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In 1642, a Civil War broke out in England

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1 In 1642, a Civil War broke out in England
By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to explain why

2 Charles I: religion! Married a Catholic!
Clampdown on extreme Protestants Made Scottish people use a new prayer book. They were furious

3 Charles I: Power! Kings were supposed to use Parliament to help them make decisions. When Parliament refused to do what Charles wanted (agree to lots of taxes) he decided to rule without them! Charles thought that kings were chosen by God, so whatever he did was really God’s work – therefore he could never be wrong!


5 Charles I: Money! Usually, Parliament would grant the king the right to raise taxes. Charles raised taxes without Parliament. Many people refused to pay…

6 The trouble was that Charles had offended the Scottish and Irish so much with his religious changes, that Charles needed to use military strenght to keep control in those places! He finally had to recall parliament to help him raise the money for these military campaigns. But Parliament wanted to show Charles that they were strong. They made demands about changes they wanted Charles to make.

7 But not all MPs in Parliament agreed. Some actually backed Charles.
Soon, it was obvious that war was on the way…

8 Look at the boxes on your sheet
Decide: Are they to do with Money? (M) Power? (P) Or Religion? (R) Task 1: Label each cause!

9 Now think… Are they… Trends (things that had been going on for years)
Or Triggers (short term causes: things that happened just before the outbreak of war) Task 2: Label each cause ‘Trend’ or ‘Trigger’

10 Task 3 20 minute challenge! Using the sheet provided, can you write a MINI-ESSAY in 20 minutes?!

11 Completed the 20 minute challenge?
Congratulations! What to do now… In your book, please explain which cause you think was more important and WHY.

12 Task 4: Cause logos! You will now choose one of the causes of the Civil War from the sheet you labelled You must design a logo to summarise this cause. EXAMPLES: Can you guess which causes the following logos refer to?

13 19 1642

14 1637

15 1641 Demands

16 1629:DIVINE RULE Charles believed in the divine right of kings (the idea that kings were chosen by God, so could do whatever they wanted). He decided to rule without parliament for 11 years. 1641: THE GRAND REMONSTRANCE a list of demands, was published by the MPs. It demands that Charles should get rid of bishops and councillors that the MPs don’t like 1625: MARRIAGE: Charles married a French Catholic. This angered English protestants And so there was TAXES: Charles demanded taxes without the agreement of Parliament. Between 1639 and 1640 everyone refuses to pay. 1642: RELIGIOUS DIVIDE. In February Parliament argued among themselves about religion. Some wanted to kick the bishops out of the House of Lords. Other MPs were unhappy with this, and decided to side with Charles WAR 1637: PRAYER BOOK Charles imposed a new prayer book on the Scots. They were so angry that they later invaded England. 1642:CHARLES TRIES TO ARREST 5 MPS. In January Charles burst into the House of Commons and tried to arrest 5 MPs who opposed him. (They had been warned so managed to escape.) 1642: THE 19 PROPOSITIONS. In June, Parliament published the ‘19 Propositions’ demanding change. This finally divided Charles’ supporters from his opponents. By August both sides had called an army. 1641: IRISH REBELLION. In November a rebellion started in Ireland. The Irish Catholics rose up against the Protestants. People in England thought that Charles had started it.

17 Causes of the Civil War Causes of the Civil War
Task 3: 20 minute challenge! Can you complete the following mini-essay in 20 minutes?! Task 3: 20 minute challenge! Can you complete the following mini-essay in 20 minutes?! Causes of the Civil War Causes of the Civil War The English Civil War began in The reasons were to do with religion, power and money. An example of a religious reason is …(now sum up the info from one of the boxes you marked ‘R’) An example of a cause to do with power is …(now sum up the info from one of the boxes you marked ‘P’) An example of a financial cause is …(now sum up the info from one of the boxes you marked ‘M’) Some of the causes had been present since early on in Charles’ reign. These were the trends. For example… Other causes happened more suddenly. These were the triggers. For example… The English Civil War began in The reasons were to do with religion, power and money. An example of a religious reason is …(now sum up the info from one of the boxes you marked ‘R’) An example of a cause to do with power is …(now sum up the info from one of the boxes you marked ‘P’) An example of a financial cause is …(now sum up the info from one of the boxes you marked ‘M’) Some of the causes had been present since early on in Charles’ reign. These were the trends. For example… Other causes happened more suddenly. These were the triggers. For example…

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