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Functions of Cell Organelles.  Nucleus (A,P)  controls all cell activities  stores chromatin (DNA,chromosomes)  Nuclear Membrane (A,P)  allows substances.

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Presentation on theme: "Functions of Cell Organelles.  Nucleus (A,P)  controls all cell activities  stores chromatin (DNA,chromosomes)  Nuclear Membrane (A,P)  allows substances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functions of Cell Organelles

2  Nucleus (A,P)  controls all cell activities  stores chromatin (DNA,chromosomes)  Nuclear Membrane (A,P)  allows substances to pass in or out of nucleus through pores  Nucleolus (A,P)  produces ribosomes

3  Chromatin (A,P,B)  uncoiled DNA and proteins  Cytoplasm (A,P,B)  cell interior where all cellular activities occur  Cell Membrane (A,P,B)  semipermeable /selectively permeable  allows certain substances to enter and exit cell

4  Mitochondria (A,P)  powerhouse/center of respiration  breaks down glucose to ATP(cell energy)  Golgi Apparatus (A,P)  modifies and packages proteins for transport by vesicle

5  Endoplasmic Recticulum (ER) (A,P)  rough – a pathway through which proteins move through cell  smooth – makes lipids for cell membrane  Ribosomes (A,P,B)  assemble (put together) proteins

6  Centrioles (A)  aid in movement of chromosomes during cell division  Lysosomes (A)  digests proteins,lipids,carbohydrates,worn out cell parts

7  Microtubules (A,P)  cytoskeleton  helps shape and support cell  Vesicles (A,P)  membrane pouch that transports substances

8  Plastid (Chloroplast) (P)  traps solar energy to make glucose  site of photosynthesis  Cell Wall (P,B)  supports and protects cell from damage  Central Vacuole (P)  chemical storehouse  stores water, nutrients, ions, waste

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