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Published bySibyl O’Neal’ Modified over 9 years ago
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Advanced software methods for physics analysis Luca Lista INFN Napoli
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Introduction Unprecedented data analysis complexity are experienced in BaBar today, and LHC in the future Huge data samples Large number of analyses High level of analysis complexity Analysis software and data model must have a high level of reliability Provide the users community with a set powerful, generic, simple to use, tools to analyze data “Core” software technicalities must be hidden to the end user behind well defined interfaces Code reuse must be pursued to permit users to share what has been developed A good Object Oriented architecture is a solution N.B.: “Good” is more important than “OO” here…
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Outline Analysis Data Model BaBar experience with the new Analysis Model Analysis toolkits An example of fitting and “toy” Monte Carlo Conclusions
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 BaBar experience BaBar has collected up to now 200×10 6 BB pairs Physics events are organized according to a well established model with different components at increasing levels of detail: Tag ( boolean bits, floats and int. ) for fast event filtering Aod ( “Micro-DST” ) containing physics-level objects Esd ( “Mini-DST” ) intermediate level reconstruction objects Reconstructed tracks and neutral objects are accessible to the users by means of the information provided by “BtaCandidates”, which represent particle candidates Event store technology originally based on Objectivity Showed to be unfit for analysis purposes Almost every physics analysis is based on Tag and Aod levels. ROOT-IO supported early for those components
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 The original Analysis Model The “physics” code in the BaBar Framework Performs particle identification and build intermediate “composite” particles ( 0, K S, D, resonances) Composite particles are built by means of a standard (i.e. validated) and configurable set of tools This task is intrinsically very expensive in term of CPU time because of the high combinatorics involved. The output of the process (containers of composite particles candidates) was available only at the transient level Very often physics analyses take advantage of an intermediate step of data reduction (skimming) Performs further data reduction on individual analysis basis Eventually manage the production of large PAW/ROOT n-tuples which contain specific analysis level physics variables, composite candidates kinematics and vertexing
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Old model achievements This model has been so far very successful in producing high quality physics results Submitted more than 90 physics papers, which include discoveries! But experts believe that it wouldn’t scale well to 5x current data set Moreover, analysis at the n-tuple level has the disadvantage that existing (and validated) code is lost This leads to replication of code Sharing analysis tools and strategies is challenging
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 The new Analysis Model Makes the Event Store content configurable Support for the storage of composite candidates More flexibility: support addition of custom user data Expand the role of Skimming (collections of pre-selected events) Rewrite just customized components Borrow components from parent collections Provide both pointer-copy full deep-copy for light skims Better performance in reading, off-site easy portability The possible scenario: Analysis working groups may instrument their skims with high level added data and specific composite candidates Final users may produce their own reduced skims (“re-skimming”) with their options of user added data and composite candidates depending on their actual needs Frequent centralized skimming to reduce the delay for availability of improvements, new skims, etc. Interactively access supported to skim data (ROOT) for analysis! Production of large n-tuples becomes less appealing!
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Composite particles candidates PAW n-tuples was used as an additional storage format to cope with lack of needed functionalities Analysts use to store composite candidates and high level physics quantities in the n-tuples Often replicating most of the Event Store content. Every analysis working group has its own large heterogeneous PAW/ROOT files (disk space inefficient) and formats With the new model, candidate’s particles genealogy, the fit algorithm and the constrains are written to the DST This design choice rewards disk space saving with some cost in terms of reading performances When reading back, all the persistent candidates are translated in transient objects The performance issues of re-fitting all the transient candidates may be mitigated supporting dynamic data access Also known as “Reconstruction on demand”
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 User added data - requirements Support for storing user-defined variables Widely used physics analysis variables in BaBar: m ES, E, m D*,D, cos B,D*l, … Guarantee flexibility and uniformity in the interface Support for native types float, int,… As well as for more complex objects ThreeVector, LorentzVector, … User data should refer to analysis objects or be global to the entire event Non-intrusive design To extend functionalities (old good Open/Closed OO principle) Simplicity from the point view of the user Technological details are hidden as much as possible
