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AHILA-WHO-INASP workshop Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, July 2005 Martha J Garrett, Director, INFORM Journal articles by other routes.

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Presentation on theme: "AHILA-WHO-INASP workshop Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, July 2005 Martha J Garrett, Director, INFORM Journal articles by other routes."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHILA-WHO-INASP workshop Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, July 2005 Martha J Garrett, Director, INFORM Journal articles by other routes

2 Searching in publishers databases Most relevant if eligible for INASP/PERI If so, must be registered with publisher Go to publisher site Look for information about access Do search, limit to full text

3 Searching via free journal lists See INASP Health Links for sites Examples: GFMER and Freemedicaljournals Include information on embargo times

4 How it works at GFMER Go to, click on Click on Databases, links Click on Free medical journals… Select a topic On new page, free journals will be listed first, with access and embargo details Click on link to reach journal site

5 How it works at freemedicaljournals Go to Click on Speciality. Click on topic of interest Click on journal to reach link

6 Accessing full-text articles by national provision Some free materials just to certain countries Physical form of delivery varies Examples: Highwire, Popline

7 How it works at Highwire Go to Click on For Institutions On new page, scroll to Useful Lists.. Click on Journals free to developing… On next page, just click on desired journal

8 How it works at Popline Go to Read Document Delivery Policy Read Popline Search Results on CD-ROM Register Do search

9 When to use these routes After you have used subsidized access If you dont have subsidized access If you want free journals by topic If you want materials in print/CD form

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