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Qualtrics and Mturk Workshop Matthew W. Baldwin & Lucas A. Keefer

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1 Qualtrics and Mturk Workshop Matthew W. Baldwin & Lucas A. Keefer

2 Qualtrics What is Qualtrics? – An intuitive, online utility for data collection with a variety of options Why use it? – Online data collection is… – Fast – Easy – Allows you to selectively sample – Allows you to have more diverse samples

3 Before you can begin… Go to Make an account using your KU e-mail address Log-in (either from the home page or from the KU portal)

4 Front Page When you log in, you will have a complete list of your surveys (if you have made any) Plus tabs to – Create a new survey – Edit an existing survey – Distribute – Look at your data, and more








12 The Rich Text Editor allows you to change font, text size, bold/italicize/underline, etc. any text Piped text allows you to use text given in a previous response

13 Just write choices in here Change type of question (e.g. how many responses) and appearance (e.g. vertical v. horizontal

14 Types of items in the matrix and appearance options, like MC Items


16 If you want a running sum to total some fixed number (e.g. 100)…

17 Number of Items and Labels If you don’t want numbers on top

18 Just write the things you want people to rank How many items people rank

19 Side by Side items let you put two scales together (e.g. Y/N & How certain are you?) Number of statements and columns

20 Write any items or group names to left, determine how many of each on the right “Participant Defined” allows participants to create their own category labels

21 Other Item Types There are many, many other options for items as well. For example, Heat mapping allows participants to click anywhere on an image and records where people click Qualtrics can time how long Ps stay on any page (in seconds) Qualtrics can allow you to use parts of images as response items (or use images as responses to MC questions)

22 Under Survey Flow, you can determine the order in which items are presented to Ps. Block labels are important for keeping track of item placement.

23 Add new blocks to Survey Editor Add a branching path to the survey flow (e.g. different versions for M/F) Randomize the presentation of blocks

24 The Randomizer function allows you to effectively create online experiments

25 Qualtrics gives you an anonymous link composed of random letters/numbers For long term data collection (e.g. diary studies) you can create e-mail lists for surveys

26 Qualtrics is also well- integrated with a number of social networking platforms, if you would like to distribute your survey that way

27 General reports on data (e.g. item means) and open-ended responses List of individual responses (with completion times) You can click here to download your data Completion statistics

28 When you are done, your data will be available anywhere with an internet connection in either.csv or.sav (SPSS) format You can select only a subset of items or responses

29 Qualtrics Key things to remember: – Browse the list of item types…you’ll find something to fit your needs – Label Blocks AND Questions. Block labels are useful for Flow and Question Labels are used in your data file – Collaborate to get feedback from others

30 Qualtrics Key things to remember: – Build a survey library with measures you frequently use – Online survey research must be short – What we gain in sample, we lose in control!

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