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The Concept of Competitiveness in the Context of Post-Industrial Society Prof. V.V. Ivanov Deputy General Scientific Secretary, Presidium of Russian Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Concept of Competitiveness in the Context of Post-Industrial Society Prof. V.V. Ivanov Deputy General Scientific Secretary, Presidium of Russian Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Concept of Competitiveness in the Context of Post-Industrial Society Prof. V.V. Ivanov Deputy General Scientific Secretary, Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences 27 October 2011, Moscow

2 ИВАНОВ В.В.ivanov@presidium.ras.ru2 Post-industrial society Improvement of quality of life Domination of intellectual labor over industrial one Technological (induced) environment Advanced development of service sector

3 ИВАНОВ В.В.ivanov@presidium.ras.ru3 Competition Concept  Competition is an intention to meet the criteria for access to welfare Two approaches to the interpretation of the competition concep : The absence of restrictions on the market that contributes to the fair distribution of economic resources (A.Smith) Competition is considered as a process based on the evolution of competitive advantage (М.Porter).

4 ИВАНОВ В.В.ivanov@presidium.ras.ru4 Competitiveness of person is Competitiveness of person is ability to be active at the labor market aimed to improve quality of life and realize one’s needs Parents (0~7) Genetics, health Parents (0~7) Genetics, health Family (0~14) Values of life Family (0~14) Values of life School (6~18) Knowledge School (6~18) Knowledge College (18-20) Skills College (18-20) Skills University (18-23) University (18-23) Knowledge and skills Professional Professional activity (20 - ∞) Qualification

5 Competitiveness of Business a bility to attract resources for own development and socio- economic development of the country as a whole, creating of new market segments through the production of high quality new products, access to existing markets through the usage of more efficient technologies and reduction of manufacturing costs. Main Factors Personnel Resources Finances ИВАНОВ В.В.ivanov@presidium.ras.ru5

6 Competitiveness of State ability to attract external resources to address the constitutional goals, performance of active policy on the existing global markets, creating of new markets and retaining dominant positions on them, encouraging businesses to address the problem of improving the quality of life Main Factors Territory Population Nature Resources Science Education Industry ИВАНОВ В.В.ivanov@presidium.ras.ru6

7 7 Nation Competitiveness Ensuring the quality of life up to the world standards Involving external resources Effect on world markets State Competitiveness Business Competitiveness Personal Competitiveness Ability to be active in the labor market in order to improve the standard of life Ability to use external recourses for solving problem of own development

8 Nation Competitiveness is determined as matching the level of human potential development up to the international standards, ability to attract external resources for own development, ability to influence actively on global processes and markets ИВАНОВ В.В.ivanov@presidium.ras.ru8

9 ИВАНОВ В.В.ivanov@presidium.ras.ru9 Competition and Competitiveness Industrial Society Post-Industrial Society Concept of Competitiveness Improvement of Productivity M. Porter Improvement of Human Potential V. Ivanov (2010) Definition of Competitiveness Competitiveness is… capacity of the goods, services, market entities to act on a par with similar goods, services or competing actors of market relations presented in the market ability to attract external resources for own development and to participate in the functioning of markets

10 ИВАНОВ В.В.ivanov@presidium.ras.ru10 Thank you for your attention!

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