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Click to add subtitle Gil Blackburn BCI Technologies &

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1 Click to add subtitle Gil Blackburn BCI Technologies &
Dr. Jay Park Product Manager

2 The Power RICH System is really 5 Products tightly Integrated in to 1
1. Triple Redundant SCADA System 2. Historian 3. Advanced Alarm Notification 4. Integrated Web-server 5. Relational Database Server - SQL

3 Features Mirrored Triple Redundancy
The Power RICH System© is an Object-Oriented Power Monitor and Control System with pre-build libraries of power devices (IEDs) Mirrored Triple Redundancy Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Allows multiple engineers to work at the same time – Online changes without compiling Scalable Object-Oriented Architecture provides incremental expansion Built-in Report Generation - Uses industry standard Crystal Reports Runtime Alarm Redirection - allows for advanced alarm management ( , Text Messaging, Severity Level Changes) Built-in Historian All data is time-stamped with 100ns of resolution and Stored based on change and or time Years of online data available - the storage capacity only limited by disc-space Historian files are easily archived and restored Connectivity to other systems ODBC, OPC, SQL allows bidirectional access to other systems. Optional built-in Web Server - does not require Microsoft IIS for Web Clients Based on Open Standards - protects the customers investment Standard protocols, OPC, OLE/DB, ODBC, HTTP, XML, DNP3 & Modbus Multiple Comm links supported, including serial, LAN/WAN, radio and PSTN Component-Object architecture allows reusable application objects–PRS Devices Configured at object level & based on user-access levels and object permissions

4 SCADA Lifecycle Design Build Operate Maintain Architecture
Online Integrated Dev Environment Vector Graphics Expansion Scalability Navigation Management Redundancy Alarm Management Diagnostics Object Oriented Communications Ad-hoc Reporting Embedded Obj Licensing Trend-Historian Data Quality Reports Advanced Tools Features Security

5 Architecture Power RICH System© is a 3rd generation SCADA product that offers true state-of-the-art client / server architecture with an on-line object orientated database Ideally suited for wide area network applications normally found in utility markets Based on open standards for networking, communications and interaction to 3rd party applications. OPC, ODBC, SQL,DNP3, IEC, Modbus

6 Architecture - continued

7 Scalability - SCADA System can start small with a single PC and is easily expanded without programming or re-engineering for larger system requirements. Local Area Network View X Clients Mirrored Redundant SCADA Servers 2nd Standby Redundant SCADA Server Triple Redundancy Master SCADA Server

8 Reliability - SCADA Power RICH System© offers High System Reliability which is achieved through: 1. Redundant Clients 2. Redundant LAN and communication links 3. Dual, triple or even quad mirrored redundant servers 4. All Real-time data, Configuration, Communications, History, Alarms, Events, and Reports are Mirrored on all Redundant Servers Online Changes with no compiling means never having to shutdown the system 5. NO PROGRAMMING REQUIRED! Home Office ViewX Clients Performance (Proxy) Server ViewX Clients Redundant LANs Wide Area Network Standby Redundant Server Triple Redundant Servers All information is Mirrored on all servers Automatically Redundant Communications Paths

9 Clustered Architecture
Power RICH System ViewX Client Power RICH System ViewX Client Power RICH System ViewX Client Power RICH System Triple Redundant Server Cluster Power RICH System Triple Redundant Server Cluster Power RICH System Triple Redundant Server Cluster Up to 64 Server Clusters Viewed as One Integrated System

10 Communications Power RICH System© is optimized for Wide Area RTU / IED communication architectures. Advanced communication driver architecture supports: Serial and TCP/IP communications Serial connections via remote ports including network terminal servers Native PSTN dial-in and dial-out capability Modem pool operation and management Integrated network LAN / WAN operation for RTUs PSTN backup for serial and network connected RTUs Native backfilling of time-stamped data into Power RICH System© History and Event Journal databases, and Alarm sub-systems Built-in communication statistics for channels and RTUs No programming (Code) required