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 User Added Data Interface The requirements are fulfilled by systematic use of Generic Programming (C++ templates) User variables of generic type Global event data Data associable to generic objects –Specializations for BtaCandidate case (the BaBar particle candidate object) All native and most common structured variable types and for BtaCandidate objects can be stored in the DST User has to deal with few concepts and classes Variables by means of UsrVariable template class Blocks aggregating variables values and associations: UsrEventBlock class to aggregate quantities relevant to the whole event UsrCandBlock class to group variables associated to candidates static “put”/”get” functions to interact with the event store
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 User defined candidate variables User defined candidate variables UsrVariable mES( “mES” ); UsrVariable deltaE( “deltaE” ); UsrCandBlock B0Data; for each BtaCandidate cand { bool ok = true; mES =...; deltaE =...; // compute the values ok &= B0Data.put( cand, mES ); ok &= B0Data.put( cand, deltaE ); } for each BtaCandidate cand { bool found = B0Data.get( cand, mES ); // get candidate mES found = B0Data.get( cand, deltaE ); // get candidate deltaE } begin of the job: Declare variables Analysis groups writing data Analyst reading data
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Status of the new Analysis Model The model is completed and in production Physics results for the next conferences are being produced using the new Analysis Model
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 A toolkit for Fit and “toy” Monte Carlo The toolkit provides: a language to describe and model complex parametric fit problems in C++ utilities to study the fit frequentistic properties Not intended to provide new mathematical algorithms The underlying minimization engine is Minuit Interest on this tool from: BaBar, GEANT4, LCG-PI (to be released)
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Main functionalities Description of Probability Distribution Functions (PDF) most common PDFs provided (Gaussian, Poisson, etc.) random number generators for each provided PDF utilities to combine and manipulate PDFs Manipulation of symbolic expression simplifies the definition of PDF models and fit functions Fitter tools different Unbinned Maximum Likelihood (UML) fitters and Chi-square fitter supported Toy Monte Carlo utility to generate random data samples to validate the fit results (pull distribution, fit bias estimate, etc.) User-defined components can be easily plugged-in
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Design choices The code is optimized for speed Toy Monte Carlo of complex fits are very CPU intensive It can be achieved without loosing good OO design avoid virtual functions where not necessary using template generic programming the Boost C++ library provides powerful tools Metaprogramming permits type manipulations at compile time User don’t “see” these technical detail in the interface External package dependencies are well isolated Random number generator engines (ROOT, CLHEP, …) Minuit wrapper (ROOT, …) Other minimizers may be adopted (NAG, …)
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 A PDF implements the “()” operator: P = f( x, y, … ) Users can define new PDFs respecting the above interface PDF interface struct Flat : { PdfFlat( double a, double b ) : min( a ), max( b ) { } double operator()( double x ) const { return ( x max ? 0 : 1 / ( max - min ) ); } double min, max; }; struct Poissonian { PdfPoissonian( double m ) : mean( m ) { } double operator()( int n ) const { return ( exp( - mean ) * pow( mean, n ) / factorial( n ) ); } double mean; }; Variable set; a sequence of any variable type is supported Returns dP(x) / dx Returns P(n)
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Implements the “generate” method: r.generate( x, y, … ) Random number generators template struct RandomGenerator { RandomGenerator( const Flat& pdf ) : _min( pdf.min ), _max( pdf.max ) { } void generate( double & x ) const{ x = Generator::shootFlat( _min, _max ); } private: const double& _min, &_max; }; RANDOM_GENERATOR_SAMPLE(MyPdf, Bins, Min, Max) RANDOM_GENERATOR_HITORMISS(MyPdf, Min, Max, fMax) Users can define new generators with the preferred method Numerical implementations are provided trapezoidal PDF sampling “hit or miss” technique Random engine: CLHEP, ROOT, … Partial specialization
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Combining PDFs Argus shoulder ( 5.20, 5.28, -0.1 ); Gaussian peak( 5.28, 0.05 ); typedef Mixture Mix; Mix pdf( peak, shoulder, 0.1 ); RandomGenerator rnd; double x; rnd.generate( x ); Gaussian sigX( 5.28, 0.05 ); Gaussian sigY ( 0, 0.015 ); typedef Independent SigXY; RandomGenerator rndXY; double x, y; rndXY.generate( x, y ); 10% peaking component Argus + Gaussian peaking Transformation of variables is also supported Random variables are be generated in the original coordinate system, then transformed 2D Gaussian peaking Random generators defined automatically Define the relevant “language” of the problem in C++!
