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DOL Performance and Reporting Requirements for YouthBuild Grantees Redondo Beach, CA February 7, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "DOL Performance and Reporting Requirements for YouthBuild Grantees Redondo Beach, CA February 7, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOL Performance and Reporting Requirements for YouthBuild Grantees Redondo Beach, CA February 7, 2007

2 Importance of Performance and Reporting System  To provide program operators and front- line staff with information for decision- making and continuous improvement  To provide DOL w/ information to ensure program accountability, to assist in identifying TA needs, and to aid evaluation  To demonstrate program success to stakeholders (community, Congress, etc)

3 Performance Measures  Youth Common Performance Measures for Employment and Training Programs  Placement in Employment or Education  Attainment of a Degree or Certificate  Literacy/Numeracy Gains  CM used for all ETA youth programs  Specifics on how common measures will apply to YouthBuild grantees will be provided during workshop  Will also have enrollment rate, recidivism rate (for youth offenders), and retention rate

4 Overall Information Collection  Demographic/Characteristics of Participants  Assessment Information  Information on Services  Short term outcomes  Long term outcomes

5 Reporting Requirements  Quarterly Performance Report (quantitative)  Quarterly SF 269 Financial Report  Quarterly Narrative Progress Report  All reports due 30 days following the end of each quarter

6 Management Information System  DOL is building a Case Management / Management Information System (MIS) for YouthBuild grantees  All DOL YouthBuild grantees will be required to use the DOL MIS  System will include all data input fields, produce all required reports, and provide various tools and management reports for managers and front-line staff  Grantees will receive extensive training on the system

7 Management Information System  DOL is experienced and building and operating Case Management / Management Information Systems  Traditionally how DOL operates discretionary grant programs  Allows grantees to spent grant funds on serving participants  Provides grantees with valuable tools to manage the program  DOL will seek input from grantees when building management tools so it’s useful to grantees

8 Management Information System  System will be built in two phases:  Phase I: Data input fields and ability to submit required quarterly performance report  Phase 2: Management tools and management reports

9 Questions?

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