11 Server Licensing Servers are point based, ranging from small to large;
500, 1500, 5k, 25k, 50k+ Server includes integral ViewX license Redundancy and standard drivers are included DNP3.0 Master & Slave, IEC & 104, Modbus Master & Slave WEB Server is optional Points includes metadata depending on protocol What is the difference between a Point and Tag? A tag generally refers to a single I/O reference or register in an external Device or RTU, whereas a point includes other property attributes like time-stamp, data quality flag, previous value, alarm limits etc

12 Client Licensing ViewX -Full function Windows client. No point count limits! Used for Operator station and Development Any ViewX client can be used for system development provided user has security permissions Alarm banner and audible alarms All graphics are vector based - resizable to any windows resolution Vector graphic displays are small in file size compared to bitmap therefore high performance over WANs Support for multi-head displays (several monitors under Windows) Single ViewX license connects to 64 Power RICH System servers simultaneously ('clustering') - Zero administration client, no database or graphics to install WebX - Zero configuration thin Web clien - No WEB Server to install or manage – it is built in the system - Full monitor and control capabilities as per security configuration - No development supported

13 Integrated Development Environment
Power RICH System uses a single "ViewX" used to configure and control the SCADA system. Providing both operators and engineers use the application to both control and monitor/configure based on security settings simultaneously - Single point of configuration for whole system - On-line development - NO COMPILING or shutting down SCADA database is object oriented and this saves 75-90% development effort over traditional systems. Change in thinking, you start configuration by mimicking physical assets and operational areas rather than tags and displays. In example shown, we create folders and hierarchy based on customer's business. Folder colors show templates and instances

14 Object Oriented Common devices can be represented as a template, then 'instances' provide rapid deployment for system Any Power RICH System object can be included in a template, so this is much more than graphics and tags Templates can be nested ie. 'PumpStation' template can include 2 individual 'Pump' templates Changes to templates are automatically reflected in all instances. There is provision for object property override to allow individual settings i.e. alarm limits, or controller station address to be different per instance

15 Embedded Objects Embedding objects is another time saving tool for rapid system deployment. In Power RICH System you can embed graphics, trends, lists, html pages and live video.

16 Data Quality The Power RICH System server keeps an image of all the SCADA points in its real-time database. It is important to understand what is included in a point object as this metadata is more than just a tag. Attributes such as value, data quality, alarm limits, over range indication, data time-stamp, previous values & point statistics are managed at the point level.

17 Vector Graphics Power RICH System native graphics are vector based, this provides scalable displays without pixilation, typical 1/20 size of bitmap graphics, suitable for any windows resolution and performance over WAN links 800x600 for field laptop and 1680x1050 for control room - no modifying displays Pan & Zoom for map based displays and layer support for de-clutter Graphic displays are stored in Power RICH System server only, no maintenance on client workstations. Can import .DXF, .EMF and .SVG graphics formats Desktop Display 1280 x 1024 Control Room Multi-Head 21” Displays 2048 x 1536 Power RICH System EE Server Field Laptop 800 x 600 Vector based Graphics are Scaled by Client

18 Navigation Power RICH System has several options available for navigation of project: 1. Create hyperlink (button) to open objects such as graphic pages, trends, alarms, lists and reports 2. Use the built-in database hierarchy to select objects 3. Use built-in context sensitive menu available on most objects i.e. ACK alarms, display events, view notes etc. 4. Create user configured menu that may be embedded on page template

19 Alarm Management Alarms are configured as attributes on any point object This means you do not need to configure additional tags for alarms Alarm filtering, suppression and redirection are standard features & no code required Send Text Messages or based on Alarm conditions. Acknowledge alarms by replying to Filter by device, folder, area, user, time range, severity level, state etc. Suppress for fixed, variable time or logic condition Up to 1000 severity levels Power RICH System has a standard alarm banner & built-in alarm page

20 Alarm Redirection Alarm redirection supports business rules to ensure the right user(s) are alerted at the right time when critical events occur in the system. The trigger condition is generally an alarm; either individual, group or severity level, and if after a predefined time delay when the condition has not cleared or acknowledged, a notification will be sent to the user via , pager or voice.

