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Anxiety Stress Depression Depression can be experienced in a mild form lasting hours or days or it can be completely debilitating with major symptoms.

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2 Anxiety Stress Depression




6 Depression can be experienced in a mild form lasting hours or days or it can be completely debilitating with major symptoms lasting years and all points in between

7 Chemical or Hormonally induced depression Genetic factors (are some people “wired” for depression?) Life experiences and trauma (too much fear in our early years)

8 Depression can result in addictive behavior All addictions are a desperate attempt to deal with painful symptoms

9 Most often all these symptoms are the result of other underlying, more important psychological issues As with a high temperature, aching joints and nausea that is not the illness it’s self but could be the symptoms of many different illnesses

10 “I suffer from depression” is only true in part What is suffered from is more than the symptom it is the underlying issue that causes depression

11 Symptoms can completely mask the underlying issues, so they are never recognised or treated

12 Very often these symptoms take on the central focus in a person's life becoming an never ending cycle of illness and unsuccessful treatment

13 Uni-polar; Some changes / swing in mood and behaviors Bi-polar; Swings between mania and depression “Manic depression” Endogenous; Caused by trauma

14 Has anyone never felt some of these symptoms at sometime?

15 Depression can be successfully treated with a combination of treatments that change thinking and feelings by changing behavior

16 Counselling and Psychotherapy can have good outcomes in treating the underlying issues This can include the help we get from talking to friends and family

17 We can’t ignore symptoms Psychological symptoms can and should be treated at the same time as treatment with talking therapy

18 Taking responsibility for getting well This is often the first task of counselling But not ever saying; “just pull yourself together!”

19 Anti-depressants These aim to reduce symptoms to enable other treatments to work more effectively Often they are seen as the only solution Side effects are experienced at the start of treatment, long term (more than 2/3 years) use reduces their effectiveness

20 How we can help our friends and family who are suffering from depression? Or how can we help ourselves?

21 Don’t ask them to do too much at once Don’t show impatience Don’t undermine their emotional experience Don’t compare them to others Don’t say “its time you got over this” Don’t get caught up in their depression, it can be infectious

22 Encourage activities that they are good at to build self-worth Invite them to social events to build confidence Give them responsibilities to help them see themselves as helpers not victims Encourage health sleeping, eating and exercise Notice triggers points that can increase or cause depressive episodes and talk about them Make them laugh

23 It is important to concentrate on what is possible to change and not worry about what is impossible

24 Identify the underlying root cause issues Appropriate use of medication Work on changing to positive behaviors Be prepared to have setbacks

25 If you change your behavior you will feel differently

26 Why then is it so hard to overcome depression? Why are so many people depressed? Why is depression the most common psychological illness?

27 There is a culture of looking outside of ourselves for solutions; rather than doing it for ourselves Some people identify with their illness even when it causes them pain, they see it as who they are They can be anxious of the changes being well will bring We can falsely make our life experiences the sum of our identity

28 Now the most important part...

29 The church has understood the importance of psychological therapies since the 1970’s All gospel centered psychotherapy must point towards participating in the Atonement of Jesus Christ Psychotherapy is to help take down the barriers that prevent this

30 Mental health problems could be understood as the pain we suffer when we becoming caught in a false identity When we allow our fears and anxieties to shape who we are, our real potential is lost

31 Healing comes from discovering our true eternal identity


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