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 Concept of learning outcomes was already in use in general education, some vocational and higher education programs  Government’s strategy on diversification.

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2  Concept of learning outcomes was already in use in general education, some vocational and higher education programs  Government’s strategy on diversification of economy presumed availability of employees with new competencies in the labor market  Difficulties of recognition of qualifications for rapidly increasing number of Azerbaijani students going to study abroad  Ministry of Labor of Azerbaijan started a large-scale project on development of occupational standards

3  Established in 2010  Composed from representatives of: 1) the Ministry of Education 2) the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection 3) the Student Admission Commission 4) the Ministry of Economic Development 5) education institutions, etc.  Supported by international consultant and ETF expert

4  Analysis of the existing legal basis (first half of 2011)  Drafting the AzQF (July-August, 2011)  Discussions at the Ministry of Education (September-October, 2011)  Draft AzQF is sent to the Council of Europe for review (November, 2011)  Expert opinion is received from the Council of Europe (January, 2012)  Revisions to AzQF based on the comments from the Council of Europe (February, 2012)  Hosting an international conference on implementation of NQFs (June, 2012)

5 1. General provisions 2. Objectives of the AzQF 3. Level descriptors of the AzQF 4. Roles and responsibilities of institutions 5. Quality assurance 6. Glossary 7. Annex – Documents supporting the AzQF

6 The AzQF is designed for the recognition of lifelong learning and includes the following qualifications:  Qualifications for general education  Qualifications for initial vocational education  Qualifications for secondary specialised education (sub-bachelor education)  Qualifications for higher education  Qualifications for additional education and training

7 EQF levels EHEA cycles General Education Initial VETSecondary specialised education Higher education Additional education AzQF levels 8 THIRD CYCLE (DOCTOR) 8 7 SECOND CYCLE (MАSTER) 7 6 FIRST CYCLE (BACHELOR) 6 5 SHORT CYCLE 5 44 33 22 11 The AzQF levels

8  Possible legal barriers for approval of AzQF document  Low level of understanding of qualifications framework process at a large – evidence from consultations  Fragmented vision for implementation of AzQF  Possible risks of misconception for additional education and training qualifications  Expected resistance to the concept of recognition of non-formal and informal learning  etc.

9  Approval of the AzQF umbrella document by the Government  Development and approval of implementation plan for AzQF  Development of regulatory sub-documents  Establishment of relevant functions and sustainable infrastructure necessary for: 1) labor market observations, 2) development of occupational standards, 3) validation of qualifications, 4) maintaining register of qualifications, etc.


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