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1111 National Centre for First Nations Governance rebuilding our nations Facilitation Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "1111 National Centre for First Nations Governance rebuilding our nations Facilitation Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 1111 National Centre for First Nations Governance rebuilding our nations Facilitation Techniques

2 222 National Centre for First Nations Governance How to have Effective Meetings Clear purpose and objectives. Focus on achieving goals; making decisions Good meeting processes promote meaningful participation and effective communications Culturally appropriate

3 333 National Centre for First Nations Governance Community Engagement Successful engagement relies upon effective communication.

4 444 National Centre for First Nations Governance Effective Communications Two way process (send, receive); Listening vs. Talking The words are only one part of the message. Tone and body language are important. Information overload and complexity are major barriers Culturally appropriate

5 555 National Centre for First Nations Governance Effective Facilitation Helping the work; not doing the work Deliver some information but mostly gathering; maximize input from participants Must be documented or recorded Culturally appropriate

6 666 National Centre for First Nations Governance Familiar Techniques Introductions / Icebreakers / Energizers Brainstorm Interview Matrix Small group discussion

7 777 National Centre for First Nations Governance Brainstorming

8 888 National Centre for First Nations Governance Brainstorming A technique where the facilitator asks a group to suggest answers to a specific question. The objective is to encourage as many answers and input as possible. It is done as one large group.

9 999 National Centre for First Nations Governance Brainstorming Useful when the group is small and you want a wide range of options. Works well when the group has a good dynamic. Not practical for very large groups; the writer is the bottleneck. Sometimes difficult for shy people.

10 10 National Centre for First Nations Governance Brainstorming Numbered list keeps track of quantity Record words as spoken; clarify or ask for examples where needed Combine and expand upon ideas; Sort and prioritize afterward Can be done on flipcharts or with a computer and projector

11 11 National Centre for First Nations Governance Interview Matrix

12 12 National Centre for First Nations Governance Interview Matrix A variation of brainstorming. This technique involves groups of 4 people interviewing each other. It gathers each persons responses to 4 questions and then summarizes all responses.

13 13 National Centre for First Nations Governance Interview Matrix Useful for considering multiple issues from different viewpoints Suitable for groups of 12 or more people Very active discussions, sharing ideas Generating excellent solutions requires excellent questions

14 14 National Centre for First Nations Governance Interview Matrix Not designed for small groups of less than 12 people Consider differences in language, literacy and note-taking ability Ensure clarity of who is asking; who is answering; and in which order A timekeeper helps with this exercise

15 15 National Centre for First Nations Governance World Café

16 16 National Centre for First Nations Governance World Café Another variation of brainstorming Small group discussions café style Gets people moving around and interacting with different people Useful for generating creative solutions from a large group

17 17 National Centre for First Nations Governance World Café Suitable for larger groups Encourages interaction among participants unfamiliar with each other Very active, social and conversational; encourages creativity Success and results depend on excellent questions and topics

18 18 National Centre for First Nations Governance World Café Not suitable for a small group Must create an inviting and comfortable space large enough for tables and chairs Need people to record and report conversations as well as to ensure input from all participants

19 19 National Centre for First Nations Governance Open Space

20 20 National Centre for First Nations Governance Open Space Effective with large groups to identify issues and find creative solutions Not suitable for small groups Requires additional time and training We will provide resources for you on this technique but will mention it briefly here

21 21 National Centre for First Nations Governance Surveys

22 22 National Centre for First Nations Governance Surveys Pose a standard set of questions to a sample population Can gather lots of information on several topics at the same time Survey methods include: interviews, questionnaires, telephone, online, etc

23 23 National Centre for First Nations Governance Surveys Useful to generate a statistical model of a population Allows cross-referencing of different data sets to find patterns Can gather opinions and numerical data Used effectively, can be very powerful

24 24 National Centre for First Nations Governance Surveys Can also be complex and confusing Entire industries now exist to do this Results can be mixed Results may require extra analysis

25 25 National Centre for First Nations Governance Surveys Know exactly what you want to know Design the questions carefully. The questions are just as important as the answers and outcomes Cultural considerations

26 26 National Centre for First Nations Governance Additional Resources World Café Interview Matrix Open Space

27 27 National Centre for First Nations Governance Additional Resources Surveys questionnaire.html =survey-design The Art of Hosting:

28 Motivational Posters


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