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Dairy sub-sector in Zambia: How can it be productive Presentation by James Chinkubila Kasongo Heifer Zambia.

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Presentation on theme: "Dairy sub-sector in Zambia: How can it be productive Presentation by James Chinkubila Kasongo Heifer Zambia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dairy sub-sector in Zambia: How can it be productive Presentation by James Chinkubila Kasongo Heifer Zambia

2 Generic Dairy Value Chain in Zambia P. Stevens and J.C. kasongo (2009) Retail Low value consumers Processors Imports Large-scale dairy producers Small-scale dairy producers High value consumers Milk Collection Centres Traders/vendors Processed milk product Raw milk






8 Challenges in the Dairy Value Chain Small-scale Producer level Productivity (especially in dry season) and milk quality  Gaps in technical skills and knowledge (feeding, husbandry, herd improvement)  Lack of veterinary services  Management of milk collection centres  Inadequate access to investment capital  Developing market and input supply structures

9 Challenge: small-scale producer level continuedl  Inadequate breeding stock  Inadequate artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis services  Low genetic potential of indigenous and crossbred cattle  Lack of knowledge of heat detection by farmers/long calving intervals  Lack of value addition to milk

10 Challenges small scale beef  Lack of feedlot  Limited Grassing land  Poor quality of grazing during the dry season  Inadequate grass/Fodder during season  Inadequate water supply/drought


12 Challenges in the Dairy Value Chain Processor level Access to clean raw milk and processing costs  High transport costs  High interest rates on bank loans  Power supply  Shortage in supply necessitating imports  Quality Control  Branding and bar-coding for high-value consumers

13 Government related challenges  Lack of a comprehensive livestock policy on marketing, breeding etc  Inadequate livestock development Act and lack of regulatory framework  Inadequate Livestock research infrastructure, equipment and funds  Inadequate research-extension-farmer linkages  Inadequate strategy of disease outbreak prevention/vaccination  Uncoordinated institutional framework for dairy

14 Investing in Small-scale suppliers  Provision of high quality dairy heifers/cows to organized producer groups.  Provision of high quality dairy breeding bulls and development of a proper A.I system  Training and technical support, e.g. facilitating the provision of vet drugs, dairy equipment and extension services.  Facilitating linkages between small-medium dairy farmers and service providers.  Capacity Building for producer groups.  Facilitating the Livestock development fund.

15 Investing in Small-scale suppliers  Strengthen CAHW  Strengthen CPMCs  Establish milk collection site  Development the livestock development policy  Development of livestock disease free zones  Upgrade check points  Improve quarantine station  Increased surveillance and trace back system  Establishment of Dairy Board

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