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Trivia Fun Fact Time  When we discussed Feudalism earlier, what was a serf or serfdom?  What are the main differences between art from the Renaissance.

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Presentation on theme: "Trivia Fun Fact Time  When we discussed Feudalism earlier, what was a serf or serfdom?  What are the main differences between art from the Renaissance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trivia Fun Fact Time  When we discussed Feudalism earlier, what was a serf or serfdom?  What are the main differences between art from the Renaissance and the Dark Ages.  What do the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Renaissance have in common.

2 What is slavery? STUDENT RESPONSES:

3 How do we define Slavery? Or what is a slave?  Definition:  Slavery: institution based on a relationship of dominance and submission, whereby one person owns another and can exact from that person labor or other services.  Attributes of Slavery  Personal property of another  Lifelong, inheritable status  Legal right to be exploited for labor  Transferable to other parties  Involuntary

4 Is slavery in Leclercstan? You are forced to labor on a farm. You work long hours in the field under constant supervision. Your parents worked on this farm under the same conditions. You are fed, provided with shelter, and basic needs. You can be transferred to another individual for cash payments. You are legal property of your master in this relationship. Your master treats you with respect and dignity.

5 Is slavery in Kostan?  You work very hard on the plantation. Your overseer yells at you constantly to work harder. You work for a low wage. You are not provided any food or housing. You must find these for yourself. You can leave whenever you want, but you have to provide for your family. Finding work is very difficult; working on this plantation is really your only option.

6 Is slavery in Wiltsieland?  You are working on a farm. You work under harsh conditions and your master treats you poorly. You voluntarily signed a contract to work for a period of time in exchange for passage to America. You are legally bound to your master during this period of time. In exchange for 7 years of hard labor, you are promised a tract of land and a cow. Unfortunately, you die before your contract ends.

7 Is slavery in Goodmanland?  You are tied to the land of your master. You cannot be transferred from or leave the land. Your parents and grandparents before you had this same arrangement. You are called upon by your master to provide labor or a percentage of the harvest from the land. You must ask your master for permission to marry someone from a different region. For your efforts, you are provided with protection from your master.

8 Is there slavery in Sipostan?  You are in a significant amount of debt. Your master owns you as property until you pay off your debt. You labor and toil in the factory for years. You are treated poorly, and the working conditions are terrible. Once you pay off this insurmountable debt you can be released. But due to the faulty accounting practices of your master, there seems to be no end in sight.

9 Is there slavery in Skeansland?  You are arrested on trumped up and outlandish crimes that you didn’t even commit. In prison, you are not owned by an individual but by the government. You work to build infrastructure or products the state needs. You have no rights at this time, but once your sentence is up you can leave. Your sentence is for 20 years.

10 Is there slavery in Johnstonstan?  You have been pressed into service to fight for your country as a condition of citizenship. You are serving against your will. But, the nation is fighting a long-term war for freedom. You are paid a sum of money for your efforts and are eventually released once the conflict concludes.

11 Is slavery in Smithland?  You live on a beautiful island. It’s a paradise. You are forced to collect coconuts 10 hours a day for the whole week. You were purchased by your master from pirates. You are mistreated on an occasional basis. Overall, life is alright. You were forced into this life by the marauding pirates who raided your original home. Even though the island is amazing, you long for home. You attempt to leave, but you are caught. You are disciplined harshly. If you have children, they will live under the same circumstances as you.

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