recovery program

25 CDBG-R JOB COUNTING EXAMPLES Urban County makes $250,000 CDBG-R sub-award to participating village Village makes loan of CDBG-R funds to property development company, which will buy + renovate vacant apartment complex Total rehab cost = $1,500,000 including $1,250,000 developer equity. Loan agreement specifies CDBG-R will be used for rehab materials + labor (not for acquisition) Rehab work performed by a combination of developer’s employees + subcontractor staff Construction jobs are eligible to be counted x 16.67%

26 Cumulative Reporting 26 NOTE: Though jobs are now reported for the reporting quarter only, all other fields should still be reported cumulatively.

27 Recovery Act Reporting NEPA Reporting in RAMPS

28 Though the system has a slightly new look, the RAMPS module includes no major changes. Known system errors have been fixed. Reports should be submitted as NEPA actions are taken. The system must be accurate as of January 10 th.

29 Recovery Act Reporting Expanded Reporting on CDBG-R Activities

30 EXPANDED REPORTING ON CDBG-R ACTIVITIES For “core activities” – those most frequently funded by CDBG-R Not part of Federal Reporting or RAMPS reporting Grantees will report in IDIS, by activity (unlike FederalReporting or RAMPS) Additional data fields will be integrated into IDIS On Line

31 EXPANDED REPORTING ON CDBG-R ACTIVITIES Ongoing data entry/updates by grantees - not just quarterly Still under development – this represents HUD’s current thinking on implementation Likely to be added to IDIS by late March 2010

32 HOUSING ACTIVITIES # Housing Units Planned for Rehabilitation # New Housing Construction Units Planned Owner vs. Renter tenure Single-unit vs. multi-unit Energy Star certified units Other energy efficiency improvements Actual accomplishments for all of the above By activity, unless grantee sets up each address/building as a separate activity

33 OTHER ACTIVITIES # Persons Planned to be Served by Public Facilities # Persons Planned to be Served by Public Services # Businesses Planned to be Assisted Actual accomplishments for all of the above Energy Efficiency improvements in public facility buildings

34 ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMRPOVEMENTS Energy Star certified buildings (housing & public facilities) Other energy efficiency improvements (housing & public facility buildings) May be a series of drop-down menu choices HVAC, windows/doors, insulation, appliances, lighting, alternative energy sources, water conservation

35 Reporting Resources HUD Recovery Web Site: –Template for CDBG –Jobs guidance help desk resources: HUD Recovery Call Center: –Phone: 1-800-998-9999 –e-mail: 35

36 Questions and Answers

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