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Donna Curley – HMIS Project Manager NERHMIS - New England Regional HMIS March 18, 2014

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1 Donna Curley – HMIS Project Manager NERHMIS - New England Regional HMIS March 18, 2014

2  Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing ACT enacted 5/20/2009  Consolidates three programs under the McKinney-Vento to a single grant program, revises the Emergency Shelter Grants program and renames it the Emergency Solutions Grants program

3  The HEARTH Act is organized in four sections:  Subpart A – General Provisions  Subpart B – Emergency Solutions Grant Program  Subpart C – Continuum of Care Program  Subpart D – Rural Housing Stability Assistance Program nh-hmis.org3

4  A consolidation of HUD's competitive grant programs  The creation of a Rural Housing Stability Assistance Program  A change in HUD's definition of homelessness and chronic homelessness  A simplified match requirement  An increase in prevention resources  An increase in emphasis on performance

5 HMIS Plan Requirements* HMIS Plan Requirements*  Disaster Recovery Plan  Security Plan  Data Quality Plan * These plans are in addition to the Policy and Governance

6 HMIS Security Requirements  Security Officer – HMIS Lead & CHOs must designate, ensures compliance  Workforce security-HMIS Lead must ensure that each CHO conduct criminal background checks on the HMIS security officer & on all administrative users

7  Security awareness training and follow-up - HMIS Lead must ensure all users receive security training prior to being given access to the HMIS  Reporting security incidents -HMIS Lead must implement a policy and chain of communication for reporting & responding to security incidents nh-hmis.org7

8  Annual security review - each HMIS Lead must complete an annual security review nh-hmis.org8

9  The data quality standards ensure the completeness, accuracy, & consistency of the data in the HMIS  The Continuum of Care is responsible for the quality of the data produced  HMIS Lead must set data quality benchmarks for CHOs nh-hmis.org9

10  Reliable data generated by the Continuum of Care’s HMIS that it meets all of the following standards:  Reduce average length of time persons are homeless  Reduce returns to homelessness nh-hmis.org10

11  Improve program coverage  Reduce number of families and individuals who are homelessness nh-hmis.org11 *See Subpart E 578.65 for HPC (High-performing community) standards

12  Improve employment rate and income amount of families and individuals who are homeless  Reduce number of families and individuals who become homeless (first time homeless)  Prevent homelessness and achieve independent living in permanent housing for families and youth defined as homeless under other Federal statutes nh-hmis.org12

13  HMIS Lead must submit the security plan to the COC for approval within 6 months of [effective date of final rule to be inserted at final rule stage]  HMIS Lead and CHOs must implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards within 6 months of the initial approval of the security plan nh-hmis.org13

14  nts/S896_HEARTHAct.pdf nts/S896_HEARTHAct.pdf  nts/HomelessAssistanceActAmendedbyHEAR TH.pdf nts/HomelessAssistanceActAmendedbyHEAR TH.pdf  nts/CoCProgramInterimRule.pdf nts/CoCProgramInterimRule.pdf

15  rth-proposed-rule-for-hmis-requirements/ rth-proposed-rule-for-hmis-requirements/  ents/HEARTH_ESGInterimRule&ConPlanConf ormingAmendments.pdf ents/HEARTH_ESGInterimRule&ConPlanConf ormingAmendments.pdf

16 Thank you! Donna Curley, HMIS Project Manager

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