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A Better Start Haringey our experiences of co-production in early years support.

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Presentation on theme: "A Better Start Haringey our experiences of co-production in early years support."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Better Start Haringey our experiences of co-production in early years support

2 A Better Start Haringey £50M bid Programme outcomes – physical and emotional wellbeing – speech and language development – improved diet and nutrition – systems change and shift towards prevention and early intervention – parent and child-centred – whole system and population level behaviour change

3 Haringey context high deprivation and high needs multiple barriers to health for 0-3 year olds – diverse, transient population – 200+ languages spoken – social isolation – mental health – domestic violence – housing – drugs and alcohol misuse – distrust of statutory service providers Council 20-year Tottenham Regeneration ambition

4 Community engagement Area Partnership Board/ Community Partnership Board meetings TNL Project Board VCS survey VCS planning event

5 In October 2013 we held a VCS briefing event to plan our approach to community involvement and systems change

6 Community engagement 600 Door-to-door surveys (Dartington SRU) Street survey of 200+ parents interpreters, translation and accessible formats parent representatives newsletters and regular communication community champion roles Local community events

7 Local family support groups provided child care in community settings to enable us to have valuable conversations with parents

8 Experiences and learning All partners stronger partnership working and whole system approach working alongside parents greater emphasis on co-production clearer understanding of local needs and priorities National VCS lead role impacted negatively on local VCS unequal partnership lack of strategic leadership Extreme inequality, very poor access to primary care, perinatal health several unregistered births identified.

9 Experiences and learning Local VCS sector badly positioned and involvement difficult initially parents preferred engagement via the VCS groups felt they were not listened to by statutory partners local VCS voice facilitated through a TNL project board <0.2% of statutory funding goes to local VCS VCS and parental engagement costs supported post-bid learning and excellent feedback from BLF local VCS is well-placed to attract investment and engage HAVCO and TNL are applying for funds for a smaller scale project

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