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EwE Economics Beth Fulton 2012

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Presentation on theme: "EwE Economics Beth Fulton 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 EwE Economics Beth Fulton 2012
Start the story of qualitative analysis in the 12th century with a gentle man called Fibonacci. Then move to Malthus, Darwin, Lotka and Volterra then get into the nitty gritty of qualitative modelling EwE Economics Beth Fulton 2012

2 Simple bioeconomics Costs and prices Prices x Costs x

3 Spatial bioeconomics Costs and catch in space = Ecospace

4 Spatial bioeconomics Costs increased, but stocks high
Differential implications of management Costs increased, but stocks high Costs unchanged, but stocks depleted

5 Value Chains Economic chains (potential amplification and knock on effects)

6 Value Chains Basic chain idea:

7 Value Chains In business theory has more aspects (not all covered in the EwE tool)

8 Tasmanian Southern Rock Lobster (SRL)
SRL Fishers (3 types) Fish receivers Interim Transport Primary wholesale Secondary wholesale Export Destination Consumers ≈5% Tasmanian retailers 2% Tasmanian consumers Tasmanian Restaurants 3% Bass Strait ferry 5% Melb. fish market Interstate retailers Burnie airport Lease quota fishers 30% Australian mainland consumers 20-40 %* Pro-cessors (North & South) 70% Quota owner operators Sydney fish market Interstate Restaurants Chinese consumers Hobart airport Day fishers Chinese Importer 50-70 %* Interim storage Vietnam 20% Re-packaging ≈10% Philippines Tasmanian Southern Rock Lobster (SRL) * Australian sales and export figures vary by year By: Anna Farmery, Ingrid van Putten and Bridget Green (2012)

9 Torres Strait Tropical Rock Lobster (TRL)
TRL Fishery (3 sectors) TRL fisher types Fish receivers (drop off points) Interim storage Airfreight to processors Export Destination Consumers Return to outer island Australian (mainland) consumers 17 t live Casual fishers 35% TIB (indigenous) fishers Freezer & pond storage (on island) 5% 37% Part –time fishers American importer American consumers Full-time fishers 65% Airfreight & Seafreight 45% 383 t tails Return to Thursday Island Freezer & pond storage (Thursday or Horn Island) Cairns processors Operating out of Thursday Island 45% 50% TVH (non-indigenous) fishers 37% Operating out of Queensland 55% Chinese Importer Chinese consumers Return mother-ship then Cairns Processor pick-up Cairns wharf 320 t live PNG fishers 25% Return to PNG Torres Strait Tropical Rock Lobster (TRL) Adapted from Hutton and van Putten et al (2012)

10 Value Chains - Ecopath Ecopath (& Ecosim) tool

11 Value Chains – Defaults
Default chain available (aggregate for the whole system)

12 Value Chains - Chains Can define own chains (multiple chains)

13 Producers Parameterise producer economic values Products ($/t)
Tickets ($/effort) Revenue ($/effort) Wages ($/t or %) Taxes and Subsidies ($/t) Workers (#/t) Owners (#/t) Social dependency (#/worker)

14 Processors Parameterise processor economic values Products ($/t)
Wages ($/t or %) Taxes and Subsidies ($/t) Workers (#/t) Owners (#/t) Social dependency (#/worker)

15 Transport Parameterise transport economic values = distributors
Products ($/t) Wages ($/t or %) Taxes and Subsidies ($/t) Workers (#/t) Owners (#/t) Social dependency (#/worker)

16 Markets Parameterise market economic values Products ($/t)
Wages ($/t or %) Taxes and Subsidies ($/t) Workers (#/t) Owners (#/t) Social dependency (#/worker)

17 Consumers Easy bit….

18 Spreadsheets Or component entry All the same parameters
Component type at a time

19 Value Chains Static outcome based on parameters & ecopath

20 Value Chains – Through time
Dynamic outcome based on parameters & ecosim No ecospace yet Revenue Profits Costs

21 Value Chains – Example

22 Value Chains – Example

23 Thank you Explain why important - what has climate change shown as already? Fisheries is streets ahead in thinking about co-management, adaptive management and tools to support that.

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