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October 22, 2008 SWBAT: analyze the physical features of India Do Now: Where is India? What do you know about India?- make a list Homework: In a three.

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Presentation on theme: "October 22, 2008 SWBAT: analyze the physical features of India Do Now: Where is India? What do you know about India?- make a list Homework: In a three."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 22, 2008 SWBAT: analyze the physical features of India Do Now: Where is India? What do you know about India?- make a list Homework: In a three sentence paragraph answer“How did geographic factors impact the civilization that arose in India?




5 October 23, 2008 SWBAT: analyze the geography of India Do Now: take out a clean sheet of paper to begin notes immediately Homework: In a three sentence paragraph answer“How did geographic factors impact the civilization that arose in India?

6 The Geography of India Indian Subcontinent is shaped like a triangle hanging from the southern ridge of Asia The Far north has the Himalayan Mountains- highest mountains in the world South of the mountains is the Ganges River To the west is the Indus River Valley, a dry plateau The Deccan Plateau is dry and hilly The coasts are lush plains

7 The Weather of India Monsoon- a seasonal wind pattern in Southern Asia –It blows warm, moist air from the southwest during the summer, this brings heavy rains, which farmers depend on – and another blows cold, dry air from the northeast during the winter





12 India’s First Civilization Early civilizations emerged along the river valleys- just like where? Why? The Indus River Valley support a flourishing civilization that extended hundreds of miles from the Himalayas to the coast of the Arabian Sea Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were the two largest settlements that archaeologists have found

13 October 24, 2008 SWBAT: discuss ancient Indian Civilizations Do now: from packet being handed out, answer questions 6 and 7 Homework: finish packet for homework

14 October 27, 2008 SWBAT: analyze the significance of the Caste System Do now: Take out homework, fill in caste triangle using homework Homework: article of Presidential issues, fill in chart that goes along with it


16 October 29, 2008 SWBAT: discuss who lived in India and where they came from Do now: using your homework packet from over the weekend, who were the Aryans? Where did they come form? Why were the able to come into power? What were their achievements? Homework: answer questions from Buddhism packet quiz next week

17 The Aryans Indo-European nomadic people moved from their homeland in Central Asia They moved along what mountain range? They excelled at the art of war They conquered the Happans and eventually moved east from the Indus River valley to the fertile plain of the Ganges, then to the Deccan Plateau, throughout India

18 The Aryans They were pastoral people until the introduction of iron- what do you think they began to do? They grew wheat, barley, and millet in the north. Rice in the river valleys, and grain, vegetables and cotton and spices in the south Developed Sanskrit- what is this? What did it allow them to do? From early writings, we found that the India was full of wring kingdoms

19 The Caste System A rigid set of social categories that determined not only a person’s occupation and economic potential, but his or her position in society. Also based on skin color Who was at the top?


21 Hinduism Beliefs came form the Aryans around 1500B.C. God was the single force in the universe, Brahman Reincarnation a soul is reborn into another being after death, the soul goes through many existences on earth before it meets Brahman Karma, the force/actions that determines how the person will be reborn Dharma is ruled by karma. It is a law that requires all people to do their earthly duties, depending on status in society, the higher you are the more that is expected of you

22 October 30, 2008 SWBAT: finish Hinduism and begin Buddhism Do Now: Take out Homework –Answer: How is a person’s Caste determined Homework: Answer questions in Buddhism Packet on page 174 and 175 Quiz Monday on Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Test Thursday/ Friday on India and China

23 Buddhism Appeared in northern India in the 6 th century B.C. Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha –What does this mean? The goal of Buddhists is to attain Nirvana –What is this? He believed in four Noble Truths –What are they?

24 October 31, 2008 SWBAT: finish analyzing the religions of India Do Now: take out Buddhism Packet, Answer questions on Jainism sheet Homework: Study for quiz using chart and readings on different religions

25 Jainism Only 5% of India's pop. is Jainism It arose as a protest of the Caste System Believe the soul will go through rebirth until it is free from sin Believe that karma is the evil that prevents the soul from freeing itself from reincarnation Only monks have a chance at reaching Nirvana Believe in non-violence, ahimsa Will not farm in fear of killing something

26 Sikhism About 2% of India's pop. Rejects the Hindu Caste System Believe in one God and reincarnation They must always have the 5 Ks They must be able to defend tehir faith if necessary, usually they are the best soldiers in India’s army

27 HinduismBuddhismSikhismJainism Began Founder God (s) Basic Beliefs Believe in Reincarnation Final Goal

28 November 3, 2008 SWBAT: take a quiz on India’s religions and finish India’s civilizations Do Now: clear desks for quiz Homework: questions on pages 39-43 in China packet

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