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To be a Slave Julius Lester

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1 To be a Slave Julius Lester
Gaby Tincher 6th

2 Context Clues Word Treachery Prominently Firelight Scaffold Padlock
Sentence Correct Dictionary Definition Treachery Lew Cheney escaped, and was even awarded for his treachery. Betrayal of trust Prominently I noticed To be a Slave prominently displayed Conspicuous Firelight That made the women all speed up so they could finish before dark catch em’ ‘cause it be mighty hard handlin’ that cotton thread by firelight. The light from a fire Scaffold The entirely innocent, were taken from the field and from the cabin and without shadows of process or from of trial hurried to the scaffold Raised platform for workers and materials Padlock I perceived that it wore a collar of iron about its neck with a large padlock pendent from behind Detachable lock with a sliding U-shaped shackle

3 The author wrote this book to explain
The author wrote this book to explain. He explained how a slave lived back the. How good it is that we no longer have slavery. Also the other authors explained their stories within the book as well. Text Purpose

4 Text Structure The text structure is chronological order. It starts from how the slaves are captured for where they lived or how slavery began. Then it goes on to how slavery finally ended. It affects the way I read because everything is in order from the beginning to the end.

5 Text Representation 1.The masters were in debt or had unnamable slaves 2.They would feed that slaves barley to make the biggest profit. 3.Make the slave look as healthy as possible 4.Take the slave to the auction block 5.Advertise his “merchandise” 6. Start of the bidding 7. Sell to the highest bidder.

6 Author’s Perspective/Point of View
Subject Author’s Feelings Text Evidence Slavery To show everyone that were are all the same no matter what color skin we have #8.Of course my underlying and hidden purpose was simply this: If a child could experience slaves as humans beings then it might be possible for that same child to look at the descendents of slaves and also see another human being no more no less.

7 MAIN IDEA Paragraphs Main Idea Beginning-Page #28
How they felt being a slave and how they were treated. Middle-Page #77 They didn’t get an identity their names were of their masters End-Page # The slaves if they escaped would rather be killed than be captured and returned to their owners

8 Supporting Details Details Page # Comments
Occasionally a slave owner would try to be gentle with a child 49 If this was taken out we wouldn’t know how they got the children to cooperate And it was here that millions died from the conditions on board 22 It tells how bad the conditions were on the boat Even more rare was the occasion where the auction block was a source of joy 51 We wouldn’t know the auction block was ever a happy experience for anyone

9 Draw Inferences What the Book Says Conclusions Drawn
Situation: Her kids were being auctioned off. Character Actions: Begged her new master to buy at least one of her kids She was devastated and would do anything for her kids. Situation: Her kids made fun of her whip marks. Character Actions: Whipped her kids with a belt. She was really angry that her kids would laugh at something that put her through so much pain.

10 Compare-Contrast To be a Slave 1.How the plantation looked
A Slaves Life 1.They talk about how the children are 2.There children are like “ sheep, goats, camels, and oxen” 3.They do everything for their master 4. How the writer feels bad for everyone else 5.The writer doesn’t think they will ever get freedom To be a Slave 1.How the plantation looked 2.How the slaves felt at the auction block 3.Some of the slaves escaped 4.Some of the masters trusted the slaves 5.What it felt lke to have freedom Both: 1.They both wish for freedom 2.Talk about how their masters don’t care about them 3.They have no identity 4.They wish their children did not become slaves 5.Were scarred of their masters

11 Facts Facts Page # Comments
The slaves called the master house “the big house” 60 It says what the slaves thought about their masters houses It’s not uncommon for escaped slaves to hide out in the woods. 121 It tells where they would go when they escaped from the plantation. The women in irons as well as the men. 25 How bad they were treated when they were captive. The house of slaves were generally fit for more animals than human beings 62 How bad the living conditions were for the slaves. Others died because they took their own life rather than live as slaves. 24 How badly they didn’t want to become slaves that they would kill themselves they would have to be.

12 OPINIONS Opinions Page # Comments 22 144 145 39 90
I have never seen white people before and they appeared to me the ugliest creatures in the world. 22 From the slaves point of veiw of how white people looked to the The glorious freedom did not last long 144 For some slaves it did, but for some it didn’t Freedom turned in to another kind of slavery 145 To some people it was just the same as slavery before just not called it. The institution of slavery had no redeeming virtues for the enslaves 39 For some of the slaves some may had gotten virtues from their masters House servants we hated by the slaves that worked in the fields 90 Some slaves hated some slaves thought it want their fault.

13 Reading Response 1. “They never got nary a lick of labor and nary a red penny for any of them babies.” I feel bad for the mothers because they are somewhat happy their kids died because they didn’t want them to be slaves. 2. “To live as a piece of property that could be sold.”These people don’t get treated fairly they are treated as nonliving when they are in fact human beings. 3. “It is estimated that some fifty million people were taken from the continent during the years of the slave trade” It is crazy how there were even that many slaves and probably thousands more being slaves.

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