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Monitoring and Evaluating Training. What is monitoring? Collecting information about your project Planned, organised and regular collection Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring and Evaluating Training. What is monitoring? Collecting information about your project Planned, organised and regular collection Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring and Evaluating Training

2 What is monitoring? Collecting information about your project Planned, organised and regular collection Information about activities, services, users, outside factors

3 What is evaluation? Using information collected during monitoring Helps to answer: - How well are we doing? - Are we doing the right things? - What difference are we making? Analyse/assess key issues action

4 Why monitor and evaluate? Learning and development - What happened and why? - What is working? What is not working? - Adapt to changing needs Accountability - Evidence of successes or challenges for sharing with stakeholders

5 What should we monitor and evaluate? Consider the aim/s of the project Prioritise outcomes (things that will happen because of the training) Quantitative and qualitative data

6 Prioritising outcomes Id expect to see… Id like to see… Id love to see… all participants deliver at least three workshops themselves regular discussion between all master trainers on the challenges they face and possible solutions 50% of participants training their colleagues to train others

7 When should we monitor and evaluate? Training needs assessment During the event Immediately after the event Some weeks/months later

8 INASPs experience Work with partner country colleagues to assess needs Facilitator/co-facilitator observe/make notes during the workshop Evaluation forms completed by participants Direct follow-up (by phone or email)

9 Using evaluation forms Widely used; great variety Relevant questions; useful answers Comparing different forms - 4 forms to look at - Advantages (pink) - Disadvantages (yellow) - Choose a favourite (green)

10 Bringing information together Collected information must be used Regular review/evaluation of data Locally/regionally/nationally Discussion of challenges and solutions Lead to action

11 Image copyright: RedR

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