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Cell Organelles Parts of a cell. There are 2 types of cells Prokaryotic Cells – There is no nucleus – Ex: Bacteria Eukaryotic Cells – There is a nucleus.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Organelles Parts of a cell. There are 2 types of cells Prokaryotic Cells – There is no nucleus – Ex: Bacteria Eukaryotic Cells – There is a nucleus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Organelles Parts of a cell

2 There are 2 types of cells Prokaryotic Cells – There is no nucleus – Ex: Bacteria Eukaryotic Cells – There is a nucleus Are you a prokaryote or Eukaryote? – YOU are a EUcaryote

3 Cell Organelles (Parts) 1. Nucleus - Controls the function of the cell Analogy – Principal, teacher, or boss 2. Mitochondria – Transforms energy for the cell (powerhouse) Analogy – Light bulbs Mighty Mitochondria

4 3. Vacuole Stores food and water for the cell Plants have LARGE vacuoles Analogy – Water bottles 4. Endoplasmic Reticulum Transports materials Analogy - Roads

5 5. Ribosomes Makes protein Analogy - Cafeteria Staff 6. Golgi Apparatus/Body Packages and ships proteins outside the cell Analogy - Post Office

6 7. Chloroplasts Make food for the plants by converting light energy to chemical energy Only in plant cells Analogy – Cafeteria 8. Lysosomes Throws out extra or undigested food Analogy – Garbage cans

7 9. Cell Membrane Allows nutrients and water into the cell by the process of diffusion Analogy - Security 10. Cell Walls Supports and protects Only in Plant cells Analogy – School building

8 Find the organelles Vacuole Plant or Animal Cell? Plant cell because it has chloroplasts, a large vacuole and a cell wall

9 Difference between an animal and plant cell Animal CellPlant Cell Does not have a Has a cell wall cell wall Does not have Have chloroplasts chloroplasts Have small Have large vacuoles vacuoles

10 Using your notes, complete worksheet

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