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Structures that perform specific functions within the cell

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1 Structures that perform specific functions within the cell
CELL ORGANELLES Structures that perform specific functions within the cell

2 I. Plasma (Cell) Membrane
Outer layer around cell Separates cell from outer environment Controls what enters and leaves the cell Allows cell to interact with environment Receive messages and get rid of wastes


4 Hydrophilic – “water-loving”
Hydrophobic – “water-fearing”


6 Plasma (Cell) Membrane
Phospholipid bilayer Three types of Proteins Cell markers Receptors Transport or channel


8 II. Nucleus Nuclear envelope –double membrane surrounds nucleus
Stores DNA Nucleolus – dense area of DNA makes ribosomes


10 III. Mitochondria Energy center “Powerhouse” of the cell
Turns food (glucose) into usable energy (ATP) Site of Cellular Respiration

11 IV. Ribosomes Roughly spherical Made of RNA and protein Make protein
Some are free. Others are attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum



14 V. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Tubes and sacs called cisternae Transport, “intracellular highway” Helps maintain homeostasis Rough ER = ribosomes Produces phospholipids & proteins Smooth ER = no ribosomes Builds lipids such as cholesterol


16 VI. Golgi Apparatus Like a factory Receives sacs from ER
Processes, packages and secretes proteins Sends “product” out by vesicles


18 VI. Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes
Causes organelles or cells that are not functioning properly to die (autolysis) Some digest material brought into cell Monomers of four macromolecules

19 VII. Other Vesicles Peroxisomes – breakdown alcohol and kill bacteria (liver and kidney) Glyoxysomes – convert stored fats to energy in plants Food vacuoles – stores nutrients

20 VIII. CYTOSKELETON Microtubules Microfilaments – help in movement
Cilia and Flagella – hairlike structures that create movement

21 D. Centrioles Consists of 2 short cylinders of microtubules
(hold organelles in place, maintains cell shape) Important during cell division Animals only


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