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Employee Scheduling System NDSU Student Technology Services Help Desk Project Manager:Michael Attewell System Analyst: Michael Kraft Programmer/Web Analyst:

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Presentation on theme: "Employee Scheduling System NDSU Student Technology Services Help Desk Project Manager:Michael Attewell System Analyst: Michael Kraft Programmer/Web Analyst:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee Scheduling System NDSU Student Technology Services Help Desk Project Manager:Michael Attewell System Analyst: Michael Kraft Programmer/Web Analyst: Abram Jackson

2 Request for System Help Desk of STS at NDSU needs a new scheduling system Current Solution works poorly, high costs  $260 weekly in scheduling management  $225 weekly in employee time  $5000 yearly savings from current license Need a streamlined process

3 Request for System Functions  User accounts  User availability  Time-off requests  Scheduling Management Other Requirements  Web-based  Easy-to-use

4 Request for System Organization will improve  Employees will be happier with better system  Employees will be more aware of upcoming shifts so they will miss or be late less frequently  Managers will spend more time on other areas of the Help Desk

5 Technical Feasibility Two of three analysts have experience using either the user or management portions of the current solution Technology used is similar to current system Small to mid-size project Will be web-based, so compatibility will not be an issue

6 Economic Feasibility Largest development costs will be development labor Initial costs will also involve purchase of a dedicated web server First year of costs should be near $25,000 Additional years should only require $1,200 for maintenance

7 Economic Feasibility Yearly benefits of saved employee and management time  ~$17,000 Total yearly benefits  ~$22,000 Break-Even Point  11-12 months Cumulative Net Profit Value  ~$35,000 at the end of 2009 Intangible benefits include both employees and managers devoting less time to scheduling

8 Stakeholders The project's champion:  John Underwood (Help Desk Workgroup Manager)‏ Senior manager  Stephanie Robinson (Student Technology Services)‏ The users of the system  All those employed by the Help Desk  Other workgroups within STS All students and faculty will be affected in some way

9 Project Management - Size 69 Function Points based on requirements Processing Complexity of 8 requires 69 Lines of Code per Function Point Adjusted Processing Complexity * Function Points = 75 Total Function Points Project will require around 5100 Lines of Code in

10 Project Management – Effort and Time Basic COCOMO model  D=c b (E)^d b  5.8 Person-Months 5.79 with 3 developers = 2.4 Months based on favorable outcomes of risk assessment

11 Risk Assessment – #1 The programmer has limited ASP.NET coding experience. Likelihood of Risk:  High probability of Risk Potential Impact on the Project:  This risk could increase the time to implement the IS by 50%. Ways to Address this Risk:  Provide adequate ASP.NET training to the programmer as soon as possible.

12 Risk Assessment - #2 The IS may not be able to handle multiple users at one time. Likelihood of Risk:  Low probability of Risk Potential Impact on the Project:  This risk could increase the time to implement the IS by 15% Ways to Address this Risk:  Carefully design system to handle up to 100 users at one time.

13 Risk Assessment - #3 The interface for this IS may not be user friendly and could require considerable training for both staff and management. Likelihood of Risk:  Low probability of Risk Potential Impact on the Project:  This risk could increase the time to implement the IS by 15% Ways to Address this Risk:  Carefully design the interface to ensure ease of use.

14 Risk Assessment - #4 The reports designed for this IS may not give management the perspective they need to effectively manage their staff Likelihood of Risk:  Medium probability of Risk Potential Impact on the Project:  This risk could increase the time to implement the IS by 10% Ways to Address this Risk:  Interview managers to pinpoint the specific metrics they need to see on the report. Also design the report in way that is easy to read and usable.

15 Risk Assessment - #5 The IS may not be compatible with all web browsers Likelihood of Risk:  Medium probability of Risk Potential Impact on the Project:  This risk could increase the time to implement the IS by 35% Ways to Address this Risk:  This IS must be designed so that it can be viewed by the most popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox.

16 Staff Function Points = 75 Lines of Code = (TAFP)*(LOC per FP) = 75 * 69 = 5142 Effort in Person-Months required = (LOC/1000)*1.4 = 5.14*1.4 = 7.2 Schedule Time in Months = 3 * Effort^ 1/3 = 3*7.2 ^ 1/3 = 5.79 Staff needed = Effort / Schedule Time = 7.2/5.79 = 1.24

17 Staff 3 people to compensate for setbacks

18 Work Plan – Breakdown Sheet

19 Work Plan - Gantt

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