21 Alarm Redirection - continued

22 Trend - Historian Trend Types Current Trend Raw Historic
Available on any point and does not need to be preconfigured Raw Historic Point is configured for archive and stored in Power RICH System historian Processed Historic Advanced analysis such as min, max and average over user configured time range

23 Trend – Historian continued
Trend Displays Pre-Built Pre-built display available on any point without configuration

24 Trend – Historian continued
Trend Displays Trend Object Trend that is pre-configured with pens, display options either full page or embedded

25 Trend – Historian continued
Trend Displays Pre-Built Pre-built display available on any point without configuration Trend Object Trend that is pre-configured with pens, display options either full page or embedded Operator Store This uses document store to allow operators to create ad-hoc trends XY Plot View 2 points against each other i.e. pressure vs flow for pump curve

26 Reports Report templates are developed using industry standard 'Crystal Reports'. Report development and viewing is directly embedded in the ViewX client. Report templates and generated reports are managed by Power RICH System Server Inherent report redundancy, management of historic Reports Multiple report formats, multiple export targets. , PDF, HTML, Excel, CSV, SQL Export. Generate reports on schedules, ad-hoc, automatically on exception

27 Security Power RICH System security is granular down to object level
User management is through individual user accounts and groups Security policy includes minimum password length, aging, dictionary and inactivity logout. Full audit trail on all actions Single sign on for clustered systems, all interfaces are secure: Web, OPC, ODBC & OLE Automation

28 Expansion Database expansion Add server(s) Add clients Add systems
Object-based templates offer a significant time saving in configuration when you need to expand your system. Simple drag and drop means that you replicate devices, groups or even entire sites within minutes. Adding additional Power RICH System Servers or Clients is simple, 'click in box' without any reconfiguration of the system Database expansion - full on-line configuration - increase points, upgrade server size if necessary Add server(s) - as mirrored server for complete system - as performance server for local users Add clients - ViewX for operators or additional development PC - WebX for remote access Add systems - ViewX can cluster to multiple servers without any configuration - server can be deployed as test system with drag and drop configuration

29 Expansion – Server Configuration

30 Expansion – Client Configuration
Power RICH System Client Configuration Power RICH System Client Configuration

31 Management Power RICH System includes software tools to remotely manage the Power RICH System For the customer project, ViewX can do all configuration remote from Server including across WAN. For Power RICH System Server setup and monitoring, two applications are available: Server Status and WebX client All access complies with preconfigured security permissions

32 Management

33 Diagnostics Power RICH System has a number of built-in drivers to self monitor critical areas: 1. Exposes server status as OPC points 2. PRS-EE protocol drivers include statistics and 'live diagnostics' via telnet session 3. 'Performance Monitor' driver for accessing operating system components such as CPU memory, disk space, network traffic etc. 4. SNMP and ICMP drivers are integrated for monitoring network devices such as UPS, LAN switches and even 'pinging' ViewX clients.

34 Ad-hoc Reporting PRS-EE includes an easy-to-use ad-hoc query tool to access all internal database tables for analysis and reports. The resulting dataset is displayed as a list and this list is updated dynamically The list can be filtered (F7 key) and you can copy the underlying SQL query to an embedded list if you wish to view often

35 A Data Solution Provider
Questions? Power RICH System© Enterprise Edition A Data Solution Provider

36 Thank you for your time. CREC

37 TEXT TEXT Web Server SCADA Alarm Notification Historian

38 SCADA Life Cycle Build Design SCADA Life Cycle Operate Maintain

39 Marketing Diagram Title TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT

40 Progress Diagram Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

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