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The ATO Experience Mike Doiron CEO and Principal Moncton Flight College.

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Presentation on theme: "The ATO Experience Mike Doiron CEO and Principal Moncton Flight College."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ATO Experience Mike Doiron CEO and Principal Moncton Flight College

2 Agenda  Overview  Key Components & Personnel  The Program Validation Inspection  Conclusions

3 Overview  Perceptions & preconceived ideas  Performance based  Start with clean slate  Continuous improvement process

4 Key components  Personnel  Documentation  Risk assessments  Instructor training  Check and balances  Quality Management  Safety Management

5 Key Personnel  Director of Training (DOT)  Manager of Instructional Services (MIS)  Manager Corporate Safety & Quality (MCSQ)  Director of Maintenance (DOM)  Evaluators

6 Documentation  Quality Control Manual (MFC/P-403)  Training Control Manual (MFC/P-502)  Flight Training Operations Manual (MFC/P-501)  Safety Management Manual (MFC/P-401)  Operational Risk Profile Document (MFC/P- 404)  Emergency Response Plan (MFC/P-402)  Coherence Matrix  Plus any documents related to courses

7 Operational Risk Name of Risk Student Issues - Problem Student Scope of Risk  Destruction of school property  Sexual harassment  Gender issues  Abusive behaviour by student  Disregard for dispatch or instructor authority Nature of Risk Strategic, financial, operational, technological, compliance, communication, resources, schedule Stakeholders Client airline, MFC, student. Quantification of Risk 2D Risk Tolerance Problem student causing issues at the school through improper behaviour. Risk Treatment & Control Mechanisms 1.Student handbook providing guidance on what is classified as unacceptable behaviour. Students are to read and sign statement saying they understand what the acceptable code of conduct is. Carding system identifying a problem student so action can be taken early on to either discipline student or case training. Revised Quantification of Risk 2E Potential Action for Improvement Security checks on students as part of acceptance into program. Risk Owner Director of Flight Operations

8 Staff training  Train the Trainer  All Class 1 and 2 instructors  1 Instructor per crew  Two week program (80 hours plus home study)  Dispatch staff  Increased training on operational control and emergency response plan

9 Check and balances  Quality Management  Very detailed and comprehensive  Continuous improvement concepts  Full time job

10 Oversight  CVI interesting  No surprises  TC very demanding but helpful

11 Conclusions  Is this the future?  Why do I want to consider this?  What are the three most important things I need to know before I start?  New approach/thinking needed  Think performance based  Document and train, train, train

12 Thank You Mike Doiron 506 857-3080 (102) work 506 870-0446 mobile

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