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Olweus Bullying Prevention  We will not bully others.  We will try to help students who are bullied.  We will try to include students who are left out.

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Presentation on theme: "Olweus Bullying Prevention  We will not bully others.  We will try to help students who are bullied.  We will try to include students who are left out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olweus Bullying Prevention  We will not bully others.  We will try to help students who are bullied.  We will try to include students who are left out.  If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

2 RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION NBC Elementary September 2009

3 A comprehensive, multi-tiered intervention strategy to enable early identification and intervention for students at academic risk within the regular classroom environment.  60% of schools nationwide have implemented RtI in an effort to identify reading difficulties early.  Research shows that early identification is crucial to overcoming reading troubles. What is RtI?

4 Core beliefs of RtI…  We can effectively teach all children  Early intervention is key  Use a multi-tier system of delivery  Use of research-based instruction & intervention  Monitor student progress to inform instruction  Use data to make decisions  Assessment drives instruction NASDSE 2005

5 Students receive instruction in Tiers 2 and 3 based on their needs. Students are placed in groups based on needs: phonics, comprehension, fluency. Students receive more individualized lessons and attention. Needs can be met easier in small group settings. Ratio of students to teachers is not more than 1:6. Why RtI?

6 1. All students kindergarten – 5 th grade are screened with a beginning, mid, and end-year assessment. This year, AIMSweb. 2. The results data indicates student progress as Red, Yellow, or Green & guides decision making. Green: progressing with skill development Yellow: possibly at risk for developing reading difficulties Red: in need of intervention Universal screeners

7 Tier 1 intervention Tier 1 interventions are taught in the regular classroom by the class teacher. All students are exposed to Tier 1 with their regular reading curriculum.

8 Tiered level of support Tier 2: Students identified as “strategic” intervention (yellow dots) receive extra reading support in specified areas with an increased intensity in a small group setting.  Tier 3: Students identified as “intensive” support (red dots) receive the highest level of intensity daily in a very small group or 1:1 with a trained staff member. The interventions are geared toward the student’s identified areas of difficulty Tier 2 Tier 3

9 Who provides the extra support?? Reading teachers, instructional assistants provide reading lessons. Lessons are provided during reading time in the classroom or the built- in block of time for intervention/enrichment Resources

10 Data keeping & monthly meetings Monthly team meetings analyze data, review progress and determine decisions based on that data. Team consists of: Classroom teacher Reading Specialists: Karen McKnight (K-2), Bea Stern (3-5), Ann Jones (3-5) Principal: Carol Louden School Psychologist: Jaime Irvin Speech/Language Therapist: Melissa Richardson School Counselor: Amy Muldoon

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