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THIS IS AN EARTHQUAKE… PROTECT YOURSELF!!! /broadcast/universal/ShakeOutDrillBr oadcastSoundEffects.mp3.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS AN EARTHQUAKE… PROTECT YOURSELF!!! /broadcast/universal/ShakeOutDrillBr oadcastSoundEffects.mp3."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS AN EARTHQUAKE… PROTECT YOURSELF!!! /broadcast/universal/ShakeOutDrillBr oadcastSoundEffects.mp3

3 How to Protect Yourself DROP to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!) Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table HOLD ON to your shelter and be prepared to move with it until the shaking stops.

4 How to Protect Yourself If you are unable to Drop, Cover, and Hold On: If you have difficulty getting safely to the floor on your own, get as low as possible, protect your head and neck, and move away from windows or other items that can fall on you.

5 How to Protect Yourself If Outside: Move to a clear area away from trees, poles and buildings If Driving: Pull over to the side of the road, avoiding overpasses, trees and electrical wires; set the parking brake If In Bed: Stay in your bed, protecting your head with a pillow

6 AFTER the Ground Stops Shaking Take action quickly the moment the ground stops shaking Put on shoes to protect your feet Use a flashlight if needed to look around and find your way out – DO NOT LIGHT MATCHES OR CANDLES Evacuate the building – be alert to hazards (broken glass, debris, leaking gas, falling objects, electrical wires/downed power lines, unstable structures, fires) Turn off utilities if directed or there is damage Let family and friends know you are OK – help others Stay informed, visit for additional

7 Take Steps BEFORE an Earthquake Build an Emergency Supply Kit Create a Communication Plan Be informed of different hazards Know where to get information and how you will be notified in an emergency Learn how to shut off utilities at home (gas, water, electricity) Get involved by participating in drills (The Great ShakeOut), taking classes and learning skills like CPR and first aid Download a disaster app to your smartphone (Red Cross Earthquake App) Conduct a Home/Office Hazard Hunt

8 Home/Office Hazard Hunt Identify and secure with straps, fasteners and/or adhesives Cabinet doors Objects on open shelves/tabletops (collectibles, lamps, etc.) that could become projectiles Hanging objects (mirrors, pictures) – Don’t hang over beds Electronics (televisions, computers) Furniture (bookcases, file cabinets) – move away from beds, couches and doors Hot water heater, refrigerators, microwaves and other items costly to replace Items stored in garages/utility rooms – especially hazardous and flammable materials

9 Links to Resources BC Emergency Management: Weston Observatory: Great ShakeOut: American Red Cross: Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency: massachusetts/earthquakes.html massachusetts/earthquakes.html Federal Emergency Management Agency:

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