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Fit PDF parameters and run Toy MC const int sig = 100 ; double mean = 0, sigma = 1; Gaussian pdf( mean, sigma ); Likelihood like( pdf ); UMLParameterFitter > fitter( like ); fitter.addParameter( "mean", & pdf.mean ); fitter.addParameter( "sigma", & pdf.sigma ); Poissonian num( sig ); // alternative: Constant Gaussian pdfExp( mean, sigma ); Experiment experiment( num, pdfExp ); for ( int i = 0; i < 50000; i++ ) { Sample sample; experiment.generate( sample ); double par[ 2 ] = { mean, sigma }, err[ 2 ] = { 1, 1 }, logLike; logLike = par, err, sample ); double pullm = ( par[ 0 ] - mean ) / err[ 0 ]; double pulls = ( par[ 1 ] - sigma ) / err[ 1 ]; } Poisson PDF for MC generation Parameters “linked” to the fitter Definition of fit model and fitter Type list deduced from Likelihood type
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Parameter fit Results (Pulls) There is a bias (as expected): 2 = 1 / n i (x i - ) 2 1 / n-1 i (x i - ) 2
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Combined Yield and parameter fit const int sig = 10, bkg = 5; typedef Poissonian Fluctuation; Fluctuation fluctuationSig( sig ), fluctuationBkg( bkg ); typedef Independent< Gaussian, Gaussian > PdfSig; typedef Independent< Flat, Flat > PdfBkg; Gaussian g1( 0, 1 ), g2( 0, 0.5 ); Flat f1( -5, 5 ), f2( -5, 5 ); Sig pdfSig( g1, g2 ); Bkg pdfBkg( f1, f2 ); typedef Experiment<Fluctuation, Sig> ToySig; typedef Experiment<Fluctuation, Bkg> ToyBkg; ToySig toySig( fluctuationSig, pdfSig ); ToyBkg toyBkg( fluctuationBkg, pdfBkg ); Experiment2 toy( toySig, toyBkg ); typedef ExtendedLikelihood2<PdfSig, PdfBkg> Likelihood; Gaussian G1( 0, 1 ); Sig pdfSig1( G1, g2 ); Likelihood like( pdfSig1, pdfBkg ); UMLYieldAndParameterFitter fitter( like ); fitter.addParameter( "mean", & G1.mean ); double pull1, pull2, pull3; for ( int i = 0; i < 50000; i++ ) { Sample sample; toy.generate( sample ); double s[] = { sig, bkg, 0 }; double err[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; double logLike = s, err, sample ); pull1 = ( s[ 0 ] - sig ) / err[ 0 ]; pull2 = ( s[ 1 ] - bkg ) / err[ 1 ]; pull3 = ( s[ 2 ] - 0 ) / err[ 2 ]; } 2D Gaussian signal over a 2D flat background: Simultaneous fit of yields and Gaussian mean
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Conclusions Object Oriented analysis and design has been adopted in the last decade as software technology for physics applications … but many OO solutions exist for complex problems like physics analysis Special care needed to evaluate code flexibility, extensibility, interdependency, … The potential advantages of OO are fully exploited with a careful evaluation of the required use cases Not always obvious, experience is important! … but more than 10 years of development have brought significant experience and solutions OO is a mature technology in the HEP field.
