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SSIP Implementation Support Visit Idaho State Department of Education September 23-24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SSIP Implementation Support Visit Idaho State Department of Education September 23-24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSIP Implementation Support Visit Idaho State Department of Education September 23-24, 2014

2 U.S. Department of Education - 2 - RESULTS DRIVEN ACCOUNTABILITY (RDA) Vision Statement All components of an accountability system will be aligned in a manner that best support States in improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities, and their families. 2

3 U.S. Department of Education - 3 - COMMITMENT FROM ED “…we have a shared responsibility to do everything within our power to ensure all students, including students with disabilities, receive a high- quality education…” “…[OSERS and OESE] are working together to ensure that States, districts, schools, principals, and teachers have the support necessary to address the needs of all students, including students with disabilities.” “ …a comprehensive, integrated strategy which leverages all available resources, strongly supported by [the State] is essential if we are to fulfill the ideals of IDEA: equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self sufficiency for students with disabilities.” OESE Assistant Secretary Delisle and OSERS Acting Assistant Secretary Yudin Letter issued to Chief State School Officers – May 21, 2014 3

4 U.S. Department of Education - 4 - MAKING THE CONNECTIONS Data driven decision making Multi-tiered systems of support Interventions in the lowest performing schools and those with the largest gaps Professional development Evidence-based practices 4

5 U.S. Department of Education - 5 - COMPONENTS OF RDA State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) measures results and compliance and includes a State Systemic Improvement Plan Determinations reflect State performance on results, as well as compliance Differentiated monitoring and support focuses on improvement in all States, but especially low performing States 5

6 U.S. Department of Education - 6 - STATE SYSTEMIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN 6 The SPP/APR includes a comprehensive, multi-year State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), focused on improving results for student with disabilities, that includes the following components…

7 U.S. Department of Education - 7 - 7 Year 1— FFY 2013 Delivered by Apr 2015 Year 2— FFY 2014 Delivered by Feb 2016 Years 3-6— FFY 2015-18 Feb 2017- Feb 2020 Phase I Analysis Phase II Plan Phase III Evaluation Data Analysis; Infrastructure Analysis; State-identified measureable result; Coherent Improvement Strategies; Theory of Action. Multi-year plan addressing: Infrastructure Development; Support EIS Program/LEA in Implementing Evidence-Based Practices; Evaluation Plan. Reporting on Progress including: Results of Ongoing Evaluation; Extent of Progress. Revisions to the SPP. SSIP ACTIVITIES BY PHASE

8 U.S. Department of Education - 8 - Conduct root cause analysis (including infrastructure) to identify contributing factorsConduct root cause analysis (including infrastructure) to identify contributing factors For each contributing factor, identify both barriers and leverage points for improvementFor each contributing factor, identify both barriers and leverage points for improvement Conduct root cause analysis (including infrastructure) to identify contributing factorsConduct root cause analysis (including infrastructure) to identify contributing factors For each contributing factor, identify both barriers and leverage points for improvementFor each contributing factor, identify both barriers and leverage points for improvement Search/evaluate evidence- based solutions (Exploration Phase)Search/evaluate evidence- based solutions (Exploration Phase) Develop action steps (address barriers/use leverage points)Develop action steps (address barriers/use leverage points) Develop Theory of ActionDevelop Theory of Action Develop Plan for Improvement (Implementation Framework)Develop Plan for Improvement (Implementation Framework) Search/evaluate evidence- based solutions (Exploration Phase)Search/evaluate evidence- based solutions (Exploration Phase) Develop action steps (address barriers/use leverage points)Develop action steps (address barriers/use leverage points) Develop Theory of ActionDevelop Theory of Action Develop Plan for Improvement (Implementation Framework)Develop Plan for Improvement (Implementation Framework) Initiate Data AnalysisInitiate Data Analysis Conduct broad Infrastructure AnalysisConduct broad Infrastructure Analysis Identify problem areaIdentify problem area Initiate Data AnalysisInitiate Data Analysis Conduct broad Infrastructure AnalysisConduct broad Infrastructure Analysis Identify problem areaIdentify problem area Evaluation of progress annuallyEvaluation of progress annually Adjust plan as neededAdjust plan as needed Evaluation of progress annuallyEvaluation of progress annually Adjust plan as neededAdjust plan as needed How well is the solution working? What is the problem ? Why is it happening? What shall we do about it? 8 SSIP Phase I SSIP Phase I and II SSIP Phase III SSIP Phase I

9 U.S. Department of Education - 9 - SSIP IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT On site visits and desk support activities which include: Providing TA to all states on SSIP development Involving colleagues across the Department Aligning SSIP work with other improvement efforts in the State 9

10 U.S. Department of Education - 10 - WHAT SHOULD STATES EXPECT DURING THE SSIP IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT ACTIVITIES? The Implementation Guide and Agenda are tools to provide a framework for the discussion. The structure and focus of the on site or desk support activity should be determined based on the needs of the State State staff will initiate the discussion on specific components of the SSIP as outlined in the agenda template Stakeholders will engage in the discussion to support the State in the SSIP development OSEP staff will engage in the discussion with the State and State partners on the SSIP development There is no expectation that any forms be completed or minutes be taken during the meeting

11 U.S. Department of Education - 11 - Deliberative Document for Discussion Purposes OUTCOMES OF SSIP IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT ACTIVITIES OSEP Increase understanding of the State’s capacity to support LEAs/EIS programs in implementing IDEA and improving outcomes for children with disabilities Inform the development of OSEP’s accountability system, including what TA and guidance OSEP will need to provide States States Increase States understanding of the requirements of the SSIP and the State’s capacity to develop and implement the SSIP Identify resources that would be useful to States as they continue to work toward improved outcomes for all children Explore ways to leverage resources and affect change at the local level Increase awareness of the States areas of need and begin to identify the TA and support that the State will need to develop and implement the SSIP 11

12 U.S. Department of Education - 12 - WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE SSIP IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES? This is the first in a series of conversations that OSEP will have with States to complete the SSIP. Following the SSIP Implementation Activities, OSEP staff will continue to work with States to provide ongoing support and TA OSEP will not be issuing a formal report following the SSIP Implementation Activities The State will receive a letter summarizing the big ideas discussed at the meeting and providing resources, as appropriate. Additionally, the State will receive an optional evaluation form to provide OSEP feedback regarding the TA and support received during the SSIP Implementation Support activity 12

13 U.S. Department of Education - 13 - Questions?

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