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Solve equations using logarithms and exponentials.

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Presentation on theme: "Solve equations using logarithms and exponentials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solve equations using logarithms and exponentials

2 Solving Exponential Equations You can use logs to solve exponential equations, start by writing in log form.

3 Solving Natural Logs Define: Natural Logarithm – a logarithm with base “e” You solve natural logs the same way as any other log. SOLVE

4 Solving Log Equations You can use exponential equations to solve logs To solve a log equation first write as one log (if possible), then write in expo. form to solve. If you don’t see the base it’s base 10

5 How could you use Logs in the Real-World? Your lumber company has 1,200,000 trees. You plan to harvest 7% of the trees each year. How many years will it take to harvest half of the trees? After about 9 years and 6 months you will have harvested half of the trees.

6 Solving Exponential Equations You can use calc. to help solve exponential equations Set equal to zero Graph and find where it crosses the x-axis **Hint: also graph y=0 and find where the two lines intersect. **

7 practice Pg 473 #15-25 odd #32-35 #40-43 Pg 473 #1-4, 7-12, 36-39, 49

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