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Backup slides
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 How to improve the Analysis model ? Protect existing physics level code against changes New functionalities are added by means of a non-intrusive design Same interface and same modus operandi as before Backward compatibility with existing physics code Replace Objectivity and large ntuples production Support a complete ROOT-IO persistency Except detector conditions that still depend on Objectivity –Migration to ROOT in the future is foreseen Support interactive access ( ROOT/CINT ) from the same ROOT files Usable as a data inspection tool
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 The new Event Store structure Track hits Single crystal calo hits Cherenkov rings and hits … Esd Reco objects Tracks and fits Calorimeter clusters PID MC matching Aod Tag bits Tag floats and ints Tag Geant tracks Geant vertices Tru Tracks and neutral candidates Composite candidates Cnd Generic event data Generic candidate data Usr Micro Mini Structure has been rationalized leaving the same transient interface ROOT persistency only
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 User defined event variables Interface for global event variables the same mutatis mutandis UsrEventBlock AWG_Tag; UsrVariable multiplicity; AWG_Tag.addVariable( multiplicity ); UsrEventBlock AWG_Tag; UsrVariable multiplicity; AWG_Tag.addVariable( multiplicity ); multiplicity = some_algo(…); AWG_Tag.put( multiplicity ); UsrIfd ::put( event, & AWG_Tag,“AWGTAG”); multiplicity = some_algo(…); AWG_Tag.put( multiplicity ); UsrIfd ::put( event, & AWG_Tag,“AWGTAG”); begin of the job: Declare variables event() code Provide to the analysis groups the functionality to make their own TAGs easily
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 UML Yield fit const int sig = 10, bkg = 5; typedef Independent PdfSig; typedef Independent PdfBkg; PdfSig pdfSig( Gaussian( 0, 1 ), Gaussian( 0, 0.5 ) ); PdfBkg pdfBkg( Flat( -5, 5 ), Flat( -5, 5 ) ); typedef ExtendedLikelihood2 Likelihood; Likelihood like( pdfSig, pdfBkg ); UMLYieldFitter fitter( like ); typedef Poissonian Fluctuation; // alternative: Constant Fluctuation fluctuationSig( sig ), fluctuationBkg( bkg ); typedef Experiment ToySig; typedef Experiment ToyBkg; ToySig toySig( fluctuationSig, pdfSig ); ToyBkg toyBkg( fluctuationBkg, pdfBkg ); Experiment2 toy( toySig, toyBkg ); for ( int i = 0; i < 50000; i++ ) { Sample sample; toy.generate( sample ); double s[] = { sig, bkg }, err[] = { 1, 1 }; double logLike = s, err, sample ); double pull1 = ( s[0] - sig ) / err[0] ), pull2 = ( ( s[1] - bkg ) / err[1] ); } Ext. Likelihood with two samples Yield fitter extracts the yield of the two components In 2 dimensions: Flat background in a signal box Gaussian signal
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Yield fit Results (Pulls) Discrete structure because of low statistics Poisson fluctuation = 10 = 5
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Symbolic function package Symbolic expressions makes the definition of PDFs easier { X x; // declare the variable x // normalize using the symbolic integration at c-tor PdfNonParametric f1( sqr( sin(x) + cos(x) ), 0, 4 * M_PI ); // recompute the normalization every time, since // the parameter tau may change from call to call Parameter tau( 0.123 ); PdfParametric f2( x * exp( - tau * x ), 0, 10 ); } User can specify different way of performing normalization and integration Normalization: Analytic integral performed by the compiler
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Example of 2 fit { X x; Parameter a( 0 ), b( 1 ), c( 0 ); Function parabola( c + x*( b + x*a ) ); UniformPartition partition( 100, -1.0, 1.0 ); Chi2 > chi2( parabola, partition ); Chi2Fitter > > fitter( chi ); fitter.addParameter( "a", a.ptr() ); fitter.addParameter( "b", b.ptr() ); fitter.addParameter( "c", c.ptr() ); SampleErr sample( partition.bins() ); // fill the sample... double par[] = { a, b, c }, err[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; par, err, sample ); }
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Possible future improvement Upper limit extraction based on Toy Monte Carlo Support for 2 fit with correlated errors and covariance matrix Provide more “standard” PDFs Crystal ball, Tchebichev polynomials,… Managing singular PDF Delta-Dirac components Managing (un)folding …
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Conclusions The new analysis model addresses the limitations of the current analysis model ROOT I/O based Event Store persistency Backward compatibility with existing physics code Flexibility and extensibility of the Event Store contents and central role of skims production Iterative skimming of the events with progressive data reduction and enrichment in specific information provides easier off-site portability of data reduced resource needs ( CPU and disk space ) Moreover, it favors common tools developments and common analysis strategies among groups
Luca Lista, Siena 2004 Conclusion We designed a new tool to model fit problems Using template generic programming we obtained: Generality: User can plug-in new components (PDF, transformations, random generators, etc.) Easy to incorporate in the tool external contributions Light-weight Most of the code is contained in header ( #include ) files Mild external dependencies Easy to use Very “synthetic” and “expressive” code CPU Speed Virtual function calls are extremely limited Most of the methods are inlined Interest has been expressed from: Geant4 Statistical testing toolkit LCG/PI (LHC Computing Grid - Physics Interfaces) Will focus on a release version shortly
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