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Counseling and Evaluations for the Noncommissioned Officer 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Counseling and Evaluations for the Noncommissioned Officer 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counseling and Evaluations for the Noncommissioned Officer 1

2 Introduction Standardized Counseling & Evaluations: Foundation of Effective Promotion System System Varies in Each U.S. Armed Service U.S. Army System Used for Officers & Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) Evaluations Maintained in Records System Used in Promotion & Counseling Process 2

3 Policy System Designed to Achieve Goals: –strengthen the NCO Corps –promote best qualified NCOs –contribute to Army-wide performance and professional development Basis for Evaluating Performance – actions, behavior, values & responsibilities 3

4 Basis for Evaluating Performance Exhibiting Army Values – loyalty – duty – respect – selfless service – honor – integrity – personal courage 4

5 Basis for Evaluating Performance NCO Responsibilities – competence – physical fitness and military bearing – leadership – training – responsibility and accountability 5

6 Role of the Rater Counsels NCO on performance & professional development – evaluates NCO in writing – is immediate supervisor of NCO Counseling Performed by Rater –informally & formally –defines duties in writing 6

7 NCO Evaluation Report Rater Makes Written Evaluation on: – Army values & NCO responsibilities – overall performance and potential – future duty positions 7

8 Roles of Senior Rater and Reviewer The Senior Rater – evaluates NCO’s overall performance – in direct line of supervision & senior to rater The Reviewer – concurs or nonconcurs in evaluation – in direct line of supervision & senior to both rater and senior rater 8

9 Prohibited Evaluation Entries Incidents or performance outside evaluation period Incomplete investigations, administrative or disciplinary actions – but proven misconduct may be included Misconduct for which NCO was absolved Comments based upon marital status Voluntary entrance into drug or alcohol program 9

10 Safeguards Regular Communication 3 Evaluators, Prohibitions on Certain Entries Commander’s Inquiry Appeal to Washington Headquarters Appeal to Board for Correction of Records 10

11 Conclusion Standardized Counseling & Evaluations Required in Effective Promotion System Regular Counseling Critical to Development of Professional Armed Force Evaluations Encourage Positive Performance & Professional Values 11

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