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Stormwater Management Initiative Update. ODOT’s Goal Develop a streamlined stormwater runoff treatment program to: Develop a streamlined stormwater runoff.

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Presentation on theme: "Stormwater Management Initiative Update. ODOT’s Goal Develop a streamlined stormwater runoff treatment program to: Develop a streamlined stormwater runoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stormwater Management Initiative Update

2 ODOT’s Goal Develop a streamlined stormwater runoff treatment program to: Develop a streamlined stormwater runoff treatment program to:  meet all regulatory needs;  provide ODOT with certainty regarding scope, schedule, and budget  result in an overall environmental benefit and promote species recovery.

3 Components of the Stormwater Initiative Work Plan I. Streamline the ODEQ Stormwater Management Plan Approval Process II. Develop Strategy/Process for ODOT Projects with T&E Species and Stormwater Effects III. Develop a Watershed Approach to Mitigate for Unavoidable Stormwater Effects

4 I. Streamline the ODEQ Stormwater Management Plan Approval Process Problem Statement All applications for SWMPs reviewed in detail by ODEQ, which results in  Multiple requests for more information, design changes  Constant danger of schedule slipping  Heavy load on ODEQ/ODOT liaison

5 I. Streamline the ODEQ Stormwater Management Plan Approval Process Proposed Strategy/Solution  ODOT to develop a more rigorous QC Process (i.e., ODOT review equivalent to existing DEQ review)  Shift QC for SWMPs from ODEQ to ODOT  ODEQ moves into more of a QA role

6 I. Streamline the ODEQ Stormwater Management Plan Approval Process Develop PS Water Resources Impact Assessment Water Quality Management Design Internal ODOT Quality Control - QC Checklist Optimize Treatment Option Selection ODOT Submits to DEQ - QC Checklist - Project Description - Goals - Mitigation Measures - Project Plan Sheets DEQ Reviews Submittal DEQ Approves SWMP

7 I. Streamline the ODEQ Stormwater Management Plan Approval Process Anticipated Benefits ODEQ  Assurance that state water quality standards are being met through ODOT diligence  Substantial reduction in amount of time reviewing SWMPs  More time to provide early project support  More time to participate in programmatic and policy issues

8 I. Streamline the ODEQ Stormwater Management Plan Approval Process Anticipated Benefits ODOT  Shorter timeframe for approval of SWMPs  Higher degree of certainty about requirements and schedule, based upon well-defined expectations

9 I. Streamline the ODEQ Stormwater Management Plan Approval Process  Where are we now:

10 II. Develop Strategy/Process for ODOT Projects with Stormwater Effects Problem Statement Stormwater had become a major impediment to efficient ESA process due to:  Lack of congruence in water quality requirements between ODEQ and NMFS  Changing thresholds for effects determinations in ESA Section 7 consultations  Difficulties in using NMFS HCD Guidance

11 II. Develop Strategy/Process for ODOT Projects with Stormwater Effects Proposed Strategy/Process  Compile and synthesize literature on BMPs for stormwater treatment  Define an appropriate water quality design storm for ODOT projects  Develop a BMP Selection Matrix  Formalize a process to select BMPs  Develop guidance for water quantity issues  Develop a performance measurement and reporting method

12 II. Develop Strategy/Process for ODOT Projects with Stormwater Effects Anticipated Benefits Regulatory Agencies  Meet regulatory requirements  Well-defined terms and conditions that allow for flexibility in application  Protect ESA-listed fish  Protect Oregon’s water quality and wetland resources

13 II. Develop Strategy/Process for ODOT Projects with Stormwater Effects Anticipated Benefits ODOT  Certainty in project development and construction  Reduction in project delays  Support ODOT’s Sustainability goals

14 III. Develop a watershed approach to mitigate for unavoidable stormwater effects Problem Statement  Current approach to mitigate impacts of transportation projects on water resources is project specific, on-site treatment  Energy is devoted to mitigation efforts that can result in little net benefit to the watershed  Projects that don’t meet Resource Agency goals subject to squabbling and uncertain additional requirements

15 III. Develop Watershed Approach to Mitigate for Unavoidable Stormwater Effects Proposed Strategy/Solution (In Development)  Technical evaluation of needs and opportunities for mitigation  Political effort to achieve agreement on goals, methods, and interagency coordination

16 III. Develop Watershed Approach to Mitigate for Unavoidable Stormwater Effects  Work will commence when Task II is close to completion

17 III. Develop a watershed approach to mitigate for unavoidable stormwater effects Anticipated Benefits  Increased flexibility for projects’ water quality mitigation  Targeted and maximized use of resources to achieve the greatest environmental results  Increased opportunities for improved environmental conditions because of the focus on watershed objectives

18 Where We are Now: DEQ  Draft QC Checklist in final DEQ review  Draft Stormwater Management Plan Checklist in final DEQ review  MOA in final ODOT pre-DoJ review  Water Quality Goals and Performance Standards in development

19 Where We are Now Stormwater Effects  Active working group with NMFS, USFWS, EPA and DEQ  Design Storm survey complete –Work beginning on defining criteria  Literature review complete, focused review beginning

20 Where We are Now Stormwater Effects  Agreement that adequacy of design selection process and BMP selection matrix will be memorialized in Biological Opinions  Agreement that the selection process and BMP matrix can facilitate batched BOs  Work order for Matrix development is in the works  Work order includes formulating strategy for development of the Watershed Approach

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