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Copyright © Yokogawa Europe October 2006 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 October 3, 2015 CENTUM CS 3000 Consolidated.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © Yokogawa Europe October 2006 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 October 3, 2015 CENTUM CS 3000 Consolidated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © Yokogawa Europe October 2006 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 October 3, 2015 CENTUM CS 3000 Consolidated Alarm Management System Yokogawa Electric Corporation Marketing Department Industrial Automation Business Headquarters

2 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 2 Background of development Effective Alarm Management Strategy –Good alarm management practices are essentials in Operational Excellence and can have a direct impact on mitigating and preventing abnormal situations. –Many complaints from end users about Yokogawa’s alarm management in CS3000. –Lost projects on weak alarm facility compared with competitors. –Increase of safe operations.

3 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 3 Window integration BeforeAfter - New alarm display... - System alarm - Process alarm - Ope-guide - Maintenance alarm

4 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 4 Alarm management Viewer Report Analysis Suppression Configuration

5 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 5 Positioning The CAMS stands for Consolidated Alarm Management System. CAMS for HIS –Dedicated for viewer function –Deliver alarms to right people at the right timing AAASuite –Dedicated for dynamic alarm suppression Exaplog –Dedicated for off-line alarm analyses CAMS (future plan) –CAMS = CAMS for HIS + AAASuite + Exaplog +platform of alarm management

6 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 6 1. CAMS Concept

7 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 7 Information Flooding An information flooding caused by the system integration is common issue in the manufacturing plants. It needs long-term to review and rationalize all existing information for reducing a flooding. A new functional architecture to deliver only necessary information to the right person at the right time from flooded information is really required. Yokogawa developed the CAMS concept, which realizes it in the area of alarm & event information.

8 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 8 The CAMS Concept The CAMS concept provides following mechanisms. –Acquiring alarm & event information from all sub-systems online. DCS, SIS, AMS, SCADA, MES, PMS, ERP, etc. –Increasing the value of acquired information according to needs. User name, Purpose, Consequence, Urgency, Guidance, etc. –Storing value-added information both on memory and HDD. –Providing effective role-based tools to utilize value-added information. For operation monitoring: Real-time monitor For shutdown analysis: Historical viewer For alarm rationalization: Analyzer, Reporting, KPI monitor For safety: Change management

9 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 9 CAMS Concept (Functional Architecture) Removing of Obvious Information 2. Consolidation of Historical A&E on HDD (Incl. SOE & CAMS events) Acquisition and Normalization of all Alarms & Events Addition of New Identifiers and More Value-added Information DCS (CENTUM CS 3000) Safety Instrumented System (ProSafe-RS) Asset Management System (PRM) 1. Consolidation of Real-time A&E on Memory Network Control System (STARDOM) Vnet, Vnet/IP OPC A&EOPC A&E (SIOS) Compressor Control Vibration Monitor Non-Yokogawa DCS OPC A&E PIMS/MES/ERP Shelving Eclipsing Load Shedding Filtering Sorting Shelving Eclipsing Filtering Sorting Real-time MonitorHistorical ViewerSystem Configurator Process Engineer System Engineer Operator/ Maintenance Engineer 3. Consolidation of Roll-based Tools Alarm PrioritizationAddition of AttributesSuppression LogicScreen DefinitionTest FunctionRevision Management Dynamic KPI Monitor Other Tools Other Users (Manager, DCS suppliers) A&E Analysis/ReportShutdown AnalysisChange ManagementStatic KPI Monitor

10 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 10 2. CAMS for HIS

11 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 11 The Scope of CAMS for HIS Acquisition and Normalization of all Alarms & Events Addition of New Identifiers and More Value-added Information Removing of Obvious Information Shelving Eclipsing Load Shedding Filtering Sorting Shelving Eclipsing Filtering Sorting 2. Consolidation of Historical A&E on HDD (Incl. SOE & CAMS events) Real-time MonitorHistorical ViewerSystem Configurator Process Engineer System Engineer Operator/ Maintenance Engineer DCS (CENTUM CS 3000) Safety Instrumented System (ProSafe-RS) Asset Management System (PRM) 1. Consolidation of Real-time A&E on Memory 3. Consolidation of Roll-based Tools Alarm PrioritizationAddition of AttributesSuppression LogicScreen DefinitionTest FunctionRevision Management Dynamic KPI Monitor Network Control System (STARDOM) Vnet, Vnet/IP OPC A&EOPC A&E (SIOS) Other Applications Other Users (Manager, DCS suppliers) Compressor Control Vibration Monitor Non-Yokogawa DCS OPC A&E A&E Analysis/ReportShutdown AnalysisChange ManagementStatic KPI Monitor PIMS/MES/ERP

12 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 12 Key Functions Sort –Sorting alarms based on urgency or importance. Filter –Extracting necessary alarms by using identifiers. Eclipse –Integrating repeated alarm in a single line. Shelve –Separating unimportant alarms to the shelf box temporarily. Load shed –Activating predefined filter automatically when unexpected alarm flooding happens.

13 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 13 Real-time A&E Monitor Filter Pane A&E Browser Pane (Read only) Sort Bar Detailed Message Pane (can be linked to related information) Dynamic Alarm KPI Bar A&E Message Pane Ack Button

14 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 14 Eclipsing Integrating repeated alarms in a single line. A&E Message Pane (Normal mode) A&E Message Pane (Eclipsing mode) Eclipsing Button

15 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 15 Shelving One-shot –Separating unimportant alarm to the shelf box by drag-and-drop. Continuous –Separating chattering alarms for certain periods/by clock time. Automatic –Separating unimportant alarms based on preset logic. Shelf Pane

16 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 16 Load Shedding Automatically selecting predefined filter when unexpected alarm flood happened. If 100 alarms happen in 60 sec, select high priority filter.

17 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 17 Alarm Configurator Providing effective alarm rationalization based on EEMUA #191/NAMUR NA102 guideline.

18 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 18 Effects to be Achieved Avoiding potential safety or environmental incidents due to alarm overload. Greatly reducing possibility of missing critical alarms. Capturing critical events during plant upsets and not be overwhelmed by nuisance alarms. Relieving operators from tedious, repetitive tasks. Giving operators more time to focus on process.

19 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 19 Target Customers Who faces to alarm flooding. Who considers/implements alarm rationalization. Who considers integration of existing sub- system alarms. Who considers an enhancement of current DCS alarm monitoring function.

20 ISD-MASP-S06017 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation 28th November, 2006 Page 20 “The simplest thing in the world. Anybody can do it, after he has been shown how !” Christopher Columbus, c.1451 - 1506 Enjoy Safe Operation with a New Egg of Columbus !

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