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Science Communication in Space Research Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin European Space Agency Head of Communication Office, ESA Darmstadt, Germany Dublin 10/07/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Communication in Space Research Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin European Space Agency Head of Communication Office, ESA Darmstadt, Germany Dublin 10/07/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Communication in Space Research Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin European Space Agency Head of Communication Office, ESA Darmstadt, Germany Dublin 10/07/2012


3 ESA IN A NUTSHELL Since 1975, the European Space Agency (ESA) has been shaping space programmes for its Member States in Europe. It implements decisions taken with a strong involvement of industry and scientific organisations.

4 ESA IN A NUTSHELL ESA is an intergovernmental organisation with a mandate to develop space industry in Europe and make it competitive, increase knowledge and technology AND inform citizens

5 Over 40 years of experience 19 Member States 5 establishments in Europe, about 2200 staff 4 billion Euro budget (2012) Over 70 satellites designed, tested and operated in flight 17 scientific satellites in operation 6 types of launcher developed Celebrated the 200th launch of Ariane in February 2011 ESA FACTS AND FIGURES

6 ESA has 19 Member States: 17 states of the EU (AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, IT, GR, IE, LU, NL, PT, RO, SE, UK) + Norway and Switzerland. Eight other EU states have Cooperation Agreements with ESA: Estonia, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania and the Slovak Republic. Bulgaria and Malta are negotiating Cooperation Agreements. Canada takes part in some programmes under a Cooperation Agreement. 19 MEMBER STATES AND GROWING

7 Space science Human spaceflight Exploration Earth observation Launchers ESA is one of the few space agencies in the world to combine responsibility in nearly all areas of space activity. ACTIVITIES Navigation Telecommunications Technology Operations

8 COMMUNICATION ISSUES Diversity of activities Complexity of themes Languages and culture Means Science communication is new What are the possibilities to catch the attention? Talk to the media Talk to the public Talk to students

9 1.INTERVIEWS ESA co-ordinates over 2,000 interviews per year in more than five languages. Media remains a prime channel for communication, but has to be carefully selected and dealt with. Though TV is still the best multiplicator, it is no longer the preferred source of information, especially among young people. Social networks are mandatory but not well understood among scientific organisations. COMMUNICATING WITH MEDIA

10 2. SPACE SCIENCE TALKS A classical format gathering media and scientists around a space mission for two days. The science expected from the mission is detailed and all presentations are worked out with the scientists until the level is acceptable for a non-technical journalist, but high enough for a specialised one.

11 COMMUNICATING WITH MEDIA 3. ACCESS TO AUDIO VISUAL DATABASE No science communication without good audio-visual inputs, especially animations.

12 COMMUNICATING WITH THE PUBLIC Social Media on the rise 1st European Space Tweet up ESA/DLR Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 12

13 COMMUNICATING WITH THE PUBLIC Social Media on the rise In depth podcasts: raumzeit The podcast in German deals in depth with all sorts of space themes, space debris, earth observation, astronomy, careers during up to 2 hours. It addresses people interested in details of a space-related topics. The podcast was born 18 months ago and has now reached one million downloads. http://raumzeit-podcast.de


15 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC LONG NIGHT OF STARS/NIGHT OF RESEARCH/SPACE DAYS Duration: eight hours Cooperation with local radio Benefits: direct access to engineers and scientists; no limitation of age Complex programme with thematic animations, games for children, quizz Research Night, ESRIN, Italy

16 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC Science Day Combined presentations with astronauts, scientists and local radio stations at a central venue. Q&A session at the end of the evening.

17 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC Participation in fairs Heiner Fest, Darmstadt, Germany: 700.000 visitors in four days


19 Perry Rhodan World Con 2011, Sci-Fi Convention, 3000 participants Shopping Malls and Railway stations exhibitions Mars exploration exhibition, duration: 3 years, combined information and hands-on, DE, AT

20 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC – Entering partnerships Cooperation with museums ESA has developed exhibitions concept which can be used by museums or science houses. The idea is to create a space environment which can be adapted to the needs and specificities or the customer.

21 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC – Entering partnerships The Ecsite Annual Conference is the most prominent meeting of science communication professionals in Europe, bringing together 1,000 professionals in the field. Ecsite Workshop, Toulouse, June 2012

22 COMMUNICATING WITH SCHOOLS Mission-X is being organised for every human spaceflight mission with an aim to foster healthy food and sport habits. Schools are invited to participate for several weeks.

23 COMMUNICATING WITH SCHOOLS ESA supports an education programme at corporate and directorate level. ESA invests in local national organisations, which relay information and organise activities for teachers and schools.

24 COMMUNICATING WITH SCHOOLS It does not interfere directly with school programmes and rather invites the faculty to draw upon the existing resources, information centres or web pages with a lot of material available. At directorate level, specific material is produced around a space mission, for Earth Observation and human spaceflight. EN

25 COMMUNICATING WITH SCHOOLS Multiply partnerships with foundations and media Wissen in die Schule, Klaus Tschira Foundation: organises regular courses for teachers on astronomy. ESA has supported several actions on the occasion of the Herschel/Planck Missions. Esa is offering many possibilities to download raw pictures for any school students to process for arts or physics for instance. Have a look at the Mars Express Webcam website.

26 COMMUNICATING WITH SCHOOLS Teachers Workshop 10 -13 July 2012 Participants from Europe are presented with innovative and inspiring methods using space as a means for engaging students with the sciences.

27 COMMUNICATING WITH SCHOOLS AND CHILDREN Cooperation with Google and Youtube NASA, JAXA and ESA participated in a space Competition organised by Google and Youtube In 2012 inviting 14 to 18 years old to propose Their experiments to be flown onboard the ISS. The jury chose the winners among ….. Entries And the trailers were seen 35 million times.

28 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC – using pictures Herschel shows the marvels of our space environment. Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 28


30 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC Phytoplankton bloom across the Barents Sea off the coast of mainland Europes most northern point, Cape Nordkinn

31 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC – Entering partnerships Partnerships represent a strong part of the communication policy as the general public needs to be picked up where it is: In public transportation: Cooperation with the German Railways, Lufthansa, Air France, the Madrid Tube

32 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC – Entering partnerships With the media: El Pais, Liberation, T-Online

33 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC – Entering partnerships Games and Promotional items It is possible to obtain a licensing agreement with ESA to produce branded clothing and promotional items such as: Card games (Quartet game) with satellites and rockets Planet Hunters, Campagames 3D Memo, Campagames

34 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC – Entering partnerships Cooperation with toy producer Imaginarium

35 COMMUNICATING WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC – Entering partnerships A planetarium show was developed in cooperation with German-speaking planetarium on the occasion of the launch of the astronomy missions Herschel and Planck in 2009. Starting with 32 planetariums in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, the show has now spread to over 70 planetariums in the world and exists in 7 languages. A new show will be prepared for the launch of the Gaia satellite end of 2013.


37 THANK YOU Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin Communicating Science for Space Research

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