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QUIZ. Practice Quiz for roll taking. Provide the best answer from those shown.

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2 Practice Quiz for roll taking. Provide the best answer from those shown.

3 1. Mutation occurs: A) often B) rarely C) very rarely D) never

4 2. Fitness tests are used in: A) CAs B) GAs C) Discrete math D) Fractals

5 3. GA refers to: A) generic algorithms B) genetic algorithms C) general algorithms D) gospel accuracy

6 4. Crossover involves: A) genetic recombination B) bad reception C) mutation D) division

7 5. Gas involve X generations: A) many B) a huge number C) varies D) few

8 6. A class of objects is a: A) generic description B) specific generation C) logical outcome D) students trying to learn

9 7. A neural network involves: A) hidden units B) mathematics C) learned behavior D) all of the above.

10 8. A bell curve involves: A) probabilities B) exact results C) genetic differences D) induction

11 9. Chaos means: A) non-reversible engineerable B) complex C) hard D) reproducible

12 10. Darwin wrote: A) Intelligent Design B) Manner of Being C) Origin of the Species D) The Beagle

13 11. OOP stands for: A) occult-oriented programming B) object-oriented programming C) omni-occidental predictions D) official object programming

14 12. The first computer mouse originated at: A) Apple B) IBM C) Stanford D) PARC

15 13. IQ tests indicate: A) IQ B) very little C) how intelligence works D) what intelligence is

16 14. Logic and combinatorics belong to: A) calculus B) discrete math C) artificial life D) artificial intelligence

17 15. Fuzzy logic deals with: A) single variant problems B) multivariant problems C) intelligent design D) genetics

18 16. One definition of intelligence is: A) ability to reason B) perception C) cognition D) emotions

19 17. Instances are: A) neural nets B) ELIZA C) OOP D) individual members of classes

20 18. Artificial Intelligence has: A) come a long way B) come very slowly C) become impossible to define D) already exists

21 19. Algorithms can be found on: A) paper B) computers C) minds D) all of the above.

22 20. Good music tends to have: A) overall structure or long lines B) good harmonic progressions C) complex melodies D) good lyrics

23 21. Fundamental randomness is: A) everywhere B) nowhere proven C) cosmotic D) atomic

24 22. Sonification means to: A) turn numbers into sound B) turn sound into numbers C) opposite of visualization D) broaden our horizons

25 23. ROM means: A) really ordinary music B) read oxymoronic music C) read only monotones D) read only memory

26 24. Software means: A) code instructions B) programs C) applications D) all of the above

27 25. Leonardo of Pisa was also known as: A) Mozart B) John Holland C) Xenakis D) Fibonacci

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