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May 20141IIPC - Long term preservation Dr. Hubert Salm Study of history at universities of Bern (Switzerland) and Bonn (Germany) PhD in (early modern)

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Presentation on theme: "May 20141IIPC - Long term preservation Dr. Hubert Salm Study of history at universities of Bern (Switzerland) and Bonn (Germany) PhD in (early modern)"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 20141IIPC - Long term preservation Dr. Hubert Salm Study of history at universities of Bern (Switzerland) and Bonn (Germany) PhD in (early modern) history Staff member of Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation as archivist and head of IT-department Employed consultant for DMS (development and implementation Manager (CEO) of oia GmbH, Germany

2 May 20142IIPC - Long term preservation Company name oia GmbH AddressGrafenberger Allee 277 D-40237 Düsseldorf Phone+49 211 280 45 72 Fax+49 211 280 45 71 Legal formGesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (limited liability company) Chief Executive OfficersDipl.-Ing. Valério Pereira da Silva Dr. Hubert Salm VAT identification numberDE815032039 Düsseldorf Commercial RegisterHRB59486 Legal noticeCopyright by oia GmbH. OWA – Offline Web Archiv is a registered trademark. All rights reserved. Corporate and legal notice

3 May 20143IIPC - Long term preservation Planning and sizing – economic approach Ressources Investment Storage Human resources Administration of IT Infrastructure Project and quality management Update services

4 Client Crawler Cost factor IT-Infrastructure May 20144IIPC - Long term preservation Crawler 1 or many Data management Database for archiving metadata. Client Administration Serverbased administration of all components. HTTP communication with adjustable port settings. Webserver Admini- stration Webserver Browser User Access Internet Explorer Database Crawler

5 May 20145IIPC - Long term preservation Cost factor - system Integration and project features Essential workflows Integration into catalogue Interface to export objects and metadata Presentation of collection according to conventions of archive and corporate design Level of access and administrative rights Update services

6 May 20146IIPC - Long term preservation Cost factor - quality management No modification of content by or after download Proof of completeness (according to collection profile) integration of multimidia objects (e.g. video incl. flash, audio etc.) accessibility (are all objects needed really in archive?) accessibility of redirected objects Quality of layout Exclusion of online content Processing of database requests (according to collection profile) Harvesting and presentation of websites with limited access Accessibility and presentation of metadata and download protocol

7 May 20147IIPC - Long term preservation Cost factor repository and quality preservation

8 May 20148IIPC - Long term preservation Repository, Mime Types

9 May 20149IIPC - Long term preservation Repository, file formats

10 May 201410IIPC - Long term preservation Repository, preservation classes Class 1 – Static documents Class 2 – Browser and layout Class 3 – Plugins and function

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